Getting started as an expert in AWS IQ - AWS IQ

Getting started as an expert in AWS IQ

To get started using AWS IQ, first determine if you meet the following requirements. Then, you can sign up to become an expert.


To allow customers to contact you through your public profile page, all of the following must be true:

To view and respond to available requests, in addition to the above prerequisites, the following must be true:

  • At least one expert in your firm must have a valid AWS Certification (Associate, Professional, or Specialty).

For an overview of working as an AWS IQ expert, see AWS IQ for Experts.


    Setting up your individual or company details in AWS IQ

    Sign up to become an expert

    Set up payments in AWS IQ

    Setting up permissions to use AWS IQ

    Sign up to become an expert

    Companies can complete AWS seller information (payment and disbursement) one time for all employees. Employees use an IAM account under the AWS account of the company to link to the company's payment information. The company only needs to complete payment setup once.


    Setting up your profile and setting up payments can be completed in any order.

    To sign up as an expert
    1. Sign in to the AWS IQ console at

    2. Under Expert signup, choose Set up profile, and then provide your profile information. For more information about how to set up your profile, see Setting up your individual or company details in AWS IQ.

      The Set up profile section of Expert signup with the Set up your profile button.
    3. Under Expert signup, choose Set up payments, and then choose Go to AWS Marketplace to set up an AWS Marketplace account with your payment information. For more information about how to set up payments, see Set up payments in AWS IQ.

      Set up payments section of Expert signup with the Go to AWS Marketplace button.
    4. After Steps 2 and 3 are complete, AWS IQ will contact you with the next steps for activation. This can take up to three weeks.

    The following topics provide tips for filling out your profile and payment information:

    Set up payments in AWS IQ

    Setting up your individual or company details in AWS IQ