Esegui la suite di test - Gratuito RTOS

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Esegui la suite di test

Dopo aver creato la suite di test, devi assicurarti che funzioni come previsto. Completa i seguenti passaggi per eseguire la suite di test con il pool di dispositivi esistente a tale scopo.

  1. Copia la MyTestSuite_1.0.0 cartella in<device-tester-extract-location>/tests.

  2. Esegui i comandi seguenti:

    cd <device-tester-extract-location>/bin ./devicetester_[linux | mac | win_x86-64] run-suite --suite-id MyTestSuite

IDTesegue la suite di test e trasmette i risultati alla console. Al termine dell'esecuzione del test, vengono visualizzate le seguenti informazioni:

time="2020-10-19T09:24:47-07:00" level=info msg=Using pool: pool time="2020-10-19T09:24:47-07:00" level=info msg=Using test suite "MyTestSuite_1.0.0" for execution time="2020-10-19T09:24:47-07:00" level=info msg=b'hello world\n' suiteId=MyTestSuite groupId=myTestGroup testCaseId=myTestCase deviceId=my-device executionId=9a52f362-1227-11eb-86c9-8c8590419f30 time="2020-10-19T09:24:47-07:00" level=info msg=All tests finished. executionId=9a52f362-1227-11eb-86c9-8c8590419f30 time="2020-10-19T09:24:48-07:00" level=info msg= ========== Test Summary ========== Execution Time: 1s Tests Completed: 1 Tests Passed: 1 Tests Failed: 0 Tests Skipped: 0 ---------------------------------- Test Groups: myTestGroup: PASSED ---------------------------------- Path to AWS IoT Device Tester Report: /path/to/devicetester/results/9a52f362-1227-11eb-86c9-8c8590419f30/awsiotdevicetester_report.xml Path to Test Execution Logs: /path/to/devicetester/results/9a52f362-1227-11eb-86c9-8c8590419f30/logs Path to Aggregated JUnit Report: /path/to/devicetester/results/9a52f362-1227-11eb-86c9-8c8590419f30/MyTestSuite_Report.xml