ROS2PrimitiveMessageDefinition - AWS IoT FleetWise


Represents a ROS 2 compliant primitive type message of the complex data structure.



The primitive type (integer, floating point, boolean, etc.) for the ROS 2 primitive message definition.

Type: String

Valid Values: BOOL | BYTE | CHAR | FLOAT32 | FLOAT64 | INT8 | UINT8 | INT16 | UINT16 | INT32 | UINT32 | INT64 | UINT64 | STRING | WSTRING

Required: Yes


The offset used to calculate the signal value. Combined with scaling, the calculation is value = raw_value * scaling + offset.

Type: Double

Required: No


A multiplier used to decode the message.

Type: Double

Required: No


An optional attribute specifying the upper bound for STRING and WSTRING.

Type: Long

Valid Range: Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 2048.

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: