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Utilizzo GetTables
con un AWS SDK o una CLI
Gli esempi di codice seguenti mostrano come utilizzare GetTables
Gli esempi di operazioni sono estratti di codice da programmi più grandi e devono essere eseguiti nel contesto. È possibile visualizzare questa operazione nel contesto nel seguente esempio di codice:
- .NET
- AWS SDK for .NET
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. /// <summary> /// Get a list of tables for an AWS Glue database. /// </summary> /// <param name="dbName">The name of the database.</param> /// <returns>A list of Table objects.</returns> public async Task<List<Table>> GetTablesAsync(string dbName) { var request = new GetTablesRequest { DatabaseName = dbName }; var tables = new List<Table>(); // Get a paginator for listing the tables. var tablePaginator = _amazonGlue.Paginators.GetTables(request); await foreach (var response in tablePaginator.Responses) { tables.AddRange(response.TableList); } return tables; }
Per i dettagli sull'API, GetTablesconsulta AWS SDK for .NET API Reference.
- C++
- SDK per C++
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. Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration clientConfig; // Optional: Set to the AWS Region in which the bucket was created (overrides config file). // clientConfig.region = "us-east-1"; Aws::Glue::GlueClient client(clientConfig); Aws::Glue::Model::GetTablesRequest request; request.SetDatabaseName(CRAWLER_DATABASE_NAME); std::vector<Aws::Glue::Model::Table> all_tables; Aws::String nextToken; // Used for pagination. do { Aws::Glue::Model::GetTablesOutcome outcome = client.GetTables(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { const std::vector<Aws::Glue::Model::Table> &tables = outcome.GetResult().GetTableList(); all_tables.insert(all_tables.end(), tables.begin(), tables.end()); nextToken = outcome.GetResult().GetNextToken(); } else { std::cerr << "Error getting the tables. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; deleteAssets(CRAWLER_NAME, CRAWLER_DATABASE_NAME, "", bucketName, clientConfig); return false; } } while (!nextToken.empty()); std::cout << "The database contains " << all_tables.size() << (all_tables.size() == 1 ? " table." : "tables.") << std::endl; std::cout << "Here is a list of the tables in the database."; for (size_t index = 0; index < all_tables.size(); ++index) { std::cout << " " << index + 1 << ": " << all_tables[index].GetName() << std::endl; } if (!all_tables.empty()) { int tableIndex = askQuestionForIntRange( "Enter an index to display the database detail ", 1, static_cast<int>(all_tables.size())); std::cout << all_tables[tableIndex - 1].Jsonize().View().WriteReadable() << std::endl; tableName = all_tables[tableIndex - 1].GetName(); }
Per i dettagli sull'API, GetTablesconsulta AWS SDK for C++ API Reference.
Per elencare le definizioni di alcune o tutte le tabelle del database specificato
seguente restituisce le informazioni relative alle tabelle del database glue get-tables --database-name '
{ "TableList": [ { "Name": "my-s3-sink", "DatabaseName": "tempdb", "CreateTime": 1602730539.0, "UpdateTime": 1602730539.0, "Retention": 0, "StorageDescriptor": { "Columns": [ { "Name": "sensorid", "Type": "int" }, { "Name": "currenttemperature", "Type": "int" }, { "Name": "status", "Type": "string" } ], "Location": "s3://janetst-bucket-01/test-s3-output/", "Compressed": false, "NumberOfBuckets": 0, "SerdeInfo": { "SerializationLibrary": "" }, "SortColumns": [], "StoredAsSubDirectories": false }, "Parameters": { "classification": "json" }, "CreatedBy": "arn:aws:iam::007436865787:user/JRSTERN", "IsRegisteredWithLakeFormation": false, "CatalogId": "007436865787" }, { "Name": "s3-source", "DatabaseName": "tempdb", "CreateTime": 1602730658.0, "UpdateTime": 1602730658.0, "Retention": 0, "StorageDescriptor": { "Columns": [ { "Name": "sensorid", "Type": "int" }, { "Name": "currenttemperature", "Type": "int" }, { "Name": "status", "Type": "string" } ], "Location": "s3://janetst-bucket-01/", "Compressed": false, "NumberOfBuckets": 0, "SortColumns": [], "StoredAsSubDirectories": false }, "Parameters": { "classification": "json" }, "CreatedBy": "arn:aws:iam::007436865787:user/JRSTERN", "IsRegisteredWithLakeFormation": false, "CatalogId": "007436865787" }, { "Name": "test-kinesis-input", "DatabaseName": "tempdb", "CreateTime": 1601507001.0, "UpdateTime": 1601507001.0, "Retention": 0, "StorageDescriptor": { "Columns": [ { "Name": "sensorid", "Type": "int" }, { "Name": "currenttemperature", "Type": "int" }, { "Name": "status", "Type": "string" } ], "Location": "my-testing-stream", "Compressed": false, "NumberOfBuckets": 0, "SerdeInfo": { "SerializationLibrary": "" }, "SortColumns": [], "Parameters": { "kinesisUrl": "", "streamName": "my-testing-stream", "typeOfData": "kinesis" }, "StoredAsSubDirectories": false }, "Parameters": { "classification": "json" }, "CreatedBy": "arn:aws:iam::007436865787:user/JRSTERN", "IsRegisteredWithLakeFormation": false, "CatalogId": "007436865787" } ] }
Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta Definizione delle tabelle nel AWS Glue Data Catalog nella AWS Glue Developer Guide.
