Write Guard rules to evaluate resources for Guard Hooks - AWS CloudFormation

Write Guard rules to evaluate resources for Guard Hooks

AWS CloudFormation Guard is an open-source and general purpose domain specific language (DSL) you can use to author policy-as-code. This topic explains how to use Guard to author example rules which can be run in the Guard Hook to automatically evaluate CloudFormation and AWS Cloud Control API operations. It will also focus on the different types of inputs available to your Guard rules depending on when your Guard Hook runs. A Guard Hook can be configured to run during the following types of operations:

  • Resource operations

  • Stack operations

  • Change set operations

For more information on writing Guard rules, see Writing AWS CloudFormation Guard rules

Resource operation Guard rules

Any time you create, update, or delete a resource, that's considered a resource operation. As an example, if you run update a CloudFormation stack that creates a new resource, you have completed a resource operation. When you create, update or delete a resource using Cloud Control API, that is also considered a resource operation. You can configure your Guard Hook to target RESOURCE and CLOUD_CONTROL operations in the TargetOperations configuration for your Hook. When your Guard Hook evaluates a resource operation, the Guard engine evaluates a resource input.

Guard resource input syntax

The Guard resource input is the data that's made available to your Guard rules to evaluate.

The following is an example shape of a resource input:

HookContext: AWSAccountID: String StackId: String HookTypeName: String HookTypeVersion: String InvocationPoint: [CREATE_PRE_PROVISION, UPDATE_PRE_PROVISION, DELETE_PRE_PROVISION] TargetName: String TargetType: RESOURCE TargetLogicalId: String ChangeSetId: String Resources: {ResourceLogicalID}: ResourceType: {ResourceType} ResourceProperties: {ResourceProperties} Previous: ResourceLogicalID: ResourceType: {ResourceType} ResourceProperties: {PreviousResourceProperties}

The ID of the AWS account containing the resource being evaluated.


The stack ID of the CloudFormation stack that is part of the resource operation. This is empty if the caller is Cloud Control API.


The name of the Hook that's running.


The version of the Hook that is running.


The exact point in the provisioning logic where the Hook runs.



The name of the resource being evaluated.


The resource type of the resource being evaluated (example: AWS::S3::Bucket).


The TargetLogicalId of the resource being evaluated. If the origin of the Hook is CloudFormation, this will be the logical ID (also known as logical name) of the resource. If the origin of the Hook is Cloud Control API, this will be a constructed value.


The change set ID that was executed to cause the Hook invocation. This value is empty if the resource change was initiated by Cloud Control API, or the create-stack, update-stack, or delete-stack operations.


When the operation is initiated by CloudFormation, the ResourceLogicalID is the logical ID of the resource in the CloudFormation template.

When the operation's initiated by Cloud Control API, the ResourceLogicalID is a combination of the resource type, name, operation ID, and request ID.


The type name of the resource (example: AWS::S3::Bucket).


The proposed properties of the resource being modified. When the Guard Hook is running against the CloudFormation resource changes, any functions, parameters, and transforms will be fully resolved. If the resource is being deleted, this value will be empty.


When the operation is initiated by CloudFormation, the ResourceLogicalID is the logical ID of the resource in the CloudFormation template.

When the operation's initiated by Cloud Control API, the ResourceLogicalID is a combination of the resource type, name, operation ID, and request ID.


The type name of the resource (example: AWS::S3::Bucket).


The current properties associated with the resource being modified. If the resource is being deleted, this value will be empty.

Example Guard resource operation input

The following example input shows a Guard Hook that will receive the definition of the AWS::S3::Bucket resource being changed. This is the data available to Guard for evaluation.

HookContext: AwsAccountId: "00000000" StackId: "" HookTypeName: org::s3policy::hook HookTypeVersion: "00001" InvocationPoint: UPDATE_PRE_PROVISION TargetName: AWS::S3::Bucket TargetType: RESOURCE TargetLogicalId: MyS3Bucket ChangeSetId: "" Resources: MyS3Bucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket Properties: BucketName: amzn-s3-demo-bucket ObjectLockEnabled: true Previous: MyS3Bucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket Properties: BucketName: amzn-s3-demo-bucket ObjectLockEnabled: false

To see all of the properties available for the resource type, see AWS::S3::Bucket.

Guard rules for resource changes

When a Guard Hook evaluates resource changes, it starts by downloading all the rules configured with the Hook. These rules are then evaluated against the resource input. The Hook will fail if any rules fail their evaluation. If there are no failures, the Hook will pass.

