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Run a training job on HyperPod Slurm

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Run a training job on HyperPod Slurm - Amazon SageMaker AI
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SageMaker HyperPod Recipes supports submitting a training job to a GPU/Trainium slurm cluster. Before you submit the training job, update the cluster configuration. Use one of the following methods to update the cluster configuration:

  • Modify slurm.yaml

  • Override it through the command line

After you've updated the cluster configuration, install the environment.

Configure the cluster

To submit a training job to a Slurm cluster, specify the Slurm-specific configuration. Modify slurm.yaml to configure the Slurm cluster. The following is an example of a Slurm cluster configuration. You can modify this file for your own training needs:

job_name_prefix: 'sagemaker-' slurm_create_submission_file_only: False stderr_to_stdout: True srun_args: # - "--no-container-mount-home" slurm_docker_cfg: docker_args: # - "--runtime=nvidia" post_launch_commands: container_mounts: - "/fsx:/fsx"
  1. job_name_prefix: Specify a job name prefix to easily identify your submissions to the Slurm cluster.

  2. slurm_create_submission_file_only: Set this configuration to True for a dry run to help you debug.

  3. stderr_to_stdout: Specify whether you're redirecting your standard error (stderr) to standard output (stdout).

  4. srun_args: Customize additional srun configurations, such as excluding specific compute nodes. For more information, see the srun documentation.

  5. slurm_docker_cfg: The SageMaker HyperPod recipe launcher launches a Docker container to run your training job. You can specify additional Docker arguments within this parameter.

  6. container_mounts: Specify the volumes you're mounting into the container for the recipe launcher, for your training jobs to access the files in those volumes.

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