Per i dettagli sulle API, consulta GetTables AWS CLI
Command Reference.
- Java
- SDK per Java 2.x
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. /** * Retrieves the names of the tables in the specified Glue database. * * @param glueClient the Glue client to use for the operation * @param dbName the name of the Glue database to retrieve the table names from * @return the name of the first table retrieved, or an empty string if no tables were found */ public static String getGlueTables(GlueClient glueClient, String dbName) { String myTableName = ""; try { GetTablesRequest tableRequest = GetTablesRequest.builder() .databaseName(dbName) .build(); GetTablesResponse response = glueClient.getTables(tableRequest); List<Table> tables = response.tableList(); if (tables.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("No tables were returned"); } else { for (Table table : tables) { myTableName =; System.out.println("Table name is: " + myTableName); } } } catch (GlueException e) { throw e; } return myTableName; }
Per i dettagli sull'API, GetTablesconsulta AWS SDK for Java 2.x API Reference.
- JavaScript
- SDK per JavaScript (v3)
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. const getTables = (databaseName) => { const client = new GlueClient({}); const command = new GetTablesCommand({ DatabaseName: databaseName, }); return client.send(command); };
Per i dettagli sull'API, GetTablesconsulta AWS SDK for JavaScript API Reference.
- SDK per PHP
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. $databaseName = "doc-example-database-$uniqid"; $tables = $glueService->getTables($databaseName); public function getTables($databaseName): Result { return $this->glueClient->getTables([ 'DatabaseName' => $databaseName, ]); }
Per i dettagli sull'API, GetTablesconsulta AWS SDK for PHP API Reference.
- Python
- SDK per Python (Boto3)
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. class GlueWrapper: """Encapsulates AWS Glue actions.""" def __init__(self, glue_client): """ :param glue_client: A Boto3 Glue client. """ self.glue_client = glue_client def get_tables(self, db_name): """ Gets a list of tables in a Data Catalog database. :param db_name: The name of the database to query. :return: The list of tables in the database. """ try: response = self.glue_client.get_tables(DatabaseName=db_name) except ClientError as err: logger.error( "Couldn't get tables %s. Here's why: %s: %s", db_name, err.response["Error"]["Code"], err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise else: return response["TableList"]
Per i dettagli sull'API, consulta GetTables AWSSDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.
- Ruby
- SDK per Ruby
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. # The `GlueWrapper` class serves as a wrapper around the AWS Glue API, providing a simplified interface for common operations. # It encapsulates the functionality of the AWS SDK for Glue and provides methods for interacting with Glue crawlers, databases, tables, jobs, and S3 resources. # The class initializes with a Glue client and a logger, allowing it to make API calls and log any errors or informational messages. class GlueWrapper def initialize(glue_client, logger) @glue_client = glue_client @logger = logger end # Retrieves a list of tables in the specified database. # # @param db_name [String] The name of the database to retrieve tables from. # @return [Array<Aws::Glue::Types::Table>] def get_tables(db_name) response = @glue_client.get_tables(database_name: db_name) response.table_list rescue Aws::Glue::Errors::GlueException => e @logger.error("Glue could not get tables #{db_name}: \n#{e.message}") raise end
Per i dettagli sull'API, GetTablesconsulta AWS SDK for Ruby API Reference.
- Rust
- SDK per Rust
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. let tables = glue .get_tables() .database_name(self.database()) .send() .await .map_err(GlueMvpError::from_glue_sdk)?; let tables = tables.table_list();
Per i dettagli sulle API, consulta il riferimento GetTables
all'API AWS SDK for Rust.