The following example is a Guard rule that evaluates if the ObjectLockEnabled property is true for any AWS::S3::Bucket resource types.

let s3_buckets_default_lock_enabled = Resources.*[ Type == 'AWS::S3::Bucket'] rule S3_BUCKET_DEFAULT_LOCK_ENABLED when %s3_buckets_default_lock_enabled !empty { %s3_buckets_default_lock_enabled.Properties.ObjectLockEnabled exists %s3_buckets_default_lock_enabled.Properties.ObjectLockEnabled == true << Violation: S3 Bucket ObjectLockEnabled must be set to true. Fix: Set the S3 property ObjectLockEnabled parameter to true. >> }

When this rule runs against the following input, it will fail since the ObjectLockEnabled property isn't set to true.

Resources: MyS3Bucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket Properties: BucketName: amzn-s3-demo-bucket ObjectLockEnabled: false

When this rule runs against the following input, it will pass since the ObjectLockEnabled is set to true.

Resources: MyS3Bucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket Properties: BucketName: amzn-s3-demo-bucket ObjectLockEnabled: true

When a Hook fails, the rules which failed will be propagated back to CloudFormation or Cloud Control API. If a logging bucket has been configured for the Guard Hook, additional rule feedback will be provided there. This additional feedback includes the Violation and Fix information.

Stack operation Guard rules

When a CloudFormation stack is created, updated, or deleted, you can configure your Guard Hook to start by evaluating the new template and potentially block the stack operation from proceeding. You can configure your Guard Hook to target STACK operations in the TargetOperations configuration for your Hook.

Guard stack input syntax

The input for Guard stack operations provides the whole CloudFormation template for your Guard rules to evaluate.

The following is an example shape of a stack input:

HookContext: AWSAccountID: String StackId: String HookTypeName: String HookTypeVersion: String InvocationPoint: [CREATE_PRE_PROVISION, UPDATE_PRE_PROVISION, DELETE_PRE_PROVISION] TargetName: String TargetType:STACK ChangeSetId: String {Proposed CloudFormation Template} Previous: {CloudFormation Template}

The ID of the AWS account containing the resource.


The stack ID of the CloudFormation stack that is part of the stack operation.


The name of the Hook that's running.


The version of the Hook that is running.


The exact point in the provisioning logic where the Hook runs.



The name of the stack being evaluated.


This value will be STACK when running as a stack-level Hook.


The change set ID that was executed to cause the Hook invocation. This value is empty if the stack operation was initiated by a create-stack, update-stack, or delete-stack operation.

Proposed CloudFormation Template

The full CloudFormation template value that was passed to CloudFormation create-stack or update-stack operations. This includes things like the Resources, Outputs, and Properties. It can be a JSON or YAML string depending on what was provided to CloudFormation.

In delete-stack operations, this value will be empty.


The last successfully deployed CloudFormation template. This value is empty if the stack is being created or deleted.

In delete-stack operations, this value will be empty.


The templates provided are what is passed into create or update stack operations. When deleting a stack, no template values are provided.

Example Guard stack operation input

The following example input shows a Guard Hook that will receive a full template and the previously deployed template. The template in this example is using the JSON format.

HookContext: AwsAccountId: 123456789012 StackId: arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:123456789012:stack/myteststack HookTypeName: org::templatechecker::hook HookTypeVersion: "00001" InvocationPoint: UPDATE_PRE_PROVISION TargetName: my-example-stack TargetType: CHANGE_SET TargetLogicalId: arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:123456789012:changeSet/SampleChangeSet/12a3b456-0e10-4ce0-9052-5d484a8c4e5b ChangeSetId: arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:123456789012:changeSet/SampleChangeSet/12a3b456-0e10-4ce0-9052-5d484a8c4e5b Resources: { "S3Bucket": { "Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket", "Properties": { "BucketEncryption": { "ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration": [ {"ServerSideEncryptionByDefault": {"SSEAlgorithm": "aws:kms", "KMSMasterKeyID": "KMS-KEY-ARN" }, "BucketKeyEnabled": true } ] } } } Previous: { "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Resources": { "S3Bucket": { "Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket", "Properties": {} } } }

Guard rules for stack changes

When a Guard Hook evaluates stack changes, it starts by downloading all the rules configured with the Hook. These rules are then evaluated against the resource input. The Hook will fail if any rules fail their evaluation. If there are no failures, the Hook will pass.

