Esempio: Connessione a Neptune tramite Python con la firma di Signature Version 4 - Amazon Neptune

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Esempio: Connessione a Neptune tramite Python con la firma di Signature Version 4

In questa sezione viene mostrato un programma di esempio scritto in Python che spiega come lavorare con Signature Version 4 per Amazon Neptune. Questo esempio si basa sugli esempi contenuti nella sezione Signature Version 4 Signing Process del Riferimenti generali di Amazon Web Services.

Per lavorare con questo programma di esempio, è necessario:

  • Python 3.x installato nel computer, scaricabile dal sito Python. Questi programmi sono stati testati utilizzando Python 3.6.

  • La libreria di richieste Python, utilizzata nello script di esempio per creare richieste Web. Un modo comodo per installare i pacchetti Python è utilizzare pip, che consente di ottenere i pacchetti dal sito del'indice dei pacchetti Python. È quindi possibile installare requests eseguendo pip install requests alla riga di comando.

  • Una chiave di accesso (ID della chiave di accesso e chiave di accesso segreta) nelle variabili di ambiente denominate AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. Come best practice, è consigliabile non incorporare le credenziali nel codice. Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta Best practice per AWS account in AWS Account Management Guida di riferimento.

    La regione del tuo cluster database Neptune nella variabile di ambiente denominata SERVICE_REGION.

    Se usi credenziali temporanee, devi specificare AWS_SESSION_TOKEN oltre a AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY e SERVICE_REGION.


    Se utilizzi credenziali temporanee, queste scadono dopo un intervallo specificato, comprensivo del token di sessione.

    Devi aggiornare il token di sessione quando richiedi le nuove credenziali. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere Utilizzo di credenziali di sicurezza temporanee per richiedere l'accesso a AWS Risorse.

L'esempio seguente mostra come effettuare richieste firmate a Neptune utilizzando Python. La richiesta effettua una POST richiesta a GET o. Le informazioni di autenticazione vengono trasferite utilizzando l'intestazione della richiesta Authorization.

Questo esempio funziona anche come AWS Lambda funzione. Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta Configurazione AWS Autenticazione Lambda per Neptune IAM.

Per inviare richieste firmate agli endpoint Gremlin e SPARQL Neptune
  1. Crea un nuovo file denominato e aprilo in un editor di testo.

