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Supporto esempi che utilizzano SDK per Kotlin
I seguenti esempi di codice mostrano come eseguire azioni e implementare scenari comuni utilizzando l' AWS SDK per Kotlin con. Supporto
Le nozioni di base sono esempi di codice che mostrano come eseguire le operazioni essenziali all'interno di un servizio.
Le operazioni sono estratti di codice da programmi più grandi e devono essere eseguite nel contesto. Sebbene le operazioni mostrino come richiamare le singole funzioni del servizio, è possibile visualizzarle contestualizzate negli scenari correlati.
Ogni esempio include un collegamento al codice sorgente completo, in cui è possibile trovare istruzioni su come configurare ed eseguire il codice nel contesto.
Nozioni di base
L'esempio di codice seguente mostra come iniziare a utilizzare Supporto.
- SDK per Kotlin
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. /** Before running this Kotlin code example, set up your development environment, including your credentials. For more information, see the following documentation topic: In addition, you must have the AWS Business Support Plan to use the AWS Support Java API. For more information, see: This Kotlin example performs the following task: 1. Gets and displays available services. */ suspend fun main() { displaySomeServices() } // Return a List that contains a Service name and Category name. suspend fun displaySomeServices() { val servicesRequest = DescribeServicesRequest { language = "en" } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.describeServices(servicesRequest) println("Get the first 10 services") var index = 1 { service -> if (index == 11) { return@forEach } println("The Service name is: " + // Get the categories for this service. service.categories?.forEach { cat -> println("The category name is ${}") index++ } } } }
Per i dettagli sull'API, DescribeServices
consulta AWS SDK for Kotlin API reference.
Nozioni di base
L'esempio di codice seguente mostra come:
Ottieni e visualizza i servizi e i livelli di gravità disponibili per i casi.
Crea una richiesta di supporto utilizzando un servizio, una categoria e un livello di gravità selezionato.
Ottieni e visualizza un elenco di casi aperti per il giorno corrente.
Aggiungi un set di collegamenti e una comunicazione al nuovo caso.
Descrivi il nuovo collegamento e la nuova comunicazione per il caso.
Risolvi il caso.
Ottieni e visualizza un elenco di casi risolti per il giorno corrente.
- SDK per Kotlin
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. /** Before running this Kotlin code example, set up your development environment, including your credentials. For more information, see the following documentation topic: In addition, you must have the AWS Business Support Plan to use the AWS Support Java API. For more information, see: This Kotlin example performs the following tasks: 1. Gets and displays available services. 2. Gets and displays severity levels. 3. Creates a support case by using the selected service, category, and severity level. 4. Gets a list of open cases for the current day. 5. Creates an attachment set with a generated file. 6. Adds a communication with the attachment to the support case. 7. Lists the communications of the support case. 8. Describes the attachment set included with the communication. 9. Resolves the support case. 10. Gets a list of resolved cases for the current day. */ suspend fun main(args: Array<String>) { val usage = """ Usage: <fileAttachment> Where: fileAttachment - The file can be a simple saved .txt file to use as an email attachment. """ if (args.size != 1) { println(usage) exitProcess(0) } val fileAttachment = args[0] println("***** Welcome to the AWS Support case example scenario.") println("***** Step 1. Get and display available services.") val sevCatList = displayServices() println("***** Step 2. Get and display Support severity levels.") val sevLevel = displaySevLevels() println("***** Step 3. Create a support case using the selected service, category, and severity level.") val caseIdVal = createSupportCase(sevCatList, sevLevel) if (caseIdVal != null) { println("Support case $caseIdVal was successfully created!") } else { println("A support case was not successfully created!") exitProcess(1) } println("***** Step 4. Get open support cases.") getOpenCase() println("***** Step 5. Create an attachment set with a generated file to add to the case.") val attachmentSetId = addAttachment(fileAttachment) println("The Attachment Set id value is $attachmentSetId") println("***** Step 6. Add communication with the attachment to the support case.") addAttachSupportCase(caseIdVal, attachmentSetId) println("***** Step 7. List the communications of the support case.") val attachId = listCommunications(caseIdVal) println("The Attachment id value is $attachId") println("***** Step 8. Describe the attachment set included with the communication.") describeAttachment(attachId) println("***** Step 9. Resolve the support case.") resolveSupportCase(caseIdVal) println("***** Step 10. Get a list of resolved cases for the current day.") getResolvedCase() println("***** This Scenario has successfully completed") } suspend fun getResolvedCase() { // Specify the start and end time. val now = val yesterday = now.minus(1, ChronoUnit.DAYS) val describeCasesRequest = DescribeCasesRequest { maxResults = 30 afterTime = yesterday.toString() beforeTime = now.toString() includeResolvedCases = true } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.describeCases(describeCasesRequest) response.cases?.forEach { sinCase -> println("The case status is ${sinCase.status}") println("The case Id is ${sinCase.caseId}") println("The case subject is ${sinCase.subject}") } } } suspend fun resolveSupportCase(caseIdVal: String) { val caseRequest = ResolveCaseRequest { caseId = caseIdVal } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.resolveCase(caseRequest) println("The status of case $caseIdVal is ${response.finalCaseStatus}") } } suspend fun describeAttachment(attachId: String?) { val attachmentRequest = DescribeAttachmentRequest { attachmentId = attachId } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.describeAttachment(attachmentRequest) println("The name of the file is ${response.attachment?.fileName}") } } suspend fun listCommunications(caseIdVal: String?): String? { val communicationsRequest = DescribeCommunicationsRequest { caseId = caseIdVal maxResults = 10 } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.describeCommunications(communicationsRequest) response.communications?.forEach { comm -> println("the body is: " + comm.body) comm.attachmentSet?.forEach { detail -> return detail.attachmentId } } } return "" } suspend fun addAttachSupportCase( caseIdVal: String?, attachmentSetIdVal: String?, ) { val caseRequest = AddCommunicationToCaseRequest { caseId = caseIdVal attachmentSetId = attachmentSetIdVal communicationBody = "Please refer to attachment for details." } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.addCommunicationToCase(caseRequest) if (response.result) { println("You have successfully added a communication to an AWS Support case") } else { println("There was an error adding the communication to an AWS Support case") } } } suspend fun addAttachment(fileAttachment: String): String? { val myFile = File(fileAttachment) val sourceBytes = (File(fileAttachment).readBytes()) val attachmentVal = Attachment { fileName = data = sourceBytes } val setRequest = AddAttachmentsToSetRequest { attachments = listOf(attachmentVal) } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.addAttachmentsToSet(setRequest) return response.attachmentSetId } } suspend fun getOpenCase() { // Specify the start and end time. val now = val yesterday = now.minus(1, ChronoUnit.DAYS) val describeCasesRequest = DescribeCasesRequest { maxResults = 20 afterTime = yesterday.toString() beforeTime = now.toString() } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.describeCases(describeCasesRequest) response.cases?.forEach { sinCase -> println("The case status is ${sinCase.status}") println("The case Id is ${sinCase.caseId}") println("The case subject is ${sinCase.subject}") } } } suspend fun createSupportCase( sevCatListVal: List<String>, sevLevelVal: String, ): String? { val serCode = sevCatListVal[0] val caseCategory = sevCatListVal[1] val caseRequest = CreateCaseRequest { categoryCode = caseCategory.lowercase(Locale.getDefault()) serviceCode = serCode.lowercase(Locale.getDefault()) severityCode = sevLevelVal.lowercase(Locale.getDefault()) communicationBody = "Test issue with ${serCode.lowercase(Locale.getDefault())}" subject = "Test case, please ignore" language = "en" issueType = "technical" } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.createCase(caseRequest) return response.caseId } } suspend fun displaySevLevels(): String { var levelName = "" val severityLevelsRequest = DescribeSeverityLevelsRequest { language = "en" } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.describeSeverityLevels(severityLevelsRequest) response.severityLevels?.forEach { sevLevel -> println("The severity level name is: ${}") if ( == "High") { levelName =!! } } return levelName } } // Return a List that contains a Service name and Category name. suspend fun displayServices(): List<String> { var serviceCode = "" var catName = "" val sevCatList = mutableListOf<String>() val servicesRequest = DescribeServicesRequest { language = "en" } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.describeServices(servicesRequest) println("Get the first 10 services") var index = 1 { service -> if (index == 11) { return@forEach } println("The Service name is ${}") if ( == "Account") { serviceCode = service.code.toString() } // Get the categories for this service. service.categories?.forEach { cat -> println("The category name is ${}") if ( == "Security") { catName =!! } } index++ } } // Push the two values to the list. serviceCode.let { sevCatList.add(it) } catName.let { sevCatList.add(it) } return sevCatList }
Per informazioni dettagliate sull'API, consulta i seguenti argomenti nella Documentazione di riferimento delle API SDK AWS per Kotlin.
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come usareAddAttachmentsToSet
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. suspend fun addAttachment(fileAttachment: String): String? { val myFile = File(fileAttachment) val sourceBytes = (File(fileAttachment).readBytes()) val attachmentVal = Attachment { fileName = data = sourceBytes } val setRequest = AddAttachmentsToSetRequest { attachments = listOf(attachmentVal) } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.addAttachmentsToSet(setRequest) return response.attachmentSetId } }
Per i dettagli sull'API, AddAttachmentsToSet
consulta AWS SDK for Kotlin API reference.
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come utilizzare. AddCommunicationToCase
- SDK per Kotlin
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. suspend fun addAttachSupportCase( caseIdVal: String?, attachmentSetIdVal: String?, ) { val caseRequest = AddCommunicationToCaseRequest { caseId = caseIdVal attachmentSetId = attachmentSetIdVal communicationBody = "Please refer to attachment for details." } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.addCommunicationToCase(caseRequest) if (response.result) { println("You have successfully added a communication to an AWS Support case") } else { println("There was an error adding the communication to an AWS Support case") } } }
Per i dettagli sull'API, AddCommunicationToCase
consulta AWS SDK for Kotlin API reference.
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come utilizzare. CreateCase
- SDK per Kotlin
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. suspend fun createSupportCase( sevCatListVal: List<String>, sevLevelVal: String, ): String? { val serCode = sevCatListVal[0] val caseCategory = sevCatListVal[1] val caseRequest = CreateCaseRequest { categoryCode = caseCategory.lowercase(Locale.getDefault()) serviceCode = serCode.lowercase(Locale.getDefault()) severityCode = sevLevelVal.lowercase(Locale.getDefault()) communicationBody = "Test issue with ${serCode.lowercase(Locale.getDefault())}" subject = "Test case, please ignore" language = "en" issueType = "technical" } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.createCase(caseRequest) return response.caseId } }
Per i dettagli sull'API, CreateCase
consulta AWS SDK for Kotlin API reference.
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come utilizzare. DescribeAttachment
- SDK per Kotlin
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. suspend fun describeAttachment(attachId: String?) { val attachmentRequest = DescribeAttachmentRequest { attachmentId = attachId } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.describeAttachment(attachmentRequest) println("The name of the file is ${response.attachment?.fileName}") } }
Per i dettagli sull'API, DescribeAttachment
consulta AWS SDK for Kotlin API reference.
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come utilizzare. DescribeCases
- SDK per Kotlin
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. suspend fun getOpenCase() { // Specify the start and end time. val now = val yesterday = now.minus(1, ChronoUnit.DAYS) val describeCasesRequest = DescribeCasesRequest { maxResults = 20 afterTime = yesterday.toString() beforeTime = now.toString() } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.describeCases(describeCasesRequest) response.cases?.forEach { sinCase -> println("The case status is ${sinCase.status}") println("The case Id is ${sinCase.caseId}") println("The case subject is ${sinCase.subject}") } } }
Per i dettagli sull'API, DescribeCases
consulta AWS SDK for Kotlin API reference.
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come utilizzare. DescribeCommunications
- SDK per Kotlin
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. suspend fun listCommunications(caseIdVal: String?): String? { val communicationsRequest = DescribeCommunicationsRequest { caseId = caseIdVal maxResults = 10 } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.describeCommunications(communicationsRequest) response.communications?.forEach { comm -> println("the body is: " + comm.body) comm.attachmentSet?.forEach { detail -> return detail.attachmentId } } } return "" }
Per i dettagli sull'API, DescribeCommunications
consulta AWS SDK for Kotlin API reference.
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come utilizzare. DescribeServices
- SDK per Kotlin
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. // Return a List that contains a Service name and Category name. suspend fun displayServices(): List<String> { var serviceCode = "" var catName = "" val sevCatList = mutableListOf<String>() val servicesRequest = DescribeServicesRequest { language = "en" } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.describeServices(servicesRequest) println("Get the first 10 services") var index = 1 { service -> if (index == 11) { return@forEach } println("The Service name is ${}") if ( == "Account") { serviceCode = service.code.toString() } // Get the categories for this service. service.categories?.forEach { cat -> println("The category name is ${}") if ( == "Security") { catName =!! } } index++ } } // Push the two values to the list. serviceCode.let { sevCatList.add(it) } catName.let { sevCatList.add(it) } return sevCatList }
Per i dettagli sull'API, DescribeServices
consulta AWS SDK for Kotlin API reference.
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come utilizzare. DescribeSeverityLevels
- SDK per Kotlin
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. suspend fun displaySevLevels(): String { var levelName = "" val severityLevelsRequest = DescribeSeverityLevelsRequest { language = "en" } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.describeSeverityLevels(severityLevelsRequest) response.severityLevels?.forEach { sevLevel -> println("The severity level name is: ${}") if ( == "High") { levelName =!! } } return levelName } }
Per i dettagli sull'API, DescribeSeverityLevels
consulta AWS SDK for Kotlin API reference.
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come utilizzare. ResolveCase
- SDK per Kotlin
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. suspend fun resolveSupportCase(caseIdVal: String) { val caseRequest = ResolveCaseRequest { caseId = caseIdVal } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.resolveCase(caseRequest) println("The status of case $caseIdVal is ${response.finalCaseStatus}") } }
Per i dettagli sull'API, ResolveCase
consulta AWS SDK for Kotlin API reference.