CreateIngestion - Amazon QuickSight


Use the CreateIngestion to create and start a new SPICE ingestion on a dataset.

Any ingestions operating on tagged datasets inherit the same tags automatically for use in access control. For an example, see How do I create an IAM policy to control access to Amazon EC2 resources using tags? in the AWS Knowledge Center. Tags are visible on the tagged dataset, but not on the ingestion resource.

Following is an example AWS CLI command for this operation.

aws quicksight create-ingestion --data-set-id DATASETID --ingestionid INGESTIONID --aws-account-id AWSACCOUNTID

You can also make this command using a CLI skeleton file with the following command. For more information about CLI skeleton files, see Use CLI skeleton files.

aws quicksight create-ingestion --cli-input-json file://createingestion.json

For more information about the CreateIngestion operation, see CreateIngestion in the Amazon QuickSight API Reference.