Da usare CreateDBCluster con un AWS SDK - Esempi di codice dell'AWS SDK

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Da usare CreateDBCluster con un AWS SDK

I seguenti esempi di codice mostrano come utilizzareCreateDBCluster.

Gli esempi di operazioni sono estratti di codice da programmi più grandi e devono essere eseguiti nel contesto. È possibile visualizzare questa operazione nel contesto nel seguente esempio di codice:


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/// <summary> /// Create a new cluster and database. /// </summary> /// <param name="dbName">The name of the new database.</param> /// <param name="clusterIdentifier">The identifier of the cluster.</param> /// <param name="parameterGroupName">The name of the parameter group.</param> /// <param name="dbEngine">The engine to use for the new cluster.</param> /// <param name="dbEngineVersion">The version of the engine to use.</param> /// <param name="adminName">The admin username.</param> /// <param name="adminPassword">The primary admin password.</param> /// <returns>The cluster object.</returns> public async Task<DBCluster> CreateDBClusterWithAdminAsync( string dbName, string clusterIdentifier, string parameterGroupName, string dbEngine, string dbEngineVersion, string adminName, string adminPassword) { var request = new CreateDBClusterRequest { DatabaseName = dbName, DBClusterIdentifier = clusterIdentifier, DBClusterParameterGroupName = parameterGroupName, Engine = dbEngine, EngineVersion = dbEngineVersion, MasterUsername = adminName, MasterUserPassword = adminPassword, }; var response = await _amazonRDS.CreateDBClusterAsync(request); return response.DBCluster; }
SDKper C++

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Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration clientConfig; // Optional: Set to the AWS Region (overrides config file). // clientConfig.region = "us-east-1"; Aws::RDS::RDSClient client(clientConfig); Aws::RDS::Model::CreateDBClusterRequest request; request.SetDBClusterIdentifier(DB_CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER); request.SetDBClusterParameterGroupName(CLUSTER_PARAMETER_GROUP_NAME); request.SetEngine(engineName); request.SetEngineVersion(engineVersionName); request.SetMasterUsername(administratorName); request.SetMasterUserPassword(administratorPassword); Aws::RDS::Model::CreateDBClusterOutcome outcome = client.CreateDBCluster(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cout << "The DB cluster creation has started." << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Error with Aurora::CreateDBCluster. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; cleanUpResources(CLUSTER_PARAMETER_GROUP_NAME, "", "", client); return false; }
SDKper Go V2

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import ( "context" "errors" "log" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/rds" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/rds/types" ) type DbClusters struct { AuroraClient *rds.Client } // CreateDbCluster creates a DB cluster that is configured to use the specified parameter group. // The newly created DB cluster contains a database that uses the specified engine and // engine version. func (clusters *DbClusters) CreateDbCluster(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, parameterGroupName string, dbName string, dbEngine string, dbEngineVersion string, adminName string, adminPassword string) ( *types.DBCluster, error) { output, err := clusters.AuroraClient.CreateDBCluster(ctx, &rds.CreateDBClusterInput{ DBClusterIdentifier: aws.String(clusterName), Engine: aws.String(dbEngine), DBClusterParameterGroupName: aws.String(parameterGroupName), DatabaseName: aws.String(dbName), EngineVersion: aws.String(dbEngineVersion), MasterUserPassword: aws.String(adminPassword), MasterUsername: aws.String(adminName), }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't create DB cluster %v: %v\n", clusterName, err) return nil, err } else { return output.DBCluster, err } }
SDKper Java 2.x

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public static String createDBCluster(RdsClient rdsClient, String dbParameterGroupFamily, String dbName, String dbClusterIdentifier, String userName, String password) { try { CreateDbClusterRequest clusterRequest = CreateDbClusterRequest.builder() .databaseName(dbName) .dbClusterIdentifier(dbClusterIdentifier) .dbClusterParameterGroupName(dbParameterGroupFamily) .engine("aurora-mysql") .masterUsername(userName) .masterUserPassword(password) .build(); CreateDbClusterResponse response = rdsClient.createDBCluster(clusterRequest); return response.dbCluster().dbClusterArn(); } catch (RdsException e) { System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } return ""; }
  • Per API i dettagli, vedere C reateDBCluster in AWS SDK for Java 2.x APIReference.

