Match conditions in Network Access Analyzer - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

Match conditions in Network Access Analyzer

A match condition defines the types of network paths that should be produced as findings. A Network Access Scope must specify at least one match condition. A match condition can contain a source and a destination. Each source and destination can include a resource statement, a packet header statement, or both.

If a match condition has a source but no destination, it produces findings for the following:

  • Network paths that end at any supported resource

  • Network paths that start at a network component specified in the resource statement of the source (if defined)

  • Network paths with a packet header that matches the packet header statement of the source (if defined)

If a match condition has a destination but no source, it produces findings for the following:

  • Network paths that start at any supported resource and end at a network component specified in the resource statement of the destination (if defined)

  • Network paths with a packet header that matches the packet header statement of the destination (if defined)

If a match condition has both a source and destination, the network path must at the source entry and end at the destination.

If a Network Access Scope has multiple match conditions, it produces findings for any path that satisfies at least one of the match conditions.