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Register an administrator for multi-account in an AWS global network

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Register an administrator for multi-account in an AWS global network - AWS Network Manager
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Use the AWS Global Networks for Transit Gateways console to register delegated administrators. You can register up to ten delegated administrators. Delegated administrators can assume the SLR and IAM roles deployed while enabling trusted access for access across multiple accounts. For more information about delegated administrators, see Delegated administrators.

To register a delegated administrator
  1. Access the Network Manager console at with the AWS Organizations management account.

  2. Under Connectivity, choose Global Networks.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Settings.

  4. In the Delegated Administrators section, choose Register delegated administrator.

  5. From the AWS account ID dropdown list, choose one or more AWS Organizations accounts that you want to delegate administrator permissions to.

  6. Choose Register delegated administrator.

  7. When the delegated administrator is registered, you can then register transit gateways from any transit gateways from any account within your organization to the global network in the delegated administrator account. For more information about registering transit gateways in the global network of a delegated administrator account, see Transit gateway registrations in AWS Global Networks for Transit Gateways.

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