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SNSEsempi di Amazon che utilizzano SDK per Python (Boto3)
I seguenti esempi di codice mostrano come eseguire azioni e implementare scenari comuni utilizzando il AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) con AmazonSNS.
Le operazioni sono estratti di codice da programmi più grandi e devono essere eseguite nel contesto. Sebbene le azioni mostrino come richiamare le singole funzioni di servizio, puoi vedere le azioni nel loro contesto negli scenari correlati.
Gli scenari sono esempi di codice che mostrano come eseguire attività specifiche richiamando più funzioni all'interno di un servizio o combinandole con altre Servizi AWS.
Ogni esempio include un collegamento al codice sorgente completo, in cui è possibile trovare istruzioni su come configurare ed eseguire il codice nel contesto.
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come utilizzareCreateTopic
- SDKper Python (Boto3)
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. class SnsWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon SNS topic and subscription functions.""" def __init__(self, sns_resource): """ :param sns_resource: A Boto3 Amazon SNS resource. """ self.sns_resource = sns_resource def create_topic(self, name): """ Creates a notification topic. :param name: The name of the topic to create. :return: The newly created topic. """ try: topic = self.sns_resource.create_topic(Name=name)"Created topic %s with ARN %s.", name, topic.arn) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't create topic %s.", name) raise else: return topic
Per API i dettagli, vedere CreateTopicPython (Boto3) Reference.AWS SDK API
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come usare. DeleteTopic
- SDKper Python (Boto3)
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. class SnsWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon SNS topic and subscription functions.""" def __init__(self, sns_resource): """ :param sns_resource: A Boto3 Amazon SNS resource. """ self.sns_resource = sns_resource @staticmethod def delete_topic(topic): """ Deletes a topic. All subscriptions to the topic are also deleted. """ try: topic.delete()"Deleted topic %s.", topic.arn) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't delete topic %s.", topic.arn) raise
Per API i dettagli, vedere DeleteTopicPython (Boto3) Reference.AWS SDK API
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come usare. ListSubscriptions
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. class SnsWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon SNS topic and subscription functions.""" def __init__(self, sns_resource): """ :param sns_resource: A Boto3 Amazon SNS resource. """ self.sns_resource = sns_resource def list_subscriptions(self, topic=None): """ Lists subscriptions for the current account, optionally limited to a specific topic. :param topic: When specified, only subscriptions to this topic are returned. :return: An iterator that yields the subscriptions. """ try: if topic is None: subs_iter = self.sns_resource.subscriptions.all() else: subs_iter = topic.subscriptions.all()"Got subscriptions.") except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get subscriptions.") raise else: return subs_iter
Per API i dettagli, vedere ListSubscriptionsPython (Boto3) Reference.AWS SDK API
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come usare. ListTopics
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. class SnsWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon SNS topic and subscription functions.""" def __init__(self, sns_resource): """ :param sns_resource: A Boto3 Amazon SNS resource. """ self.sns_resource = sns_resource def list_topics(self): """ Lists topics for the current account. :return: An iterator that yields the topics. """ try: topics_iter = self.sns_resource.topics.all()"Got topics.") except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get topics.") raise else: return topics_iter
Per API i dettagli, vedere ListTopicsPython (Boto3) Reference.AWS SDK API
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come usare. Publish
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. Pubblicare un messaggio con attributi in modo che una sottoscrizione possa filtrare in base agli attributi.
class SnsWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon SNS topic and subscription functions.""" def __init__(self, sns_resource): """ :param sns_resource: A Boto3 Amazon SNS resource. """ self.sns_resource = sns_resource @staticmethod def publish_message(topic, message, attributes): """ Publishes a message, with attributes, to a topic. Subscriptions can be filtered based on message attributes so that a subscription receives messages only when specified attributes are present. :param topic: The topic to publish to. :param message: The message to publish. :param attributes: The key-value attributes to attach to the message. Values must be either `str` or `bytes`. :return: The ID of the message. """ try: att_dict = {} for key, value in attributes.items(): if isinstance(value, str): att_dict[key] = {"DataType": "String", "StringValue": value} elif isinstance(value, bytes): att_dict[key] = {"DataType": "Binary", "BinaryValue": value} response = topic.publish(Message=message, MessageAttributes=att_dict) message_id = response["MessageId"] "Published message with attributes %s to topic %s.", attributes, topic.arn, ) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't publish message to topic %s.", topic.arn) raise else: return message_id
Pubblicare un messaggio che assume forme diverse in base al protocollo del sottoscrittore.
class SnsWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon SNS topic and subscription functions.""" def __init__(self, sns_resource): """ :param sns_resource: A Boto3 Amazon SNS resource. """ self.sns_resource = sns_resource @staticmethod def publish_multi_message( topic, subject, default_message, sms_message, email_message ): """ Publishes a multi-format message to a topic. A multi-format message takes different forms based on the protocol of the subscriber. For example, an SMS subscriber might receive a short version of the message while an email subscriber could receive a longer version. :param topic: The topic to publish to. :param subject: The subject of the message. :param default_message: The default version of the message. This version is sent to subscribers that have protocols that are not otherwise specified in the structured message. :param sms_message: The version of the message sent to SMS subscribers. :param email_message: The version of the message sent to email subscribers. :return: The ID of the message. """ try: message = { "default": default_message, "sms": sms_message, "email": email_message, } response = topic.publish( Message=json.dumps(message), Subject=subject, MessageStructure="json" ) message_id = response["MessageId"]"Published multi-format message to topic %s.", topic.arn) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't publish message to topic %s.", topic.arn) raise else: return message_id
Per API i dettagli, consulta Publish in AWS SDKfor Python (Boto3) Reference. API
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come utilizzare. SetSubscriptionAttributes
- SDKper Python (Boto3)
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. class SnsWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon SNS topic and subscription functions.""" def __init__(self, sns_resource): """ :param sns_resource: A Boto3 Amazon SNS resource. """ self.sns_resource = sns_resource @staticmethod def add_subscription_filter(subscription, attributes): """ Adds a filter policy to a subscription. A filter policy is a key and a list of values that are allowed. When a message is published, it must have an attribute that passes the filter or it will not be sent to the subscription. :param subscription: The subscription the filter policy is attached to. :param attributes: A dictionary of key-value pairs that define the filter. """ try: att_policy = {key: [value] for key, value in attributes.items()} subscription.set_attributes( AttributeName="FilterPolicy", AttributeValue=json.dumps(att_policy) )"Added filter to subscription %s.", subscription.arn) except ClientError: logger.exception( "Couldn't add filter to subscription %s.", subscription.arn ) raise
Per API i dettagli, vedere SetSubscriptionAttributesPython (Boto3) Reference.AWS SDK API
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come usare. Subscribe
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. Sottoscrivi un indirizzo email a un argomento.
class SnsWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon SNS topic and subscription functions.""" def __init__(self, sns_resource): """ :param sns_resource: A Boto3 Amazon SNS resource. """ self.sns_resource = sns_resource @staticmethod def subscribe(topic, protocol, endpoint): """ Subscribes an endpoint to the topic. Some endpoint types, such as email, must be confirmed before their subscriptions are active. When a subscription is not confirmed, its Amazon Resource Number (ARN) is set to 'PendingConfirmation'. :param topic: The topic to subscribe to. :param protocol: The protocol of the endpoint, such as 'sms' or 'email'. :param endpoint: The endpoint that receives messages, such as a phone number (in E.164 format) for SMS messages, or an email address for email messages. :return: The newly added subscription. """ try: subscription = topic.subscribe( Protocol=protocol, Endpoint=endpoint, ReturnSubscriptionArn=True )"Subscribed %s %s to topic %s.", protocol, endpoint, topic.arn) except ClientError: logger.exception( "Couldn't subscribe %s %s to topic %s.", protocol, endpoint, topic.arn ) raise else: return subscription
Per API i dettagli, consulta Subscribe in AWS SDKfor Python (Boto3) Reference. API
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come utilizzare. Unsubscribe
- SDKper Python (Boto3)
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. class SnsWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon SNS topic and subscription functions.""" def __init__(self, sns_resource): """ :param sns_resource: A Boto3 Amazon SNS resource. """ self.sns_resource = sns_resource @staticmethod def delete_subscription(subscription): """ Unsubscribes and deletes a subscription. """ try: subscription.delete()"Deleted subscription %s.", subscription.arn) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't delete subscription %s.", subscription.arn) raise
Per API i dettagli, consulta Unsubscribe in AWS SDKfor Python (APIBoto3) Reference.
