Utilizzare BatchPutAssetPropertyValue con un AWS SDK o CLI - Esempi di codice dell'AWS SDK

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Utilizzare BatchPutAssetPropertyValue con un AWS SDK o CLI

I seguenti esempi di codice mostrano come utilizzareBatchPutAssetPropertyValue.


Per inviare dati alle proprietà degli asset

L'batch-put-asset-property-valueesempio seguente invia i dati di alimentazione e temperatura alle proprietà dell'asset identificate dagli alias di proprietà.

aws iotsitewise batch-put-asset-property-value \ --cli-input-json file://batch-put-asset-property-value.json

Contenuto di batch-put-asset-property-value.json.

{ "entries": [ { "entryId": "1575691200-company-windfarm-3-turbine-7-power", "propertyAlias": "company-windfarm-3-turbine-7-power", "propertyValues": [ { "value": { "doubleValue": 4.92 }, "timestamp": { "timeInSeconds": 1575691200 }, "quality": "GOOD" } ] }, { "entryId": "1575691200-company-windfarm-3-turbine-7-temperature", "propertyAlias": "company-windfarm-3-turbine-7-temperature", "propertyValues": [ { "value": { "integerValue": 38 }, "timestamp": { "timeInSeconds": 1575691200 } } ] } ] }


{ "errorEntries": [] }

Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta Ingestione di dati utilizzando l'IoT SiteWise API nella AWSAWS IoT SiteWise User Guide.

SDKper Java 2.x

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/** * Sends data to the SiteWise service. * * @param assetId the ID of the asset to which the data will be sent. * @param tempPropertyId the ID of the temperature property. * @param humidityPropId the ID of the humidity property. * @return a {@link CompletableFuture} that represents a {@link BatchPutAssetPropertyValueResponse} result. The * calling code can attach callbacks, then handle the result or exception by calling * {@link CompletableFuture#join()} or {@link CompletableFuture#get()}. * <p> * If any completion stage in this method throws an exception, the method logs the exception cause and keeps it * available to the calling code as a {@link CompletionException}. By calling * {@link CompletionException#getCause()}, the calling code can access the original exception. */ public CompletableFuture<BatchPutAssetPropertyValueResponse> sendDataToSiteWiseAsync(String assetId, String tempPropertyId, String humidityPropId) { Map<String, Double> sampleData = generateSampleData(); long timestamp = Instant.now().toEpochMilli(); TimeInNanos time = TimeInNanos.builder() .timeInSeconds(timestamp / 1000) .offsetInNanos((int) ((timestamp % 1000) * 1000000)) .build(); BatchPutAssetPropertyValueRequest request = BatchPutAssetPropertyValueRequest.builder() .entries(Arrays.asList( PutAssetPropertyValueEntry.builder() .entryId("entry-3") .assetId(assetId) .propertyId(tempPropertyId) .propertyValues(Arrays.asList( AssetPropertyValue.builder() .value(Variant.builder() .doubleValue(sampleData.get("Temperature")) .build()) .timestamp(time) .build() )) .build(), PutAssetPropertyValueEntry.builder() .entryId("entry-4") .assetId(assetId) .propertyId(humidityPropId) .propertyValues(Arrays.asList( AssetPropertyValue.builder() .value(Variant.builder() .doubleValue(sampleData.get("Humidity")) .build()) .timestamp(time) .build() )) .build() )) .build(); return getAsyncClient().batchPutAssetPropertyValue(request) .whenComplete((response, exception) -> { if (exception != null) { logger.error("An exception occurred: {}", exception.getCause().getMessage()); } }); }