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Utilizzare CopyImageSet
con un AWS SDK o CLI
I seguenti esempi di codice mostrano come utilizzareCopyImageSet
Esempio 1: copiare un set di immagini senza una destinazione.
esempio seguente crea una copia duplicata di un set di immagini senza una medical-imaging copy-image-set \ --datastore-id
\ --source-image-set-idea92b0d8838c72a3f25d00d13616f87e
\ --copy-image-set-information '{"sourceImageSet": {"latestVersionId": "1" } }
{ "destinationImageSetProperties": { "latestVersionId": "2", "imageSetWorkflowStatus": "COPYING", "updatedAt": 1680042357.432, "imageSetId": "b9a06fef182a5f992842f77f8e0868e5", "imageSetState": "LOCKED", "createdAt": 1680042357.432 }, "sourceImageSetProperties": { "latestVersionId": "1", "imageSetWorkflowStatus": "COPYING_WITH_READ_ONLY_ACCESS", "updatedAt": 1680042357.432, "imageSetId": "ea92b0d8838c72a3f25d00d13616f87e", "imageSetState": "LOCKED", "createdAt": 1680027126.436 }, "datastoreId": "12345678901234567890123456789012" }
Esempio 2: copiare un set di immagini con una destinazione.
esempio seguente crea una copia duplicata di un set di immagini con una medical-imaging copy-image-set \ --datastore-id
\ --source-image-set-idea92b0d8838c72a3f25d00d13616f87e
\ --copy-image-set-information '{"sourceImageSet": {"latestVersionId": "1" }, "destinationImageSet": { "imageSetId": "b9a06fef182a5f992842f77f8e0868e5", "latestVersionId": "1"} }
{ "destinationImageSetProperties": { "latestVersionId": "2", "imageSetWorkflowStatus": "COPYING", "updatedAt": 1680042505.135, "imageSetId": "b9a06fef182a5f992842f77f8e0868e5", "imageSetState": "LOCKED", "createdAt": 1680042357.432 }, "sourceImageSetProperties": { "latestVersionId": "1", "imageSetWorkflowStatus": "COPYING_WITH_READ_ONLY_ACCESS", "updatedAt": 1680042505.135, "imageSetId": "ea92b0d8838c72a3f25d00d13616f87e", "imageSetState": "LOCKED", "createdAt": 1680027126.436 }, "datastoreId": "12345678901234567890123456789012" }
Esempio 3: copiare un sottoinsieme di istanze da un set di immagini di origine a un set di immagini di destinazione.
esempio seguente copia un'DICOMistanza dal set di immagini di origine al set di immagini di destinazione. Il parametro force viene fornito per ignorare le incongruenze negli attributi dei livelli Patient, Study e medical-imaging copy-image-set \ --datastore-id
\ --source-image-set-idea92b0d8838c72a3f25d00d13616f87e
\ --copy-image-set-information '{"sourceImageSet": {"latestVersionId": "1","DICOMCopies": {"copiableAttributes": "{\"SchemaVersion\":\"1.1\",\"Study\":{\"Series\":{\"\":{\"Instances\":{\"\":{}}}}}}"}},"destinationImageSet": {"imageSetId": "b9eb50d8ee682eb9fcf4acbf92f62bb7","latestVersionId": "1"}}
' \ --forceOutput:
{ "destinationImageSetProperties": { "latestVersionId": "2", "imageSetWorkflowStatus": "COPYING", "updatedAt": 1680042505.135, "imageSetId": "b9eb50d8ee682eb9fcf4acbf92f62bb7", "imageSetState": "LOCKED", "createdAt": 1680042357.432 }, "sourceImageSetProperties": { "latestVersionId": "1", "imageSetWorkflowStatus": "COPYING_WITH_READ_ONLY_ACCESS", "updatedAt": 1680042505.135, "imageSetId": "ea92b0d8838c72a3f25d00d13616f87e", "imageSetState": "LOCKED", "createdAt": 1680027126.436 }, "datastoreId": "12345678901234567890123456789012" }
Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta Copiare un set di immagini nella Guida per gli sviluppatori.AWS HealthImaging
Per API i dettagli, vedere CopyImageSet
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
- Java
- SDKper Java 2.x
/** * Copy an AWS HealthImaging image set. * * @param medicalImagingClient - The AWS HealthImaging client object. * @param datastoreId - The datastore ID. * @param imageSetId - The image set ID. * @param latestVersionId - The version ID. * @param destinationImageSetId - The optional destination image set ID, ignored if null. * @param destinationVersionId - The optional destination version ID, ignored if null. * @param force - The force flag. * @param subsets - The optional subsets to copy, ignored if null. * @return - The image set ID of the copy. * @throws MedicalImagingException - Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by AWS HealthImaging. */ public static String copyMedicalImageSet(MedicalImagingClient medicalImagingClient, String datastoreId, String imageSetId, String latestVersionId, String destinationImageSetId, String destinationVersionId, boolean force, Vector<String> subsets) { try { CopySourceImageSetInformation.Builder copySourceImageSetInformation = CopySourceImageSetInformation.builder() .latestVersionId(latestVersionId); // Optionally copy a subset of image instances. if (subsets != null) { String subsetInstanceToCopy = getCopiableAttributesJSON(imageSetId, subsets); copySourceImageSetInformation.dicomCopies(MetadataCopies.builder() .copiableAttributes(subsetInstanceToCopy) .build()); } CopyImageSetInformation.Builder copyImageSetBuilder = CopyImageSetInformation.builder() .sourceImageSet(; // Optionally designate a destination image set. if (destinationImageSetId != null) { copyImageSetBuilder = copyImageSetBuilder.destinationImageSet(CopyDestinationImageSet.builder() .imageSetId(destinationImageSetId) .latestVersionId(destinationVersionId) .build()); } CopyImageSetRequest copyImageSetRequest = CopyImageSetRequest.builder() .datastoreId(datastoreId) .sourceImageSetId(imageSetId) .copyImageSetInformation( .force(force) .build(); CopyImageSetResponse response = medicalImagingClient.copyImageSet(copyImageSetRequest); return response.destinationImageSetProperties().imageSetId(); } catch (MedicalImagingException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); throw e; } }
Funzione di utilità per creare attributi copiabili.