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come esplorare l'output di Amazon Textract tramite un'applicazione interattiva.
- SDKper Python (Boto3)
Mostra come utilizzarlo AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) con Amazon Textract per rilevare elementi di testo, moduli e tabelle nell'immagine di un documento. L'immagine di input e l'output di Amazon Textract sono mostrati in un'applicazione Tkinter che consente di esplorare gli elementi rilevati.
Invia un'immagine del documento ad Amazon Textract ed esplora l'output degli elementi rilevati.
Invia immagini direttamente ad Amazon Textract o tramite un bucket Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
Utilizza asynchronous APIs per avviare un processo che pubblica una notifica su un argomento di Amazon Simple Notification Service (AmazonSNS) al termine del processo.
Esegui il polling di una coda di Amazon Simple Queue Service SQS (Amazon) per un messaggio di completamento del lavoro e visualizza i risultati.
Per il codice sorgente completo e le istruzioni su come configurarlo ed eseguirlo, guarda l'esempio completo su. GitHub
Servizi utilizzati in questo esempio
Amazon S3
Amazon SNS
Amazon SQS
Amazon Textract
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come creare e pubblicare FIFO su un SNS argomento Amazon.
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. Crea un SNS FIFO argomento Amazon, sottoscrivi Amazon SQS FIFO e le code standard all'argomento e pubblica un messaggio sull'argomento.
def usage_demo(): """Shows how to subscribe queues to a FIFO topic.""" print("-" * 88) print("Welcome to the `Subscribe queues to a FIFO topic` demo!") print("-" * 88) sns = boto3.resource("sns") sqs = boto3.resource("sqs") fifo_topic_wrapper = FifoTopicWrapper(sns) sns_wrapper = SnsWrapper(sns) prefix = "sqs-subscribe-demo-" queues = set() subscriptions = set() wholesale_queue = sqs.create_queue( QueueName=prefix + "wholesale.fifo", Attributes={ "MaximumMessageSize": str(4096), "ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds": str(10), "VisibilityTimeout": str(300), "FifoQueue": str(True), "ContentBasedDeduplication": str(True), }, ) queues.add(wholesale_queue) print(f"Created FIFO queue with URL: {wholesale_queue.url}.") retail_queue = sqs.create_queue( QueueName=prefix + "retail.fifo", Attributes={ "MaximumMessageSize": str(4096), "ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds": str(10), "VisibilityTimeout": str(300), "FifoQueue": str(True), "ContentBasedDeduplication": str(True), }, ) queues.add(retail_queue) print(f"Created FIFO queue with URL: {retail_queue.url}.") analytics_queue = sqs.create_queue(QueueName=prefix + "analytics", Attributes={}) queues.add(analytics_queue) print(f"Created standard queue with URL: {analytics_queue.url}.") topic = fifo_topic_wrapper.create_fifo_topic("price-updates-topic.fifo") print(f"Created FIFO topic: {topic.attributes['TopicArn']}.") for q in queues: fifo_topic_wrapper.add_access_policy(q, topic.attributes["TopicArn"]) print(f"Added access policies for topic: {topic.attributes['TopicArn']}.") for q in queues: sub = fifo_topic_wrapper.subscribe_queue_to_topic( topic, q.attributes["QueueArn"] ) subscriptions.add(sub) print(f"Subscribed queues to topic: {topic.attributes['TopicArn']}.") input("Press Enter to publish a message to the topic.") message_id = fifo_topic_wrapper.publish_price_update( topic, '{"product": 214, "price": 79.99}', "Consumables" ) print(f"Published price update with message ID: {message_id}.") # Clean up the subscriptions, queues, and topic. input("Press Enter to clean up resources.") for s in subscriptions: sns_wrapper.delete_subscription(s) sns_wrapper.delete_topic(topic) for q in queues: fifo_topic_wrapper.delete_queue(q) print(f"Deleted subscriptions, queues, and topic.") print("Thanks for watching!") print("-" * 88) class FifoTopicWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon SNS FIFO topic and subscription functions.""" def __init__(self, sns_resource): """ :param sns_resource: A Boto3 Amazon SNS resource. """ self.sns_resource = sns_resource def create_fifo_topic(self, topic_name): """ Create a FIFO topic. Topic names must be made up of only uppercase and lowercase ASCII letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens, and must be between 1 and 256 characters long. For a FIFO topic, the name must end with the .fifo suffix. :param topic_name: The name for the topic. :return: The new topic. """ try: topic = self.sns_resource.create_topic( Name=topic_name, Attributes={ "FifoTopic": str(True), "ContentBasedDeduplication": str(False), }, )"Created FIFO topic with name=%s.", topic_name) return topic except ClientError as error: logger.exception("Couldn't create topic with name=%s!", topic_name) raise error @staticmethod def add_access_policy(queue, topic_arn): """ Add the necessary access policy to a queue, so it can receive messages from a topic. :param queue: The queue resource. :param topic_arn: The ARN of the topic. :return: None. """ try: queue.set_attributes( Attributes={ "Policy": json.dumps( { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "test-sid", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": {"AWS": "*"}, "Action": "SQS:SendMessage", "Resource": queue.attributes["QueueArn"], "Condition": { "ArnLike": {"aws:SourceArn": topic_arn} }, } ], } ) } )"Added trust policy to the queue.") except ClientError as error: logger.exception("Couldn't add trust policy to the queue!") raise error @staticmethod def subscribe_queue_to_topic(topic, queue_arn): """ Subscribe a queue to a topic. :param topic: The topic resource. :param queue_arn: The ARN of the queue. :return: The subscription resource. """ try: subscription = topic.subscribe( Protocol="sqs", Endpoint=queue_arn, )"The queue is subscribed to the topic.") return subscription except ClientError as error: logger.exception("Couldn't subscribe queue to topic!") raise error @staticmethod def publish_price_update(topic, payload, group_id): """ Compose and publish a message that updates the wholesale price. :param topic: The topic to publish to. :param payload: The message to publish. :param group_id: The group ID for the message. :return: The ID of the message. """ try: att_dict = {"business": {"DataType": "String", "StringValue": "wholesale"}} dedup_id = uuid.uuid4() response = topic.publish( Subject="Price Update", Message=payload, MessageAttributes=att_dict, MessageGroupId=group_id, MessageDeduplicationId=str(dedup_id), ) message_id = response["MessageId"]"Published message to topic %s.", topic.arn) except ClientError as error: logger.exception("Couldn't publish message to topic %s.", topic.arn) raise error return message_id @staticmethod def delete_queue(queue): """ Removes an SQS queue. When run against an AWS account, it can take up to 60 seconds before the queue is actually deleted. :param queue: The queue to delete. :return: None """ try: queue.delete()"Deleted queue with URL=%s.", queue.url) except ClientError as error: logger.exception("Couldn't delete queue with URL=%s!", queue.url) raise error
Per API i dettagli, consulta i seguenti argomenti in AWS SDKPython (Boto3) Reference. API
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come pubblicare SMS messaggi utilizzando AmazonSNS.
- SDKper Python (Boto3)
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. class SnsWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon SNS topic and subscription functions.""" def __init__(self, sns_resource): """ :param sns_resource: A Boto3 Amazon SNS resource. """ self.sns_resource = sns_resource def publish_text_message(self, phone_number, message): """ Publishes a text message directly to a phone number without need for a subscription. :param phone_number: The phone number that receives the message. This must be in E.164 format. For example, a United States phone number might be +12065550101. :param message: The message to send. :return: The ID of the message. """ try: response = self.sns_resource.meta.client.publish( PhoneNumber=phone_number, Message=message ) message_id = response["MessageId"]"Published message to %s.", phone_number) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't publish message to %s.", phone_number) raise else: return message_id
Per API i dettagli, consulta Publish in AWS SDKfor Python (Boto3) Reference. API
Esempi serverless
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come implementare una funzione Lambda che riceve un evento attivato dalla ricezione di messaggi da un argomento. SNS La funzione recupera i messaggi dal parametro dell'evento e registra il contenuto di ogni messaggio.
- SDKper Python (Boto3)
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. Consumo di un SNS evento con Lambda usando Python.
# Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 def lambda_handler(event, context): for record in event['Records']: process_message(record) print("done") def process_message(record): try: message = record['Sns']['Message'] print(f"Processed message {message}") # TODO; Process your record here except Exception as e: print("An error occurred") raise e