Attiva il client Amazon Braket Boto3 - Amazon Braket

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Attiva il client Amazon Braket Boto3

Per utilizzare Boto3 con Amazon Braket, devi importare Boto3 e quindi definire un client da utilizzare per connetterti ad Amazon Braket API. Nell'esempio seguente, viene denominato il client Boto3. braket

import boto3 import botocore braket = boto3.client("braket")

Ora che hai stabilito un braket cliente, puoi effettuare richieste ed elaborare risposte dal servizio Amazon Braket. Puoi ottenere maggiori dettagli sui dati di richiesta e risposta nell'API Reference.

Cerca dispositivi

  • search_devices(**kwargs)

Cerca dispositivi utilizzando i filtri specificati.

# Pass search filters and optional parameters when sending the # request and capture the response response = braket.search_devices(filters=[{ 'name': 'deviceArn', 'values': ['arn:aws:braket:::device/quantum-simulator/amazon/sv1'] }], maxResults=10) print(f"Found {len(response['devices'])} devices") for i in range(len(response['devices'])): device = response['devices'][i] print(device['deviceArn'])

Recupera un dispositivo

  • get_device(deviceArn)

Recupera i dispositivi disponibili in Amazon Braket.

# Pass the device ARN when sending the request and capture the repsonse response = braket.get_device(deviceArn='arn:aws:braket:::device/quantum-simulator/amazon/sv1') print(f"Device {response['deviceName']} is {response['deviceStatus']}")

Crea un'attività quantistica

  • create_quantum_task(**kwargs)

Crea un'attività quantistica.

# Create parameters to pass into create_quantum_task() kwargs = { # Create a Bell pair 'action': '{"braketSchemaHeader": {"name": "", "version": "1"}, "results": [], "basis_rotation_instructions": [], "instructions": [{"type": "h", "target": 0}, {"type": "cnot", "control": 0, "target": 1}]}', # Specify the SV1 Device ARN 'deviceArn': 'arn:aws:braket:::device/quantum-simulator/amazon/sv1', # Specify 2 qubits for the Bell pair 'deviceParameters': '{"braketSchemaHeader": {"name": "braket.device_schema.simulators.gate_model_simulator_device_parameters", "version": "1"}, "paradigmParameters": {"braketSchemaHeader": {"name": "braket.device_schema.gate_model_parameters", "version": "1"}, "qubitCount": 2}}', # Specify where results should be placed when the quantum task completes. # You must ensure the S3 Bucket exists before calling create_quantum_task() 'outputS3Bucket': 'amazon-braket-examples', 'outputS3KeyPrefix': 'boto-examples', # Specify number of shots for the quantum task 'shots': 100 } # Send the request and capture the response response = braket.create_quantum_task(**kwargs) print(f"Quantum task {response['quantumTaskArn']} created")

Recupera un compito quantistico

  • get_quantum_task(quantumTaskArn)

Recupera il task quantistico specificato.

# Pass the quantum task ARN when sending the request and capture the response response = braket.get_quantum_task(quantumTaskArn='arn:aws:braket:us-west-1:123456789012:quantum-task/ce78c429-cef5-45f2-88da-123456789012') print(response['status'])

Cerca attività quantistiche

  • search_quantum_tasks(**kwargs)

Cerca attività quantistiche che corrispondono ai valori di filtro specificati.

# Pass search filters and optional parameters when sending the # request and capture the response response = braket.search_quantum_tasks(filters=[{ 'name': 'deviceArn', 'operator': 'EQUAL', 'values': ['arn:aws:braket:::device/quantum-simulator/amazon/sv1'] }], maxResults=25) print(f"Found {len(response['quantumTasks'])} quantum tasks") for n in range(len(response['quantumTasks'])): task = response['quantumTasks'][n] print(f"Quantum task {task['quantumTaskArn']} for {task['deviceArn']} is {task['status']}")

Annulla attività quantistica

  • cancel_quantum_task(quantumTaskArn)

Annulla l'attività quantistica specificata.

# Pass the quantum task ARN when sending the request and capture the response response = braket.cancel_quantum_task(quantumTaskArn='arn:aws:braket:us-west-1:123456789012:quantum-task/ce78c429-cef5-45f2-88da-123456789012') print(f"Quantum task {response['quantumTaskArn']} is {response['cancellationStatus']}")