/** * Create a JSON string of copiable image instances. * * @param imageSetId - The image set ID. * @param subsets - The subsets to copy. * @return A JSON string of copiable image instances. */ private static String getCopiableAttributesJSON(String imageSetId, Vector<String> subsets) { StringBuilder subsetInstanceToCopy = new StringBuilder( """ { "SchemaVersion": 1.1, "Study": { "Series": { " """ ); subsetInstanceToCopy.append(imageSetId); subsetInstanceToCopy.append( """ ": { "Instances": { """ ); for (String subset : subsets) { subsetInstanceToCopy.append('"' + subset + "\": {},"); } subsetInstanceToCopy.deleteCharAt(subsetInstanceToCopy.length() - 1); subsetInstanceToCopy.append(""" } } } } } """); return subsetInstanceToCopy.toString(); }
Per API i dettagli, vedere CopyImageSetin AWS SDK for Java 2.x APIReference.
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- JavaScript
- SDKper JavaScript (v3)
Funzione di utilità per copiare un set di immagini.
import { CopyImageSetCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-medical-imaging"; import { medicalImagingClient } from "../libs/medicalImagingClient.js"; /** * @param {string} datastoreId - The ID of the data store. * @param {string} imageSetId - The source image set ID. * @param {string} sourceVersionId - The source version ID. * @param {string} destinationImageSetId - The optional ID of the destination image set. * @param {string} destinationVersionId - The optional version ID of the destination image set. * @param {boolean} force - Force the copy action. * @param {[string]} copySubsets - A subset of instance IDs to copy. */ export const copyImageSet = async ( datastoreId = "xxxxxxxxxxx", imageSetId = "xxxxxxxxxxxx", sourceVersionId = "1", destinationImageSetId = "", destinationVersionId = "", force = false, copySubsets = [], ) => { try { const params = { datastoreId: datastoreId, sourceImageSetId: imageSetId, copyImageSetInformation: { sourceImageSet: { latestVersionId: sourceVersionId }, }, force: force, }; if (destinationImageSetId !== "" && destinationVersionId !== "") { params.copyImageSetInformation.destinationImageSet = { imageSetId: destinationImageSetId, latestVersionId: destinationVersionId, }; } if (copySubsets.length > 0) { let copySubsetsJson; copySubsetsJson = { SchemaVersion: 1.1, Study: { Series: { imageSetId: { Instances: {}, }, }, }, }; for (let i = 0; i < copySubsets.length; i++) { copySubsetsJson.Study.Series.imageSetId.Instances[copySubsets[i]] = {}; } params.copyImageSetInformation.dicomCopies = copySubsetsJson; } const response = await medicalImagingClient.send( new CopyImageSetCommand(params), ); console.log(response); // { // '$metadata': { // httpStatusCode: 200, // requestId: 'd9b219ce-cc48-4a44-a5b2-c5c3068f1ee8', // extendedRequestId: undefined, // cfId: undefined, // attempts: 1, // totalRetryDelay: 0 // }, // datastoreId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // destinationImageSetProperties: { // createdAt: 2023-09-27T19:46:21.824Z, // imageSetArn: 'arn:aws:medical-imaging:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxx:datastore/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/imageset/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // imageSetId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // imageSetState: 'LOCKED', // imageSetWorkflowStatus: 'COPYING', // latestVersionId: '1', // updatedAt: 2023-09-27T19:46:21.824Z // }, // sourceImageSetProperties: { // createdAt: 2023-09-22T14:49:26.427Z, // imageSetArn: 'arn:aws:medical-imaging:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxx:datastore/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/imageset/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // imageSetId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // imageSetState: 'LOCKED', // imageSetWorkflowStatus: 'COPYING_WITH_READ_ONLY_ACCESS', // latestVersionId: '4', // updatedAt: 2023-09-27T19:46:21.824Z // } // } return response; } catch (err) { console.error(err); } };
Copia un set di immagini senza una destinazione.