SDKper Kotlin

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suspend fun createDBCluster( dbParameterGroupFamilyVal: String?, dbName: String?, dbClusterIdentifierVal: String?, userName: String?, password: String?, ): String? { val clusterRequest = CreateDbClusterRequest { databaseName = dbName dbClusterIdentifier = dbClusterIdentifierVal dbClusterParameterGroupName = dbParameterGroupFamilyVal engine = "aurora-mysql" masterUsername = userName masterUserPassword = password } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.createDbCluster(clusterRequest) return response.dbCluster?.dbClusterArn } }
SDKper Python (Boto3)

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class AuroraWrapper: """Encapsulates Aurora DB cluster actions.""" def __init__(self, rds_client): """ :param rds_client: A Boto3 Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) client. """ self.rds_client = rds_client @classmethod def from_client(cls): """ Instantiates this class from a Boto3 client. """ rds_client = boto3.client("rds") return cls(rds_client) def create_db_cluster( self, cluster_name, parameter_group_name, db_name, db_engine, db_engine_version, admin_name, admin_password, ): """ Creates a DB cluster that is configured to use the specified parameter group. The newly created DB cluster contains a database that uses the specified engine and engine version. :param cluster_name: The name of the DB cluster to create. :param parameter_group_name: The name of the parameter group to associate with the DB cluster. :param db_name: The name of the database to create. :param db_engine: The database engine of the database that is created, such as MySql. :param db_engine_version: The version of the database engine. :param admin_name: The user name of the database administrator. :param admin_password: The password of the database administrator. :return: The newly created DB cluster. """ try: response = self.rds_client.create_db_cluster( DatabaseName=db_name, DBClusterIdentifier=cluster_name, DBClusterParameterGroupName=parameter_group_name, Engine=db_engine, EngineVersion=db_engine_version, MasterUsername=admin_name, MasterUserPassword=admin_password, ) cluster = response["DBCluster"] except ClientError as err: logger.error( "Couldn't create database %s. Here's why: %s: %s", db_name, err.response["Error"]["Code"], err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise else: return cluster
  • Per API i dettagli, vedere C reateDBCluster in AWS SDKfor Python (Boto3) Reference. API

