Usa le coppie chiave-valore in una CloudFront richiesta di Functions Viewer - Esempi di codice dell'AWS SDK

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Usa le coppie chiave-valore in una CloudFront richiesta di Functions Viewer

Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come utilizzare le coppie chiave-valore in una CloudFront richiesta del visualizzatore di funzioni.

JavaScript runtime 2.0 per Functions CloudFront

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import cf from 'cloudfront'; // This fails if there is no key value store associated with the function const kvsHandle = cf.kvs(); // Remember to associate the KVS with your function before referencing KVS in your code. // async function handler(event) { const request = event.request; // Use the first segment of the pathname as key // For example http(s)://domain/<key>/something/else const pathSegments = request.uri.split('/') const key = pathSegments[1] try { // Replace the first path of the pathname with the value of the key // For example http(s)://domain/<value>/something/else pathSegments[1] = await kvsHandle.get(key); const newUri = pathSegments.join('/'); console.log(`${request.uri} -> ${newUri}`) request.uri = newUri; } catch (err) { // No change to the pathname if the key is not found console.log(`${request.uri} | ${err}`); } return request; }