MediaConvert esempi che utilizzano SDK per Kotlin - AWS Esempi di codice SDK

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MediaConvert esempi che utilizzano SDK per Kotlin

I seguenti esempi di codice mostrano come eseguire azioni e implementare scenari comuni utilizzando l' AWS SDK per Kotlin con. MediaConvert

Le operazioni sono estratti di codice da programmi più grandi e devono essere eseguite nel contesto. Sebbene le operazioni mostrino come richiamare le singole funzioni del servizio, è possibile visualizzarle contestualizzate negli scenari correlati.

Ogni esempio include un collegamento al codice sorgente completo, in cui è possibile trovare istruzioni su come configurare ed eseguire il codice nel contesto.



Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come utilizzareCreateJob.

SDK per Kotlin

C'è altro da fare GitHub. Trova l'esempio completo e scopri di più sulla configurazione e l'esecuzione nel Repository di esempi di codice AWS.

suspend fun createMediaJob( mcClient: MediaConvertClient, mcRoleARN: String, fileInputVal: String, ): String? { val s3path = fileInputVal.substring(0, fileInputVal.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + "javasdk/out/" val fileOutput = s3path + "index" val thumbsOutput = s3path + "thumbs/" val mp4Output = s3path + "mp4/" try { val describeEndpoints = DescribeEndpointsRequest { maxResults = 20 } val res = mcClient.describeEndpoints(describeEndpoints) if (res.endpoints?.size!! <= 0) { println("Cannot find MediaConvert service endpoint URL!") exitProcess(0) } val endpointURL = res.endpoints!!.get(0).url!! val mediaConvert = MediaConvertClient.fromEnvironment { region = "us-west-2" endpointProvider = MediaConvertEndpointProvider { Endpoint(endpointURL) } } // output group Preset HLS low profile val hlsLow = createOutput("_low", "_\$dt$", 750000, 7, 1920, 1080, 640) // output group Preset HLS medium profile val hlsMedium = createOutput("_medium", "_\$dt$", 1200000, 7, 1920, 1080, 1280) // output group Preset HLS high profole val hlsHigh = createOutput("_high", "_\$dt$", 3500000, 8, 1920, 1080, 1920) val outputSettings = OutputGroupSettings { type = OutputGroupType.HlsGroupSettings } val outputObsList: MutableList<Output> = mutableListOf() if (hlsLow != null) { outputObsList.add(hlsLow) } if (hlsMedium != null) { outputObsList.add(hlsMedium) } if (hlsHigh != null) { outputObsList.add(hlsHigh) } // Create an OutputGroup object. val appleHLS = OutputGroup { name = "Apple HLS" customName = "Example" outputGroupSettings = OutputGroupSettings { type = OutputGroupType.HlsGroupSettings this.hlsGroupSettings = HlsGroupSettings { directoryStructure = HlsDirectoryStructure.SingleDirectory manifestDurationFormat = HlsManifestDurationFormat.Integer streamInfResolution = HlsStreamInfResolution.Include clientCache = HlsClientCache.Enabled captionLanguageSetting = HlsCaptionLanguageSetting.Omit manifestCompression = HlsManifestCompression.None codecSpecification = HlsCodecSpecification.Rfc4281 outputSelection = HlsOutputSelection.ManifestsAndSegments programDateTime = HlsProgramDateTime.Exclude programDateTimePeriod = 600 timedMetadataId3Frame = HlsTimedMetadataId3Frame.Priv timedMetadataId3Period = 10 destination = fileOutput segmentControl = HlsSegmentControl.SegmentedFiles minFinalSegmentLength = 0.toDouble() segmentLength = 4 minSegmentLength = 1 } } outputs = outputObsList } val theOutput = Output { extension = "mp4" containerSettings = ContainerSettings { container = ContainerType.fromValue("MP4") } videoDescription = VideoDescription { width = 1280 height = 720 scalingBehavior = ScalingBehavior.Default sharpness = 50 antiAlias = AntiAlias.Enabled timecodeInsertion = VideoTimecodeInsertion.Disabled colorMetadata = ColorMetadata.Insert respondToAfd = RespondToAfd.None afdSignaling = AfdSignaling.None dropFrameTimecode = DropFrameTimecode.Enabled codecSettings = VideoCodecSettings { codec = VideoCodec.H264 