The following example is a Guard rule that evaluates if there are any AWS::S3::Bucket resource types containing a property called BucketEncryption, with the SSEAlgorithm set to either aws:kms or AES256.

let s3_buckets_s3_default_encryption = Resources.*[ Type == 'AWS::S3::Bucket'] rule S3_DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_KMS when %s3_buckets_s3_default_encryption !empty { %s3_buckets_s3_default_encryption.Properties.BucketEncryption exists %s3_buckets_s3_default_encryption.Properties.BucketEncryption.ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration[*].ServerSideEncryptionByDefault.SSEAlgorithm in ["aws:kms","AES256"] << Violation: S3 Bucket default encryption must be set. Fix: Set the S3 Bucket property BucketEncryption.ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration.ServerSideEncryptionByDefault.SSEAlgorithm to either "aws:kms" or "AES256" >> }

When the rule runs against the following template, it will fail.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: S3 bucket without default encryption Resources: EncryptedS3Bucket: Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket' Properties: BucketName: !Sub 'encryptedbucket-${AWS::Region}-${AWS::AccountId}'

When the rule runs against the following template, it will pass.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: S3 bucket with default encryption using SSE-KMS with an S3 Bucket Key Resources: EncryptedS3Bucket: Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket' Properties: BucketName: !Sub 'encryptedbucket-${AWS::Region}-${AWS::AccountId}' BucketEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault: SSEAlgorithm: 'aws:kms' KMSMasterKeyID: KMS-KEY-ARN BucketKeyEnabled: true

Change set operation Guard rules

When a CloudFormation change set is created, you can configure your Guard Hook to evaluate the template and changes proposed in the change set to block the change set execution.

Guard change set input syntax

The Guard change set input is the data that's made available to your Guard rules to evaluate.

The following is an example shape of a change set input:

HookContext: AWSAccountID: String StackId: String HookTypeName: String HookTypeVersion: String InvocationPoint: [CREATE_PRE_PROVISION, UPDATE_PRE_PROVISION, DELETE_PRE_PROVISION] TargetName: CHANGE_SET TargetType:CHANGE_SET TargetLogicalId:ChangeSet ID ChangeSetId: String {Proposed CloudFormation Template} Previous: {CloudFormation Template} Changes: [{ResourceChange}]

The ResourceChange model syntax is:

logicalResourceId: String resourceType: String action: CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE lineNumber: Number beforeContext: JSON String afterContext: JSON String

The ID of the AWS account containing the resource.


The stack ID of the CloudFormation stack that is part of the stack operation.


The name of the Hook that's running.


The version of the Hook that is running.


The exact point in the provisioning logic where the Hook runs.



The name of the stack being evaluated.


This value will be CHANGE_SET when running as a change set-level Hook.


This value will be the ARN of the change set.


The change set ID that was executed to cause the Hook invocation. This value is empty if the stack operation was initiated by a create-stack, update-stack, or delete-stack operation.

Proposed CloudFormation Template

The full CloudFormation template that was provided to a create-change-set operation. It can be a JSON or YAML string depending on what was provided to CloudFormation.


The last successfully deployed CloudFormation template. This value is empty if the stack is being created or deleted.


The Changes model. This lists the resource changes.


The logical resource name of the changed resource.


The resource type that will be changed.


The type of operation being performed on the resource.

Valid values: (CREATE | UPDATE | DELETE)


The line number in the template associated with the change.


A JSON string of properties of the resource before the change:

{"properties": {"property1": "value"}}

A JSON string of properties of the resource after the change:

{"properties": {"property1": "new value"}}

Example Guard change set operation input

The following example input shows a Guard Hook that will receive a full template, the previously deployed template, and a list of resource changes. The template in this example is using the JSON format.

HookContext: AwsAccountId: "00000000" StackId: my-example-stack HookTypeName: org::templatechecker::hook HookTypeVersion: "00001" InvocationPoint: UPDATE_PRE_PROVISION TargetName: my-example-stack TargetType:STACK TargetLogicalId: arn...:changeSet/change-set ChangeSetId: "" Resources: { "S3Bucket": { "Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket", "Properties": { "BucketName": "amzn-s3-demo-bucket", "VersioningConfiguration":{ "Status": "Enabled" } } } Previous: { "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Resources": { "S3Bucket": { "Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket", "Properties": { "BucketName": "amzn-s3-demo-bucket", "VersioningConfiguration":{ "Status": "Suspended" } } } } } Changes: [ { "logicalResourceId": "S3Bucket", "resourceType": "AWS::S3::Bucket", "action": "UPDATE", "lineNumber": 5, "beforeContext": "{\"Properties\":{\"VersioningConfiguration\":{\"Status\":\"Suspended\"}}}", "afterContext": "{\"Properties\":{\"VersioningConfiguration\":{\"Status\":\"Enabled\"}}}" } ]

Guard rule for change set operations

The following example is a Guard rule that evaluates changes to Amazon S3 buckets, and ensures that VersionConfiguration is not disabled.

let s3_buckets_changing = Changes[resourceType == 'AWS::S3::Bucket'] rule S3_VERSIONING_STAY_ENABLED when %s3_buckets_changing !empty { let afterContext = json_parse(%s3_buckets_changing.afterContext) when %afterContext.Properties.VersioningConfiguration.Status !empty { %afterContext.Properties.VersioningConfiguration.Status == 'Enabled' } }