Classe SelectFromCollection - AWS Glue

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Classe SelectFromCollection

Seleziona un DynamicFrame in una DynamicFrameCollection.


Questo esempio utilizza SelectFromCollection per selezionare un DynamicFrame da una DynamicFrameCollection.

Set di dati di esempio

L'esempio seleziona due DynamicFrames da una DynamicFrameCollection chiamata split_rows_collection. Di seguito è riportato un elenco di chiavi in split_rows_collection.

dict_keys(['high', 'low'])

Esempio di codice

# Example: Use SelectFromCollection to select # DynamicFrames from a DynamicFrameCollection from pyspark.context import SparkContext from awsglue.context import GlueContext from awsglue.transforms import SelectFromCollection # Create GlueContext sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate() glueContext = GlueContext(sc) # Select frames and inspect entries frame_low = SelectFromCollection.apply(dfc=split_rows_collection, key="low") frame_low.toDF().show() frame_high = SelectFromCollection.apply(dfc=split_rows_collection, key="high") frame_high.toDF().show()
+---+-----+------------------------+-------------------------+ | id|index|contact_details.val.type|contact_details.val.value| +---+-----+------------------------+-------------------------+ | 1| 0| fax| 202-225-3307| | 1| 1| phone| 202-225-5731| | 2| 0| fax| 202-225-3307| | 2| 1| phone| 202-225-5731| | 3| 0| fax| 202-225-3307| | 3| 1| phone| 202-225-5731| | 4| 0| fax| 202-225-3307| | 4| 1| phone| 202-225-5731| | 5| 0| fax| 202-225-3307| | 5| 1| phone| 202-225-5731| | 6| 0| fax| 202-225-3307| | 6| 1| phone| 202-225-5731| | 7| 0| fax| 202-225-3307| | 7| 1| phone| 202-225-5731| | 8| 0| fax| 202-225-3307| | 8| 1| phone| 202-225-5731| | 9| 0| fax| 202-225-3307| | 9| 1| phone| 202-225-5731| | 10| 0| fax| 202-225-6328| | 10| 1| phone| 202-225-4576| +---+-----+------------------------+-------------------------+ only showing top 20 rows +---+-----+------------------------+-------------------------+ | id|index|contact_details.val.type|contact_details.val.value| +---+-----+------------------------+-------------------------+ | 11| 0| fax| 202-225-6328| | 11| 1| phone| 202-225-4576| | 11| 2| twitter| RepTrentFranks| | 12| 0| fax| 202-225-6328| | 12| 1| phone| 202-225-4576| | 12| 2| twitter| RepTrentFranks| | 13| 0| fax| 202-225-6328| | 13| 1| phone| 202-225-4576| | 13| 2| twitter| RepTrentFranks| | 14| 0| fax| 202-225-6328| | 14| 1| phone| 202-225-4576| | 14| 2| twitter| RepTrentFranks| | 15| 0| fax| 202-225-6328| | 15| 1| phone| 202-225-4576| | 15| 2| twitter| RepTrentFranks| | 16| 0| fax| 202-225-6328| | 16| 1| phone| 202-225-4576| | 16| 2| twitter| RepTrentFranks| | 17| 0| fax| 202-225-6328| | 17| 1| phone| 202-225-4576| +---+-----+------------------------+-------------------------+ only showing top 20 rows


__call__ (dfc, chiave, transformation_ctx = "")

Ottiene un DynamicFrame da una DynamicFrameCollection.

  • dfc: la DynamicFrameCollection da cui il DynamicFrame deve essere selezionato (obbligatorio).

  • key: la chiave del DynamicFrame da selezionare (obbligatorio).

  • transformation_ctx: una stringa univoca utilizzata per identificare informazioni sullo stato (opzionale).

apply(cls, *args, **kwargs)

Ereditato da GlueTransform apply.


Ereditato da GlueTransform name.


Ereditato da GlueTransform describeArgs.


Ereditato da GlueTransform describeReturn.


Ereditato da GlueTransform describeTransform.


Ereditato da GlueTransform describeErrors.


Ereditato da GlueTransform describe.