h264Settings = H264Settings { rateControlMode = H264RateControlMode.Qvbr parControl = H264ParControl.InitializeFromSource qualityTuningLevel = H264QualityTuningLevel.SinglePass qvbrSettings = H264QvbrSettings { qvbrQualityLevel = 8 } codecLevel = H264CodecLevel.Auto codecProfile = H264CodecProfile.Main maxBitrate = 2400000 framerateControl = H264FramerateControl.InitializeFromSource gopSize = 2.0 gopSizeUnits = H264GopSizeUnits.Seconds numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames = 2 gopClosedCadence = 1 gopBReference = H264GopBReference.Disabled slowPal = H264SlowPal.Disabled syntax = H264Syntax.Default numberReferenceFrames = 3 dynamicSubGop = H264DynamicSubGop.Static fieldEncoding = H264FieldEncoding.Paff sceneChangeDetect = H264SceneChangeDetect.Enabled minIInterval = 0 telecine = H264Telecine.None framerateConversionAlgorithm = H264FramerateConversionAlgorithm.DuplicateDrop entropyEncoding = H264EntropyEncoding.Cabac slices = 1 unregisteredSeiTimecode = H264UnregisteredSeiTimecode.Disabled repeatPps = H264RepeatPps.Disabled adaptiveQuantization = H264AdaptiveQuantization.High spatialAdaptiveQuantization = H264SpatialAdaptiveQuantization.Enabled temporalAdaptiveQuantization = H264TemporalAdaptiveQuantization.Enabled flickerAdaptiveQuantization = H264FlickerAdaptiveQuantization.Disabled softness = 0 interlaceMode = H264InterlaceMode.Progressive } } } audioDescriptions = listOf( AudioDescription { audioTypeControl = AudioTypeControl.FollowInput languageCodeControl = AudioLanguageCodeControl.FollowInput codecSettings = AudioCodecSettings { codec = AudioCodec.Aac aacSettings = AacSettings { codecProfile = AacCodecProfile.Lc rateControlMode = AacRateControlMode.Cbr codingMode = AacCodingMode.CodingMode2_0 sampleRate = 44100 bitrate = 160000 rawFormat = AacRawFormat.None specification = AacSpecification.Mpeg4 audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix = AacAudioDescriptionBroadcasterMix.Normal } } }, ) } // Create an OutputGroup val fileMp4 = OutputGroup { name = "File Group" customName = "mp4" outputGroupSettings = OutputGroupSettings { type = OutputGroupType.FileGroupSettings fileGroupSettings = FileGroupSettings { destination = mp4Output } } outputs = listOf(theOutput) } val containerSettings1 = ContainerSettings { container = ContainerType.Raw } val thumbs = OutputGroup { name = "File Group" customName = "thumbs" outputGroupSettings = OutputGroupSettings { type = OutputGroupType.FileGroupSettings fileGroupSettings = FileGroupSettings { destination = thumbsOutput } } outputs = listOf( Output { extension = "jpg" this.containerSettings = containerSettings1 videoDescription = VideoDescription { scalingBehavior = ScalingBehavior.Default sharpness = 50 antiAlias = AntiAlias.Enabled timecodeInsertion = VideoTimecodeInsertion.Disabled colorMetadata = ColorMetadata.Insert dropFrameTimecode = DropFrameTimecode.Enabled codecSettings = VideoCodecSettings { codec = VideoCodec.FrameCapture frameCaptureSettings = FrameCaptureSettings { framerateNumerator = 1 framerateDenominator = 1 maxCaptures = 10000000 quality = 80 } } } }, ) } val audioSelectors1: MutableMap<String, AudioSelector> = HashMap() audioSelectors1["Audio Selector 1"] = AudioSelector { defaultSelection = AudioDefaultSelection.Default offset = 0 } val jobSettings = JobSettings { inputs = listOf( Input { audioSelectors = audioSelectors1 videoSelector = VideoSelector { colorSpace = ColorSpace.Follow rotate = InputRotate.Degree0 } filterEnable = InputFilterEnable.Auto filterStrength = 0 deblockFilter = InputDeblockFilter.Disabled denoiseFilter = InputDenoiseFilter.Disabled psiControl = InputPsiControl.UsePsi timecodeSource = InputTimecodeSource.Embedded fileInput = fileInputVal outputGroups = listOf(appleHLS, thumbs, fileMp4) }, ) } val createJobRequest = CreateJobRequest { role = mcRoleARN settings = jobSettings } val createJobResponse = mediaConvert.createJob(createJobRequest) return