Getting started with AWS B2B Data Interchange (B2Bi) - AWS B2B Data Interchange

Getting started with AWS B2B Data Interchange (B2Bi)

To use AWS B2B Data Interchange, you create profiles, transformers, capabilities, and partnerships. This topic describes how to create and configure these basic building blocks for this service. After you have met the prerequisites, follow the instructions in Transforming and generating EDI or use the Quick setup using the console

After you create the necessary resources (profile, transformer, trading capability and partnership), your trading partners can use AWS Transfer Family or any connectivity software send you X12 documents.

When the X12 documents land in the configured input folder in your Amazon S3 bucket, the documents are automatically picked up and transformed by B2Bi. Each inbound X12 EDI document transformed also generates acknowledgments (such as 999 or 997) that you can return to your partner.

Similarly, when JSON or XML files are dropped into in specified input directories in Amazon S3, B2Bi automatically transforms the files to generate X12. You can then use AWS Transfer Family servers (that use either the AS2 or SFTP protocol) to send this X12 to your trading partner.

All transformation activity and status updates, including the generation of acknowledgements, are logged to CloudWatch and emit events to Amazon EventBridge. For details, see Details fields for transformation events.