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Utilizzo CreateRouteTable
con un AWS SDK o una CLI
Gli esempi di codice seguenti mostrano come utilizzare CreateRouteTable
Per creare una tabella di routing
Nell'esempio seguente viene creata una tabella di routing per il VPC specificato.
aws ec2 create-route-table --vpc-id
{ "RouteTable": { "Associations": [], "RouteTableId": "rtb-22574640", "VpcId": "vpc-a01106c2", "PropagatingVgws": [], "Tags": [], "Routes": [ { "GatewayId": "local", "DestinationCidrBlock": "", "State": "active" } ] } }
Per i dettagli sull'API, consulta CreateRouteTable AWS CLI
Command Reference.
- PowerShell
- Strumenti per PowerShell
Esempio 1: questo esempio crea una tabella di routing per il VPC specificato.
New-EC2RouteTable -VpcId vpc-12345678
Associations : {} PropagatingVgws : {} Routes : {} RouteTableId : rtb-1a2b3c4d Tags : {} VpcId : vpc-12345678
Per i dettagli sull'API, vedere CreateRouteTablein AWS Strumenti per PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
- Ruby
- SDK per Ruby
C'è altro su. GitHub Trova l'esempio completo e scopri di più sulla configurazione e l'esecuzione nel Repository di esempi di codice AWS
. require 'aws-sdk-ec2' # Prerequisites: # # - A VPC in Amazon VPC. # - A subnet in that VPC. # - A gateway attached to that subnet. # # @param ec2_resource [Aws::EC2::Resource] An initialized # Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) resource object. # @param vpc_id [String] The ID of the VPC for the route table. # @param subnet_id [String] The ID of the subnet for the route table. # @param gateway_id [String] The ID of the gateway for the route. # @param destination_cidr_block [String] The destination CIDR block # for the route. # @param tag_key [String] The key portion of the tag for the route table. # @param tag_value [String] The value portion of the tag for the route table. # @return [Boolean] true if the route table was created and associated; # otherwise, false. # @example # exit 1 unless route_table_created_and_associated?( # 'us-west-2'), # 'vpc-0b6f769731EXAMPLE', # 'subnet-03d9303b57EXAMPLE', # 'igw-06ca90c011EXAMPLE', # '', # 'my-key', # 'my-value' # ) def route_table_created_and_associated?( ec2_resource, vpc_id, subnet_id, gateway_id, destination_cidr_block, tag_key, tag_value ) route_table = ec2_resource.create_route_table(vpc_id: vpc_id) puts "Created route table with ID '#{}'." route_table.create_tags( tags: [ { key: tag_key, value: tag_value } ] ) puts 'Added tags to route table.' route_table.create_route( destination_cidr_block: destination_cidr_block, gateway_id: gateway_id ) puts 'Created route with destination CIDR block ' \ "'#{destination_cidr_block}' and associated with gateway " \ "with ID '#{gateway_id}'." route_table.associate_with_subnet(subnet_id: subnet_id) puts "Associated route table with subnet with ID '#{subnet_id}'." true rescue StandardError => e puts "Error creating or associating route table: #{e.message}" puts 'If the route table was created but not associated, you should ' \ 'clean up by deleting the route table.' false end # Example usage: def run_me vpc_id = '' subnet_id = '' gateway_id = '' destination_cidr_block = '' tag_key = '' tag_value = '' region = '' # Print usage information and then stop. if ARGV[0] == '--help' || ARGV[0] == '-h' puts 'Usage: ruby ec2-ruby-example-create-route-table.rb ' \ 'VPC_ID SUBNET_ID GATEWAY_ID DESTINATION_CIDR_BLOCK ' \ 'TAG_KEY TAG_VALUE REGION' # Replace us-west-2 with the AWS Region you're using for Amazon EC2. puts 'Example: ruby ec2-ruby-example-create-route-table.rb ' \ 'vpc-0b6f769731EXAMPLE subnet-03d9303b57EXAMPLE igw-06ca90c011EXAMPLE ' \ "'' my-key my-value us-west-2" exit 1 # If no values are specified at the command prompt, use these default values. elsif vpc_id = 'vpc-0b6f769731EXAMPLE' subnet_id = 'subnet-03d9303b57EXAMPLE' gateway_id = 'igw-06ca90c011EXAMPLE' destination_cidr_block = '' tag_key = 'my-key' tag_value = 'my-value' # Replace us-west-2 with the AWS Region you're using for Amazon EC2. region = 'us-west-2' # Otherwise, use the values as specified at the command prompt. else vpc_id = ARGV[0] subnet_id = ARGV[1] gateway_id = ARGV[2] destination_cidr_block = ARGV[3] tag_key = ARGV[4] tag_value = ARGV[5] region = ARGV[6] end ec2_resource = region) if route_table_created_and_associated?( ec2_resource, vpc_id, subnet_id, gateway_id, destination_cidr_block, tag_key, tag_value ) puts 'Route table created and associated.' else puts 'Route table not created or not associated.' end end run_me if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__
Per i dettagli sull'API, consulta la CreateRouteTablesezione AWS SDK for Ruby API Reference.