createJobResponse.job?.id } catch (ex: MediaConvertException) { println(ex.message) mcClient.close() exitProcess(0) } } fun createOutput( nameModifierVal: String, segmentModifierVal: String, qvbrMaxBitrate: Int, qvbrQualityLevelVal: Int, originWidth: Int, originHeight: Int, targetWidth: Int, ): Output? { val targetHeight = ( (originHeight * targetWidth / originWidth).toFloat().roundToInt() - (originHeight * targetWidth / originWidth).toFloat().roundToInt() % 4 ) var output: Output? try { val audio1 = AudioDescription { audioTypeControl = AudioTypeControl.FollowInput languageCodeControl = AudioLanguageCodeControl.FollowInput codecSettings = AudioCodecSettings { codec = AudioCodec.Aac aacSettings = AacSettings { codecProfile = AacCodecProfile.Lc rateControlMode = AacRateControlMode.Cbr codingMode = AacCodingMode.CodingMode2_0 sampleRate = 44100 bitrate = 96000 rawFormat = AacRawFormat.None specification = AacSpecification.Mpeg4 audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix = AacAudioDescriptionBroadcasterMix.Normal } } } output = Output { nameModifier = nameModifierVal outputSettings = OutputSettings { hlsSettings = HlsSettings { segmentModifier = segmentModifierVal audioGroupId = "program_audio" iFrameOnlyManifest = HlsIFrameOnlyManifest.Exclude } } containerSettings = ContainerSettings { container = ContainerType.M3U8 this.m3u8Settings = M3u8Settings { audioFramesPerPes = 4 pcrControl = M3u8PcrControl.PcrEveryPesPacket pmtPid = 480 privateMetadataPid = 503 programNumber = 1 patInterval = 0 pmtInterval = 0 scte35Source = M3u8Scte35Source.None scte35Pid = 500 nielsenId3 = M3u8NielsenId3.None timedMetadata = TimedMetadata.None timedMetadataPid = 502 videoPid = 481 audioPids = listOf(482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492) } videoDescription = VideoDescription { width = targetWidth height = targetHeight scalingBehavior = ScalingBehavior.Default sharpness = 50 antiAlias = AntiAlias.Enabled timecodeInsertion = VideoTimecodeInsertion.Disabled colorMetadata = ColorMetadata.Insert respondToAfd = RespondToAfd.None afdSignaling = AfdSignaling.None dropFrameTimecode = DropFrameTimecode.Enabled codecSettings = VideoCodecSettings { codec = VideoCodec.H264 h264Settings = H264Settings { rateControlMode = H264RateControlMode.Qvbr parControl = H264ParControl.InitializeFromSource qualityTuningLevel = H264QualityTuningLevel.SinglePass qvbrSettings = H264QvbrSettings { qvbrQualityLevel = qvbrQualityLevelVal } codecLevel = H264CodecLevel.Auto codecProfile = if (targetHeight > 720 && targetWidth > 1280 ) { H264CodecProfile.High } else { H264CodecProfile.Main } maxBitrate = qvbrMaxBitrate framerateControl = H264FramerateControl.InitializeFromSource gopSize = 2.0 gopSizeUnits = H264GopSizeUnits.Seconds numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames = 2 gopClosedCadence = 1 gopBReference = H264GopBReference.Disabled slowPal = H264SlowPal.Disabled syntax = H264Syntax.Default numberReferenceFrames = 3 dynamicSubGop = H264DynamicSubGop.Static fieldEncoding = H264FieldEncoding.Paff sceneChangeDetect = H264SceneChangeDetect.Enabled minIInterval = 0 telecine = H264Telecine.None framerateConversionAlgorithm = H264FramerateConversionAlgorithm.DuplicateDrop entropyEncoding = H264EntropyEncoding.Cabac slices = 1 unregisteredSeiTimecode = H264UnregisteredSeiTimecode.Disabled repeatPps = H264RepeatPps.Disabled adaptiveQuantization = H264AdaptiveQuantization.High spatialAdaptiveQuantization = H264SpatialAdaptiveQuantization.Enabled temporalAdaptiveQuantization = H264TemporalAdaptiveQuantization.Enabled flickerAdaptiveQuantization = H264FlickerAdaptiveQuantization.Disabled softness = 0 interlaceMode = H264InterlaceMode.Progressive } } audioDescriptions = listOf(audio1) } } } } catch (ex: MediaConvertException) { println(ex.toString()) exitProcess(0) } return output }
  • Per i dettagli sull'API, CreateJobconsulta AWS SDK for Kotlin API reference.

Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come utilizzare. GetJob

SDK per Kotlin

C'è altro da fare GitHub. Trova l'esempio completo e scopri di più sulla configurazione e l'esecuzione nel Repository di esempi di codice AWS.

suspend fun getSpecificJob( mcClient: MediaConvertClient, jobId: String?, ) { val describeEndpoints = DescribeEndpointsRequest { maxResults = 20 } val res = mcClient.describeEndpoints(describeEndpoints) if (res.endpoints?.size!! <= 0) { println("Cannot find MediaConvert service endpoint URL!") exitProcess(0) } val endpointURL = res.endpoints!!.get(0).url!! val mediaConvert = MediaConvertClient.fromEnvironment { region = "us-west-2" endpointProvider = MediaConvertEndpointProvider { Endpoint(endpointURL) } } val jobRequest = GetJobRequest { id = jobId } val response: GetJobResponse = mediaConvert.getJob(jobRequest) println("The ARN of the job is ${response.job?.arn}.") }
  • Per i dettagli sull'API, GetJobconsulta AWS SDK for Kotlin API reference.

Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come utilizzare. ListJobs

SDK per Kotlin

C'è altro da fare GitHub. Trova l'esempio completo e scopri di più sulla configurazione e l'esecuzione nel Repository di esempi di codice AWS.

suspend fun listCompleteJobs(mcClient: MediaConvertClient) { val describeEndpoints = DescribeEndpointsRequest { maxResults = 20 } val res = mcClient.describeEndpoints(describeEndpoints) if (res.endpoints?.size!! <= 0) { println("Cannot find MediaConvert service endpoint URL!") exitProcess(0) } val endpointURL = res.endpoints!![0].url!! val mediaConvert = MediaConvertClient.fromEnvironment { region = "us-west-2" endpointProvider = MediaConvertEndpointProvider { Endpoint(endpointURL) } } val jobsRequest = ListJobsRequest { maxResults = 10 status = JobStatus.fromValue("COMPLETE") } val jobsResponse = mediaConvert.listJobs(jobsRequest) val jobs = if (jobs != null) { for (job in jobs) { println("The JOB ARN is ${job.arn}") } } }
  • Per i dettagli sull'API, ListJobsconsulta AWS SDK for Kotlin API reference.