SDKper Rust

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// Get a list of allowed engine versions. rds.DescribeDbEngineVersions(Engine='aurora-mysql', DBParameterGroupFamily=<the family used to create your parameter group in step 2>) // Create an Aurora DB cluster database cluster that contains a MySql database and uses the parameter group you created. // Wait for DB cluster to be ready. Call rds.DescribeDBClusters and check for Status == 'available'. // Get a list of instance classes available for the selected engine and engine version. rds.DescribeOrderableDbInstanceOptions(Engine='mysql', EngineVersion=). // Create a database instance in the cluster. // Wait for DB instance to be ready. Call rds.DescribeDbInstances and check for DBInstanceStatus == 'available'. pub async fn start_cluster_and_instance(&mut self) -> Result<(), ScenarioError> { if self.password.is_none() { return Err(ScenarioError::with( "Must set Secret Password before starting a cluster", )); } let create_db_cluster = self .rds .create_db_cluster( DB_CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER, DB_CLUSTER_PARAMETER_GROUP_NAME, DB_ENGINE, self.engine_version.as_deref().expect("engine version"), self.username.as_deref().expect("username"), self.password .replace(SecretString::new("".to_string())) .expect("password"), ) .await; if let Err(err) = create_db_cluster { return Err(ScenarioError::new( "Failed to create DB Cluster with cluster group", &err, )); } self.db_cluster_identifier = create_db_cluster .unwrap() .db_cluster .and_then(|c| c.db_cluster_identifier); if self.db_cluster_identifier.is_none() { return Err(ScenarioError::with("Created DB Cluster missing Identifier")); } info!( "Started a db cluster: {}", self.db_cluster_identifier .as_deref() .unwrap_or("Missing ARN") ); let create_db_instance = self .rds .create_db_instance( self.db_cluster_identifier.as_deref().expect("cluster name"), DB_INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER, self.instance_class.as_deref().expect("instance class"), DB_ENGINE, ) .await; if let Err(err) = create_db_instance { return Err(ScenarioError::new( "Failed to create Instance in DB Cluster", &err, )); } self.db_instance_identifier = create_db_instance .unwrap() .db_instance .and_then(|i| i.db_instance_identifier); // Cluster creation can take up to 20 minutes to become available let cluster_max_wait = Duration::from_secs(20 * 60); let waiter = Waiter::builder().max(cluster_max_wait).build(); while waiter.sleep().await.is_ok() { let cluster = self .rds .describe_db_clusters( self.db_cluster_identifier .as_deref() .expect("cluster identifier"), ) .await; if let Err(err) = cluster { warn!(?err, "Failed to describe cluster while waiting for ready"); continue; } let instance = self .rds .describe_db_instance( self.db_instance_identifier .as_deref() .expect("instance identifier"), ) .await; if let Err(err) = instance { return Err(ScenarioError::new( "Failed to find instance for cluster", &err, )); } let instances_available = instance .unwrap() .db_instances() .iter() .all(|instance| instance.db_instance_status() == Some("Available")); let endpoints = self .rds .describe_db_cluster_endpoints( self.db_cluster_identifier .as_deref() .expect("cluster identifier"), ) .await; if let Err(err) = endpoints { return Err(ScenarioError::new( "Failed to find endpoint for cluster", &err, )); } let endpoints_available = endpoints .unwrap() .db_cluster_endpoints() .iter() .all(|endpoint| endpoint.status() == Some("available")); if instances_available && endpoints_available { return Ok(()); } } Err(ScenarioError::with("timed out waiting for cluster")) } pub async fn create_db_cluster( &self, name: &str, parameter_group: &str, engine: &str, version: &str, username: &str, password: SecretString, ) -> Result<CreateDbClusterOutput, SdkError<CreateDBClusterError>> { self.inner .create_db_cluster() .db_cluster_identifier(name) .db_cluster_parameter_group_name(parameter_group) .engine(engine) .engine_version(version) .master_username(username) .master_user_password(password.expose_secret()) .send() .await } #[tokio::test] async fn test_start_cluster_and_instance() { let mut mock_rds = MockRdsImpl::default(); mock_rds .expect_create_db_cluster() .withf(|id, params, engine, version, username, password| { assert_eq!