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Esempi di Amazon Transcribe Streaming con SDK per Swift
I seguenti esempi di codice mostrano come eseguire azioni e implementare scenari comuni utilizzando l' AWS SDK per Swift con Amazon Transcribe Streaming.
Le operazioni sono estratti di codice da programmi più grandi e devono essere eseguite nel contesto. Sebbene le operazioni mostrino come richiamare le singole funzioni del servizio, è possibile visualizzarle contestualizzate negli scenari correlati.
Gli scenari sono esempi di codice che mostrano come eseguire un'attività specifica richiamando più funzioni all'interno dello stesso servizio o combinate con altri Servizi AWS.
Ogni esempio include un collegamento al codice sorgente completo, dove puoi trovare istruzioni su come configurare ed eseguire il codice nel contesto.
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come utilizzareStartStreamTranscription
- SDK per Swift
C'è altro da fare GitHub. Trova l'esempio completo e scopri di più sulla configurazione e l'esecuzione nel Repository di esempi di codice AWS
. let client = TranscribeStreamingClient( config: try await TranscribeStreamingClient.TranscribeStreamingClientConfiguration( region: region ) ) // Start the transcription running on the audio stream. let output = try await client.startStreamTranscription( input: StartStreamTranscriptionInput( audioStream: try await createAudioStream(), languageCode: TranscribeStreamingClientTypes.LanguageCode(rawValue: lang), mediaEncoding: encoding, mediaSampleRateHertz: sampleRate ) )
Per i dettagli sull'API, consulta la StartStreamTranscription
guida di riferimento all'API AWS SDK for Swift.
Il seguente esempio di codice mostra come generare una trascrizione di un file audio sorgente utilizzando lo streaming di Amazon Transcribe.
- SDK per Swift
C'è altro su. GitHub Trova l'esempio completo e scopri di più sulla configurazione e l'esecuzione nel Repository di esempi di codice AWS
. Usa lo streaming di Amazon Transcribe per trascrivere la lingua parlata in un file audio.
/// An example that demonstrates how to watch an transcribe event stream to /// transcribe audio from a file to the console. import ArgumentParser import AWSClientRuntime import AWSTranscribeStreaming import Foundation /// Identify one of the media file formats supported by Amazon Transcribe. enum TranscribeFormat: String, ExpressibleByArgument { case ogg = "ogg" case pcm = "pcm" case flac = "flac" } // -MARK: - Async command line tool struct ExampleCommand: ParsableCommand { // -MARK: Command arguments @Flag(help: "Show partial results") var showPartial = false @Option(help: "Language code to transcribe into") var lang: String = "en-US" @Option(help: "Format of the source audio file") var format: TranscribeFormat @Option(help: "Sample rate of the source audio file in Hertz") var sampleRate: Int = 16000 @Option(help: "Path of the source audio file") var path: String @Option(help: "Name of the Amazon S3 Region to use (default: us-east-1)") var region = "us-east-1" static var configuration = CommandConfiguration( commandName: "tsevents", abstract: """ This example shows how to use event streaming with Amazon Transcribe. """, discussion: """ """ ) /// Create and return an Amazon Transcribe audio stream from the file /// specified in the arguments. /// /// - Throws: Errors from `TranscribeError`. /// /// - Returns: `AsyncThrowingStream<TranscribeStreamingClientTypes.AudioStream, Error>` func createAudioStream() async throws -> AsyncThrowingStream<TranscribeStreamingClientTypes.AudioStream, Error> { let fileURL: URL = URL(fileURLWithPath: path) let audioData = try Data(contentsOf: fileURL) // Properties defining the size of audio chunks and the total size of // the audio file in bytes. You should try to send chunks that last on // average 125 milliseconds. let chunkSizeInMilliseconds = 125.0 let chunkSize = Int(chunkSizeInMilliseconds / 1000.0 * Double(sampleRate) * 2.0) let audioDataSize = audioData.count // Create an audio stream from the source data. The stream's job is // to send the audio in chunks to Amazon Transcribe as // `AudioStream.audioevent` events. let audioStream = AsyncThrowingStream<TranscribeStreamingClientTypes.AudioStream, Error> { continuation in Task { var currentStart = 0 var currentEnd = min(chunkSize, audioDataSize - currentStart) // Generate and send chunks of audio data as `audioevent` // events until the entire file has been sent. Each event is // yielded to the SDK after being created. while currentStart < audioDataSize { let dataChunk = audioData[currentStart ..< currentEnd] let audioEvent = TranscribeStreamingClientTypes.AudioStream.audioevent( .init(audioChunk: dataChunk) ) let yieldResult = continuation.yield(audioEvent) switch yieldResult { case .enqueued(_): // The chunk was successfully enqueued into the // stream. The `remaining` parameter estimates how // much room is left in the queue, but is ignored here. break case .dropped(_): // The chunk was dropped because the queue buffer // is full. This will cause transcription errors. print("Warning: Dropped audio! The transcription will be incomplete.") case .terminated: print("Audio stream terminated.") continuation.finish() return default: print("Warning: Unrecognized response during audio streaming.") } currentStart = currentEnd currentEnd = min(currentStart + chunkSize, audioDataSize) } // Let the SDK's continuation block know the stream is over. continuation.finish() } } return audioStream } /// Run the transcription process. /// /// - Throws: An error from `TranscribeError`. func transcribe(encoding: TranscribeStreamingClientTypes.MediaEncoding) async throws { // Create the Transcribe Streaming client. let client = TranscribeStreamingClient( config: try await TranscribeStreamingClient.TranscribeStreamingClientConfiguration( region: region ) ) // Start the transcription running on the audio stream. let output = try await client.startStreamTranscription( input: StartStreamTranscriptionInput( audioStream: try await createAudioStream(), languageCode: TranscribeStreamingClientTypes.LanguageCode(rawValue: lang), mediaEncoding: encoding, mediaSampleRateHertz: sampleRate ) ) // Iterate over the events in the returned transcript result stream. // Each `transcriptevent` contains a list of result fragments which // need to be concatenated together to build the final transcript. for try await event in output.transcriptResultStream! { switch event { case .transcriptevent(let event): for result in event.transcript?.results ?? [] { guard let transcript = result.alternatives?.first?.transcript else { continue } // If showing partial results is enabled and the result is // partial, show it. Partial results may be incomplete, and // may be inaccurate, with upcoming audio making the // transcription complete or by giving more context to make // transcription make more sense. if (result.isPartial && showPartial) { print("[Partial] \(transcript)") } // When the complete fragment of transcribed text is ready, // print it. This could just as easily be used to draw the // text as a subtitle over a playing video, though timing // would need to be managed. if !result.isPartial { if (showPartial) { print("[Final ] ", terminator: "") } print(transcript) } } default: print("Error: Unexpected message from Amazon Transcribe:") } } } /// Convert the value of the `--format` command line option into the /// corresponding Transcribe Streaming `MediaEncoding` type. /// /// - Returns: The `MediaEncoding` equivalent of the format specified on /// the command line. func getMediaEncoding() -> TranscribeStreamingClientTypes.MediaEncoding { let mediaEncoding: TranscribeStreamingClientTypes.MediaEncoding switch format { case .flac: mediaEncoding = .flac case .ogg: mediaEncoding = .oggOpus case .pcm: mediaEncoding = .pcm } return mediaEncoding } } // -MARK: - Entry point /// The program's asynchronous entry point. @main struct Main { static func main() async { let args = Array(CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst()) do { let command = try ExampleCommand.parse(args) try await command.transcribe(encoding: command.getMediaEncoding()) } catch let error as TranscribeError { print("ERROR: \(error.errorDescription ?? "Unknown error")") } catch { ExampleCommand.exit(withError: error) } } } /// Errors thrown by the example's functions. enum TranscribeError: Error { /// No transcription stream available. case noTranscriptionStream /// The source media file couldn't be read. case readError var errorDescription: String? { switch self { case .noTranscriptionStream: return "No transcription stream returned by Amazon Transcribe." case .readError: return "Unable to read the source audio file." } } }
Per i dettagli sulle API, consulta il riferimento StartStreamTranscription
all'API AWS SDK for Swift.