  2. Copia la seguente chiave pubblica e incollala nel file

    # Amazon Neptune version 4 signing example (version v3) # The following script requires python 3.6+ # (sudo yum install python36 python36-virtualenv python36-pip) # => the reason is that we're using urllib.parse() to manually encode URL # parameters: the problem here is that SIGV4 encoding requires whitespaces # to be encoded as %20 rather than not or using '+', as done by previous/ # default versions of the library. # See: import sys, datetime, hashlib, hmac import requests # pip3 install requests import urllib import os import json from botocore.auth import SigV4Auth from botocore.awsrequest import AWSRequest from botocore.credentials import ReadOnlyCredentials from types import SimpleNamespace from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter from argparse import ArgumentParser # Configuration. https is required. protocol = 'https' # The following lines enable debugging at httplib level (requests->urllib3->http.client) # You will see the REQUEST, including HEADERS and DATA, and RESPONSE with HEADERS but without DATA. # # The only thing missing will be the response.body which is not logged. # # import logging # from http.client import HTTPConnection # HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 # logging.basicConfig() # logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3") # requests_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # requests_log.propagate = True # Read AWS access key from env. variables. Best practice is NOT # to embed credentials in code. access_key = os.getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', '') secret_key = os.getenv('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', '') region = os.getenv('SERVICE_REGION', '') # AWS_SESSION_TOKEN is optional environment variable. Specify a session token only if you are using temporary # security credentials. session_token = os.getenv('AWS_SESSION_TOKEN', '') ### Note same script can be used for AWS Lambda (runtime = python3.6). ## Steps to use this python script for AWS Lambda # 1. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN and AWS_REGION variables are already part of Lambda's Execution environment # No need to set them up explicitly. # 3. Create Lambda deployment package # 4. Create a Lambda function in the same VPC and assign an IAM role with neptune access def lambda_handler(event, context): # sample_test_input = { # "host": "END_POINT:8182", # "method": "GET", # "query_type": "gremlin", # "query": "g.V().count()" # } # Lambda uses AWS_REGION instead of SERVICE_REGION global region region = os.getenv('AWS_REGION', '') host = event['host'] method = event['method'] query_type = event['query_type'] query = event['query'] return make_signed_request(host, method, query_type, query) def validate_input(method, query_type): # Supporting GET and POST for now: if (method != 'GET' and method != 'POST'): print('First parameter must be "GET" or "POST", but is "' + method + '".') sys.exit() # SPARQL UPDATE requires POST if (method == 'GET' and query_type == 'sparqlupdate'): print('SPARQL UPDATE is not supported in GET mode. Please choose POST.') sys.exit() def get_canonical_uri_and_payload(query_type, query, method): # Set the stack and payload depending on query_type. if (query_type == 'sparql'): canonical_uri = '/sparql/' payload = {'query': query} elif (query_type == 'sparqlupdate'): canonical_uri = '/sparql/' payload = {'update': query} elif (query_type == 'gremlin'): canonical_uri = '/gremlin/' payload = {'gremlin': query} if (method == 'POST'): payload = json.dumps(payload) elif (query_type == 'openCypher'): canonical_uri = '/openCypher/' payload = {'query': query} elif (query_type == "loader"): canonical_uri = "/loader/" payload = query elif (query_type == "status"): canonical_uri = "/status/" payload = {} elif (query_type == "gremlin/status"): canonical_uri = "/gremlin/status/" payload = {} elif (query_type == "openCypher/status"): canonical_uri = "/openCypher/status/" payload = {} elif (query_type == "sparql/status"): canonical_uri = "/sparql/status/" payload = {} else: print( 'Third parameter should be from ["gremlin", "sparql", "sparqlupdate", "loader", "status] but is "' + query_type + '".') sys.exit() ## return output as tuple return canonical_uri, payload def make_signed_request(host, method, query_type, query): service = 'neptune-db' endpoint = protocol + '://' + host print() print('+++++ USER INPUT +++++') print('host = ' + host) print('method = ' + method) print('query_type = ' + query_type) print('query = ' + query) # validate input validate_input(method, query_type) # get canonical_uri and payload canonical_uri, payload = get_canonical_uri_and_payload(query_type, query, method) # assign payload to data or params data = payload if method == 'POST' else None params = payload if method == 'GET' else None # create request URL request_url = endpoint + canonical_uri # create and sign request creds = SimpleNamespace( access_key=access_key, secret_key=secret_key, token=session_token, region=region, ) request = AWSRequest(method=method, url=request_url, data=data, params=params) SigV4Auth(creds, service, region).add_auth(request) r = None # ************* SEND THE REQUEST ************* if (method == 'GET'): print('++++ BEGIN GET REQUEST +++++') print('Request URL = ' + request_url) r = requests.get(request_url, headers=request.headers, verify=False, params=params) elif (method == 'POST'): print('\n+++++ BEGIN POST REQUEST +++++') print('Request URL = ' + request_url) if (query_type == "loader"): request.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json' r =, headers=request.headers, verify=False, data=data) else: print('Request method is neither "GET" nor "POST", something is wrong here.') if r is not None: print() print('+++++ RESPONSE +++++') print('Response code: %d\n' % r.status_code) response = r.text r.close() print(response) return response help_msg = ''' export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=[MY_ACCESS_KEY_ID] export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=[MY_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY] export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=[MY_AWS_SESSION_TOKEN] export SERVICE_REGION=[us-east-1|us-east-2|us-west-2|eu-west-1] python version >=3.6 is required. Examples: For help python3 -h Examples: Queries python3 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q status python3 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q sparql/status python3 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q sparql -d "SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }" python3 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a POST -q sparql -d "SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }" python3 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a POST -q sparqlupdate -d "INSERT DATA { <https://s> <https://p> <https://o> }" python3 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q gremlin/status python3 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q gremlin -d "g.V().count()" python3 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a POST -q gremlin -d "g.V().count()" python3 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q openCypher/status python3 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q openCypher -d "MATCH (n1) RETURN n1 LIMIT 1;" python3 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a POST -q openCypher -d "MATCH (n1) RETURN n1 LIMIT 1;" python3 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q loader -d '{"loadId": "68b28dcc-8e15-02b1-133d-9bd0557607e6"}' python3 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q loader -d '{}' python3 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a POST -q loader -d '{"source": "source", "format" : "csv", "failOnError": "fail_on_error", "iamRoleArn": "iam_role_arn", "region": "region"}' Environment variables must be defined as AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and SERVICE_REGION. You should also set AWS_SESSION_TOKEN environment variable if you are using temporary credentials (ex. IAM Role or EC2 Instance profile). Current Limitations: - Query mode "sparqlupdate" requires POST (as per the SPARQL 1.1 protocol) ''' def exit_and_print_help(): print(help_msg) exit() def parse_input_and_query_neptune(): parser = ArgumentParser(description=help_msg, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) group_host = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group_host.add_argument("-ho", "--host", type=str) group_port = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group_port.add_argument("-p", "--port", type=int, help="port ex. 8182, default=8182", default=8182) group_action = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group_action.add_argument("-a", "--action", type=str, help="http action, default = GET", default="GET") group_endpoint = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group_endpoint.add_argument("-q", "--query_type", type=str, help="query_type, default = status ", default="status") group_data = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group_data.add_argument("-d", "--data", type=str, help="data required for the http action", default="") args = parser.parse_args() print(args) # Read command line parameters host = port = args.port method = args.action query_type = args.query_type query = if (access_key == ''): print('!!! ERROR: Your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable is undefined.') exit_and_print_help() if (secret_key == ''): print('!!! ERROR: Your AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is undefined.') exit_and_print_help() if (region == ''): print('!!! ERROR: Your SERVICE_REGION environment variable is undefined.') exit_and_print_help() if host is None: print('!!! ERROR: Neptune DNS is missing') exit_and_print_help() host = host + ":" + str(port) make_signed_request(host, method, query_type, query) if __name__ == "__main__": parse_input_and_query_neptune()
  3. In un terminale, individua la posizione del file