(id, "RustSDKCodeExamplesDBCluster"); assert_eq!(params, "RustSDKCodeExamplesDBParameterGroup"); assert_eq!(engine, "aurora-mysql"); assert_eq!(version, "aurora-mysql8.0"); assert_eq!(username, "test username"); assert_eq!(password.expose_secret(), "test password"); true }) .return_once(|id, _, _, _, _, _| { Ok(CreateDbClusterOutput::builder() .db_cluster(DbCluster::builder().db_cluster_identifier(id).build()) .build()) }); mock_rds .expect_create_db_instance() .withf(|cluster, name, class, engine| { assert_eq!(cluster, "RustSDKCodeExamplesDBCluster"); assert_eq!(name, "RustSDKCodeExamplesDBInstance"); assert_eq!(class, "m5.large"); assert_eq!(engine, "aurora-mysql"); true }) .return_once(|cluster, name, class, _| { Ok(CreateDbInstanceOutput::builder() .db_instance( DbInstance::builder() .db_cluster_identifier(cluster) .db_instance_identifier(name) .db_instance_class(class) .build(), ) .build()) }); mock_rds .expect_describe_db_clusters() .with(eq("RustSDKCodeExamplesDBCluster")) .return_once(|id| { Ok(DescribeDbClustersOutput::builder() .db_clusters(DbCluster::builder().db_cluster_identifier(id).build()) .build()) }); mock_rds .expect_describe_db_instance() .with(eq("RustSDKCodeExamplesDBInstance")) .return_once(|name| { Ok(DescribeDbInstancesOutput::builder() .db_instances( DbInstance::builder() .db_instance_identifier(name) .db_instance_status("Available") .build(), ) .build()) }); mock_rds .expect_describe_db_cluster_endpoints() .with(eq("RustSDKCodeExamplesDBCluster")) .return_once(|_| { Ok(DescribeDbClusterEndpointsOutput::builder() .db_cluster_endpoints(DbClusterEndpoint::builder().status("available").build()) .build()) }); let mut scenario = AuroraScenario::new(mock_rds); scenario.engine_version = Some("aurora-mysql8.0".into()); scenario.instance_class = Some("m5.large".into()); scenario.username = Some("test username".into()); scenario.password = Some(SecretString::new("test password".into())); tokio::time::pause(); let assertions = tokio::spawn(async move { let create = scenario.start_cluster_and_instance().await; assert!(create.is_ok()); assert!(scenario .password .replace(SecretString::new("BAD SECRET".into())) .unwrap() .expose_secret() .is_empty()); assert_eq!( scenario.db_cluster_identifier, Some("RustSDKCodeExamplesDBCluster".into()) ); }); tokio::time::advance(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; tokio::time::resume(); let _ = assertions.await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_start_cluster_and_instance_cluster_create_error() { let mut mock_rds = MockRdsImpl::default(); mock_rds .expect_create_db_cluster() .return_once(|_, _, _, _, _, _| { Err(SdkError::service_error( CreateDBClusterError::unhandled(Box::new(Error::new( ErrorKind::Other, "create db cluster error", ))), Response::new(StatusCode::try_from(400).unwrap(), SdkBody::empty()), )) }); let mut scenario = AuroraScenario::new(mock_rds); scenario.engine_version = Some("aurora-mysql8.0".into()); scenario.instance_class = Some("m5.large".into()); scenario.username = Some("test username".into()); scenario.password = Some(SecretString::new("test password".into())); let create = scenario.start_cluster_and_instance().await; assert_matches!(create, Err(ScenarioError { message, context: _}) if message == "Failed to create DB Cluster with cluster group") } #[tokio::test] async fn test_start_cluster_and_instance_cluster_create_missing_id() { let mut mock_rds = MockRdsImpl::default(); mock_rds .expect_create_db_cluster() .return_once(|_, _, _, _, _, _| { Ok(CreateDbClusterOutput::builder() .db_cluster(DbCluster::builder().build()) .build()) }); let mut scenario = AuroraScenario::new(mock_rds); scenario.engine_version = Some("aurora-mysql8.0".into()); scenario.instance_class = Some("m5.large".into()); scenario.username = Some("test username".into()); scenario.password = Some(SecretString::new("test password".into())); let create = scenario.start_cluster_and_instance().await; assert_matches!