Example flow in Amazon Connect Flow language
The following example shows a JSON string that represents the content of the flow. It shows a simple flow that plays a prompt using static text and disconnects.
To learn how to get block identifiers, we recommend creating a new flow in Amazon Connect console, and then calling the DescribeContactFlow API for it.
{ "Version": "2019-10-30", //A string representing the version of the Flow. Currently the only supported version is 2019-10-30. "StartAction": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", //A string representing the first Action to run when the flow starts running. //In this case, it's the identifier of the Play prompt block. //The value of this field must match the Identifier of an Action in the Actions list. "Metadata": { //An object that may be filled in with data as desired. "EntryPointPosition": { "x": 88, "y": 100 }, "ActionMetadata": { "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012": {//The identifier of the Play prompt block. "Position": { "x": 270, "y": 98 } }, "abcdef-abcd-abcd-abcd-abcdefghijkl": {//The identifier of the Disconnect/hang up block. "Position": { "x": 545, "y": 92 } } } }, "Actions": [ //A list of individual Action objects. These Actions are the definition of the Flow's behavior and are detailed below. //A single Flow may have no more than 250 Actions defined. { "Identifier": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", //The identifier of the Play prompt block. "Type": "MessageParticipant", //This is the flow action. "Transitions": { "NextAction": "abcdef-abcd-abcd-abcd-abcdefghijkl", //The identifier of the Disconnect/hang up block. "Errors": [], "Conditions": [] }, "Parameters": { "Text": "Thanks for calling the sample flow!" } }, { "Identifier": "abcdef-abcd-abcd-abcd-abcdefghijkl", //The identifier of the Disconnect/hang up block. "Type": "DisconnectParticipant", //This is the flow action. "Transitions": {}, "Parameters": {} } ] }