Crittografa e decrittografa il testo con AWS KMS keys utilizzando un AWS SDK - AWS Key Management Service

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Crittografa e decrittografa il testo con AWS KMS keys utilizzando un AWS SDK

L'esempio di codice seguente mostra come:

  • Crittografa il testo semplice utilizzando una KMS chiave.

  • Decrittografa il testo cifrato usando una chiave. KMS

  • Crittografa nuovamente il testo cifrato utilizzando una seconda chiave. KMS

SDKper Python (Boto3)

C'è di più su. GitHub Trova l'esempio completo e scopri come configurare ed eseguire in AWS Repository di esempi di codice.

import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class KeyEncrypt: def __init__(self, kms_client): self.kms_client = kms_client def encrypt(self, key_id): """ Encrypts text by using the specified key. :param key_id: The ARN or ID of the key to use for encryption. :return: The encrypted version of the text. """ text = input("Enter some text to encrypt: ") try: cipher_text = self.kms_client.encrypt( KeyId=key_id, Plaintext=text.encode() )["CiphertextBlob"] except ClientError as err: logger.error( "Couldn't encrypt text. Here's why: %s", err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) else: print(f"Your ciphertext is: {cipher_text}") return cipher_text def decrypt(self, key_id, cipher_text): """ Decrypts text previously encrypted with a key. :param key_id: The ARN or ID of the key used to decrypt the data. :param cipher_text: The encrypted text to decrypt. """ answer = input("Ready to decrypt your ciphertext (y/n)? ") if answer.lower() == "y": try: text = self.kms_client.decrypt( KeyId=key_id, CiphertextBlob=cipher_text )["Plaintext"] except ClientError as err: logger.error( "Couldn't decrypt your ciphertext. Here's why: %s", err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) else: print(f"Your plaintext is {text.decode()}") else: print("Skipping decryption demo.") def re_encrypt(self, source_key_id, cipher_text): """ Takes ciphertext previously encrypted with one key and reencrypt it by using another key. :param source_key_id: The ARN or ID of the original key used to encrypt the ciphertext. :param cipher_text: The encrypted ciphertext. :return: The ciphertext encrypted by the second key. """ destination_key_id = input( f"Your ciphertext is currently encrypted with key {source_key_id}. " f"Enter another key ID or ARN to reencrypt it: " ) if destination_key_id != "": try: cipher_text = self.kms_client.re_encrypt( SourceKeyId=source_key_id, DestinationKeyId=destination_key_id, CiphertextBlob=cipher_text, )["CiphertextBlob"] except ClientError as err: logger.error( "Couldn't reencrypt your ciphertext. Here's why: %s", err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) else: print(f"Reencrypted your ciphertext as: {cipher_text}") return cipher_text else: print("Skipping reencryption demo.") def key_encryption(kms_client): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") print("-" * 88) print("Welcome to the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key encryption demo.") print("-" * 88) key_id = input("Enter a key ID or ARN to start the demo: ") if key_id == "": print("A key is required to run this demo.") return key_encrypt = KeyEncrypt(kms_client) cipher_text = key_encrypt.encrypt(key_id) print("-" * 88) if cipher_text is not None: key_encrypt.decrypt(key_id, cipher_text) print("-" * 88) key_encrypt.re_encrypt(key_id, cipher_text) print("\nThanks for watching!") print("-" * 88) if __name__ == "__main__": try: key_encryption(boto3.client("kms")) except Exception: logging.exception("Something went wrong with the demo!")
  • Per API informazioni dettagliate, vedere i seguenti argomenti in AWS SDKper Python (Boto3) Reference. API

Per un elenco completo di AWS SDKguide per sviluppatori ed esempi di codice, vediUtilizzo AWS KMS con un AWS SDK. Questo argomento include anche informazioni su come iniziare e dettagli sulle SDK versioni precedenti.