(create, Err(ScenarioError { message, context:_ }) if message == "Created DB Cluster missing Identifier"); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_start_cluster_and_instance_instance_create_error() { let mut mock_rds = MockRdsImpl::default(); mock_rds .expect_create_db_cluster() .withf(|id, params, engine, version, username, password| { assert_eq!(id, "RustSDKCodeExamplesDBCluster"); assert_eq!(params, "RustSDKCodeExamplesDBParameterGroup"); assert_eq!(engine, "aurora-mysql"); assert_eq!(version, "aurora-mysql8.0"); assert_eq!(username, "test username"); assert_eq!(password.expose_secret(), "test password"); true }) .return_once(|id, _, _, _, _, _| { Ok(CreateDbClusterOutput::builder() .db_cluster(DbCluster::builder().db_cluster_identifier(id).build()) .build()) }); mock_rds .expect_create_db_instance() .return_once(|_, _, _, _| { Err(SdkError::service_error( CreateDBInstanceError::unhandled(Box::new(Error::new( ErrorKind::Other, "create db instance error", ))), Response::new(StatusCode::try_from(400).unwrap(), SdkBody::empty()), )) }); let mut scenario = AuroraScenario::new(mock_rds); scenario.engine_version = Some("aurora-mysql8.0".into()); scenario.instance_class = Some("m5.large".into()); scenario.username = Some("test username".into()); scenario.password = Some(SecretString::new("test password".into())); let create = scenario.start_cluster_and_instance().await; assert_matches!(create, Err(ScenarioError { message, context: _ }) if message == "Failed to create Instance in DB Cluster") } #[tokio::test] async fn test_start_cluster_and_instance_wait_hiccup() { let mut mock_rds = MockRdsImpl::default(); mock_rds .expect_create_db_cluster() .withf(|id, params, engine, version, username, password| { assert_eq!(id, "RustSDKCodeExamplesDBCluster"); assert_eq!(params, "RustSDKCodeExamplesDBParameterGroup"); assert_eq!(engine, "aurora-mysql"); assert_eq!(version, "aurora-mysql8.0"); assert_eq!(username, "test username"); assert_eq!(password.expose_secret(), "test password"); true }) .return_once(|id, _, _, _, _, _| { Ok(CreateDbClusterOutput::builder() .db_cluster(DbCluster::builder().db_cluster_identifier(id).build()) .build()) }); mock_rds .expect_create_db_instance() .withf(|cluster, name, class, engine| { assert_eq!(cluster, "RustSDKCodeExamplesDBCluster"); assert_eq!(name, "RustSDKCodeExamplesDBInstance"); assert_eq!(class, "m5.large"); assert_eq!(engine, "aurora-mysql"); true }) .return_once(|cluster, name, class, _| { Ok(CreateDbInstanceOutput::builder() .db_instance( DbInstance::builder() .db_cluster_identifier(cluster) .db_instance_identifier(name) .db_instance_class(class) .build(), ) .build()) }); mock_rds .expect_describe_db_clusters() .with(eq("RustSDKCodeExamplesDBCluster")) .times(1) .returning(|_| { Err(SdkError::service_error( DescribeDBClustersError::unhandled(Box::new(Error::new( ErrorKind::Other, "describe cluster error", ))), Response::new(StatusCode::try_from(400).unwrap(), SdkBody::empty()), )) }) .with(eq("RustSDKCodeExamplesDBCluster")) .times(1) .returning(|id| { Ok(DescribeDbClustersOutput::builder() .db_clusters(DbCluster::builder().db_cluster_identifier(id).build()) .build()) }); mock_rds.expect_describe_db_instance().return_once(|name| { Ok(DescribeDbInstancesOutput::builder() .db_instances( DbInstance::builder() .db_instance_identifier(name) .db_instance_status("Available") .build(), ) .build()) }); mock_rds .expect_describe_db_cluster_endpoints() .return_once(|_| { Ok(DescribeDbClusterEndpointsOutput::builder() .db_cluster_endpoints(DbClusterEndpoint::builder().status("available").build()) .build()) }); let mut scenario = AuroraScenario::new(mock_rds); scenario.engine_version = Some("aurora-mysql8.0".into()); scenario.instance_class = Some("m5.large".into()); scenario.username = Some("test username".into()); scenario.password = Some(SecretString::new("test password".into())); tokio::time::pause(); let assertions = tokio::spawn(async move { let create = scenario.start_cluster_and_instance().await; assert!(create.is_ok()); }); tokio::time::advance(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; tokio::time::advance(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; tokio::time::resume(); let _ = assertions.await; }