await copyImageSet( "12345678901234567890123456789012", "12345678901234567890123456789012", "1", );
Copia un set di immagini con una destinazione.
await copyImageSet( "12345678901234567890123456789012", "12345678901234567890123456789012", "1", "12345678901234567890123456789012", "1", false, );
Copia un sottoinsieme di un set di immagini con una destinazione e forza la copia.
await copyImageSet( "12345678901234567890123456789012", "12345678901234567890123456789012", "1", "12345678901234567890123456789012", "1", true, ["12345678901234567890123456789012", "11223344556677889900112233445566"], );
Per API i dettagli, vedere CopyImageSetin AWS SDK for JavaScript APIReference.
C'è altro da sapere GitHub. Trova l'esempio completo e scopri di più sulla configurazione e l'esecuzione nel Repository di esempi di codice AWS
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- Python
- SDKper Python (Boto3)
Funzione di utilità per copiare un set di immagini.
class MedicalImagingWrapper: def __init__(self, health_imaging_client): self.health_imaging_client = health_imaging_client def copy_image_set( self, datastore_id, image_set_id, version_id, destination_image_set_id=None, destination_version_id=None, force=False, subsets=[], ): """ Copy an image set. :param datastore_id: The ID of the data store. :param image_set_id: The ID of the image set. :param version_id: The ID of the image set version. :param destination_image_set_id: The ID of the optional destination image set. :param destination_version_id: The ID of the optional destination image set version. :param force: Force the copy. :param subsets: The optional subsets to copy. For example: ["12345678901234567890123456789012"]. :return: The copied image set ID. """ try: copy_image_set_information = { "sourceImageSet": {"latestVersionId": version_id} } if destination_image_set_id and destination_version_id: copy_image_set_information["destinationImageSet"] = { "imageSetId": destination_image_set_id, "latestVersionId": destination_version_id, } if len(subsets) > 0: copySubsetsJson = { "SchemaVersion": "1.1", "Study": {"Series": {"imageSetId": {"Instances": {}}}}, } for subset in subsets: copySubsetsJson["Study"]["Series"]["imageSetId"]["Instances"][ subset ] = {} copy_image_set_information["sourceImageSet"]["DICOMCopies"] = { "copiableAttributes": json.dumps(copySubsetsJson) } copy_results = self.health_imaging_client.copy_image_set( datastoreId=datastore_id, sourceImageSetId=image_set_id, copyImageSetInformation=copy_image_set_information, force=force, ) except ClientError as err: logger.error( "Couldn't copy image set. Here's why: %s: %s", err.response["Error"]["Code"], err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise else: return copy_results["destinationImageSetProperties"]["imageSetId"]
Copia un set di immagini senza una destinazione.
copy_image_set_information = { "sourceImageSet": {"latestVersionId": version_id} } copy_results = self.health_imaging_client.copy_image_set( datastoreId=datastore_id, sourceImageSetId=image_set_id, copyImageSetInformation=copy_image_set_information, force=force, )
Copia un set di immagini con una destinazione.
copy_image_set_information = { "sourceImageSet": {"latestVersionId": version_id} } if destination_image_set_id and destination_version_id: copy_image_set_information["destinationImageSet"] = { "imageSetId": destination_image_set_id, "latestVersionId": destination_version_id, } copy_results = self.health_imaging_client.copy_image_set( datastoreId=datastore_id, sourceImageSetId=image_set_id, copyImageSetInformation=copy_image_set_information, force=force, )
Copia un sottoinsieme di un set di immagini.
copy_image_set_information = { "sourceImageSet": {"latestVersionId": version_id} } if len(subsets) > 0: copySubsetsJson = { "SchemaVersion": "1.1", "Study": {"Series": {"imageSetId": {"Instances": {}}}}, } for subset in subsets: copySubsetsJson["Study"]["Series"]["imageSetId"]["Instances"][ subset ] = {} copy_image_set_information["sourceImageSet"]["DICOMCopies"] = { "copiableAttributes": json.dumps(copySubsetsJson) } copy_results = self.health_imaging_client.copy_image_set( datastoreId=datastore_id, sourceImageSetId=image_set_id, copyImageSetInformation=copy_image_set_information, force=force, )
Il codice seguente crea un'istanza dell'oggetto. MedicalImagingWrapper
client = boto3.client("medical-imaging") medical_imaging_wrapper = MedicalImagingWrapper(client)
Per API i dettagli, vedere CopyImageSetPython (Boto3) Reference.AWS SDK API
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