SMART on FHIR OAuth 2.0 scopes supported by HealthLake - AWS HealthLake

SMART on FHIR OAuth 2.0 scopes supported by HealthLake

HealthLake uses OAuth 2.0 as an authorization protocol. Using this protocol on your authorization server allows you to define HealthLake data store permissions (create, read, update, delete, and search) for FHIR resources that a client application has access to.

The SMART on FHIR framework defines a set of scopes that can be requested from the authorization server. For example, a client application that is only designed to allow patients to view their lab results or view their contact details should only be authorized to request read scopes.


HealthLake provides support for both SMART on FHIR V1 and V2 as described below. The SMART on FHIR AuthorizationStrategy is set to one of the following three values when your data store is created:

  • SMART_ON_FHIR_V1 – Support for only SMART on FHIR V1, which includes read (read/search) and write (create/update/delete) permissions.

  • SMART_ON_FHIR – Support for both SMART on FHIR V1 and V2, which includes create, read, update, delete, and search permissions.

  • AWS_AUTH – The default AWS HealthLake authorization strategy; not affiliated with SMART on FHIR.

Standalone launch scope

HealthLake supports the standalone launch mode scope launch/patient.

In standalone launch mode a client application requests access to patient's clinical data because the user and patient are not known to the client application. Thus, the client application's authorization request explicitly requests the patient scope be returned. After successful authentication, the authorization server issues a access token containing the requested launch patient scope. The needed patient context is provided alongside the access token in the authorization server's response.

Supported launch mode scopes
Scope Description


A parameter in a OAuth 2.0 authorization request requesting that patient data be returned in the authorization response.

SMART on FHIR resource scopes for HealthLake

HealthLake defines three levels of SMART on FHIR resource scopes.

  • patient scopes grant access to specific data about a single Patient.

  • user scopes grant access to specific data that a user can access.

  • system scopes grant access to all FHIR resources found in the HealthLake data store.

The following sections list the syntax for constructing FHIR resource scopes using either SMART on FHIR V1 or SMART on FHIR V2.


The SMART on FHIR authorization strategy is set when your data store is created. For more information, see AuthorizationStrategy in the AWS HealthLake API Reference.

SMART on FHIR V1 scopes supported by HealthLake

When using SMART on FHIR V1, the general syntax for constructing FHIR resource scopes for HealthLake follows. To view the entire URL path in the following example, scroll over the Copy button.

('patient' | 'user' | 'system') '/' (fhir-resource | '*') '.' ('read' | 'write' | '*')
SMART on FHIR v1 supported authorization scopes
Scope syntax Example scope Result

patient/(fhir-resource | '*').('read' | 'write' | '*')

patient/AllergyIntolerance.* The patient client application has instance-level read/write access to all recorded allergies.

user/(fhir-resource | '*').('read' | 'write' | '*')

user/ The user client application has instance-level read/write access to all recorded observations.
system/('read' | 'write' | *) system/*.* The system client application has read/write access to all FHIR resource data.

SMART on FHIR V2 scopes supported by HealthLake

When using SMART on FHIR V2, the general syntax for constructing FHIR resource scopes for HealthLake follows. To view the entire URL path in the following example, scroll over the Copy button.

('patient' | 'user' | 'system') '/' (fhir-resource | '*') '.' ('c' | 'r' | 'u' | 'd' | 's')

To use SMART on FHIR V2, you must pass in the value permission-v2 into the metadata capabilities string, which is a member of the IdentityProviderConfiguration data type.

HealthLake supports granular scopes. For more information, see supported granular scopes in the FHIR US Core Implementation Guide.

SMART on FHIR V2 supported authorization scopes
Scope syntax Example V1 scope Result


user/ Permission to read and search Observation resource for the current patient.


system/*.* The system client application has full create/read/update/delete/search access to all FHIR resource data.