  4. Inserisci i seguenti comandi, sostituendo la chiave di accesso, la chiave segreta e la regione con i valori corretti.

    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=MY_ACCESS_KEY_ID export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=MY_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY export SERVICE_REGION=us-east-1 or us-east-2 or us-west-1 or us-west-2 or ca-central-1 or sa-east-1 or eu-north-1 or eu-west-1 or eu-west-2 or eu-west-3 or eu-central-1 or me-south-1 or me-central-1 or il-central-1 or af-south-1 or ap-east-1 or ap-northeast-1 or ap-northeast-2 or ap-southeast-1 or ap-southeast-2 or ap-south-1 or cn-north-1 or cn-northwest-1 or us-gov-east-1 or us-gov-west-1

    Se usi credenziali temporanee, devi specificare AWS_SESSION_TOKEN oltre a AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY e SERVICE_REGION.


    Se utilizzi credenziali temporanee, queste scadono dopo un intervallo specificato, comprensivo del token di sessione.

    Devi aggiornare il token di sessione quando richiedi le nuove credenziali. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere Utilizzo di credenziali di sicurezza temporanee per richiedere l'accesso a AWS Risorse.

  5. Inserisci uno dei seguenti comandi per inviare una richiesta firmata all'istanza database Neptune. Questi esempi utilizzano Python versione 3.6.

    Stato endpoint

    python3.6 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q status


    python3.6 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q gremlin -d "g.V().count()" python3.6 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a POST -q gremlin -d "g.V().count()"

    Stato Gremlin

    python3.6 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q gremlin/status


    python3.6 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q sparql -d "SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"


    python3.6 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a POST -q sparqlupdate -d "INSERT DATA { <https://s> <https://p> <https://o> }"


    python3.6 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q sparql/status


    python3.6 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q openCypher -d "MATCH (n1) RETURN n1 LIMIT 1;" python3.6 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a POST -q openCypher -d "MATCH (n1) RETURN n1 LIMIT 1;"

    openCypher stato

    python3.6 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q openCypher/status


    python3.6 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q loader -d '{"loadId": "68b28dcc-8e15-02b1-133d-9bd0557607e6"}' python3.6 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q loader -d '{}' python3.6 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a POST -q loader -d '{"source": "source", "format" : "csv", "failOnError": "fail_on_error", "iamRoleArn": "iam_role_arn", "region": "region"}'
  6. La sintassi per eseguire lo script Python è la seguente:

    python3.6 -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p port -a GET|POST -q gremlin|sparql|sparqlupdate|loader|status -d "string0data"