Customize branding in WorkSpaces Personal - Amazon WorkSpaces

Customize branding in WorkSpaces Personal

Amazon WorkSpaces allows you to create a familiar WorkSpaces experience for your users by using APIs to customize the appearance of your WorkSpace's login page with your own branding logo, IT support information, forgot password link, and login message. Your branding will be displayed to your users in their WorkSpace login page rather than the default WorkSpaces branding.

The following clients are supported:

  • Windows

  • Linux

  • Android

  • MacOS

  • iOS

  • Web Access


To modify branding elements using the ClientBranding APIs in the AWS GovCloud (US) Region, use a WorkSpaces client version that is 5.10.0.

Import custom branding

To import your client branding customization, use the action ImportClientBranding, which includes the following elements. See ImportClientBranding API reference for more information.


Client branding attributes are public facing. Ensure that you don't include sensitive information.

WorkSpaces client sign in screen
  1. Support link

  2. Logo

  3. Forgot password link

  4. Login message

Custom branding elements
Branding element Description Requirements and recommendations
Support link Allows you to specify a support email link for users to contact for help with their WorkSpaces. You can use the SupportEmail attribute or provide a link to your support page using the SupportLink attribute.
  • For each platform type, the SupportEmail and SupportLink parameters are mutually exclusive. You can specify a single parameter for each platform type, but not both.

  • The default email is

  • Length constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 200.

Logo Allows you to customize your organization's logo using the Logo attribute.
  • The only image format accepted is a binary data object that is converted from a .png file.

  • Recommended resolutions:

    • Android: 978 x 190

    • Desktop: 319 x 55

    • iOS@2x: 110 x 200

    • iOS@3x: 1650 x 300

Forgot password link Allows you to add a web address using the ForgotPasswordLink attribute that users can go to if they forget their password to their WorkSpace. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 200.
Login message Allows you to customize a message using the LoginMessage attribute on the sign in screen.
  • Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 2000 characters for integration with HTML tags and different font size. For default cases without HTML tags, it is recommended to keep the login message under 600 characters.

  • HTML tags supported: a, b, blockquote, br, cite, code, dd, dl, dt, div, em, i, li, ol, p, pre, q, small, span, strike, strong, sub, sup, u, ul

The following are sample code snippets for using ImportClientBranding.

AWS CLI Version 2


Importing custom branding overwrites the attributes, within that platform, that you specify with your custom data. It also overwrites the attributes that you don't specify with default custom branding attribute values. You must include the data for any attribute that you don't want to overwrite.

aws workspaces import-client-branding \ --cli-input-json file://~/Downloads/import-input.json \ --region us-west-2

The import JSON file should look like the following sample code:

{ "ResourceId": "<directory-id>", "DeviceTypeOsx": { "Logo": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAIAAAACCAYAAABytg0kAAAAC0lEQVR42mNgQAcAABIAAeRVjecAAAAASUVORK5CYII=", "ForgotPasswordLink": "", "SupportLink": "", "LoginMessage": { "en_US": "Hello!!" } } }

The following sample Java code snippet converts the logo image into a base64-encoded string:

// Read image as BufferImage BufferedImage bi = File("~/Downloads/logo.png")); // convert BufferedImage to byte[] ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(bi, "png", baos); byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray(); //convert byte[] to base64 format and print it String bytesBase64 = Base64.encodeBase64String(bytes); System.out.println(bytesBase64);

The following sample Python code snippet converts the logo image into a base64-encoded string:

# Read logo into base64-encoded string with open("~/Downloads/logo.png", "rb") as image_file: f = base64_string = base64.b64encode(f) print(base64_string)



Importing custom branding overwrites the attributes, within that platform, that you specify with your custom data. It also overwrites the attributes that you don't specify with default custom branding attribute values. You must include the data for any attribute that you don't want to overwrite.

// Create WS Client WorkSpacesClient client = WorkSpacesClient.builder().build(); // Read image as BufferImage BufferedImage bi = File("~/Downloads/logo.png")); // convert BufferedImage to byte[] ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(bi, "png", baos); byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray(); // Create import attributes for the plateform DefaultImportClientBrandingAttributes attributes = DefaultImportClientBrandingAttributes.builder() .logo(SdkBytes.fromByteArray(bytes)) .forgotPasswordLink("") .supportLink("") .build(); // Create import request ImportClientBrandingRequest request = ImportClientBrandingRequest.builder() .resourceId("<directory-id>") .deviceTypeOsx(attributes) .build(); // Call ImportClientBranding API ImportClientBrandingResponse response = client.importClientBranding(request);



Importing custom branding overwrites the attributes, within that platform, that you specify with your custom data. It also overwrites the attributes that you don't specify with default custom branding attribute values. You must include the data for any attribute that you don't want to overwrite.

import boto3 # Read logo into bytearray with open("~/Downloads/logo.png", "rb") as image_file: f = bytes = bytearray(f) # Create WorkSpaces client client = boto3.client('workspaces') # Call import API response = client.import_client_branding( ResourceId='<directory-id>', DeviceTypeOsx={ 'Logo': bytes, 'SupportLink': '', 'ForgotPasswordLink': '', 'LoginMessage': { 'en_US': 'Hello!!' } } )


#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName="AWS.Tools.WorkSpaces"; ModuleVersion="4.1.56"} # Specify Image Path $imagePath = "~/Downloads/logo.png" # Create Byte Array from image file $imageByte = ([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($imagePath)) # Call import API Import-WKSClientBranding -ResourceId <directory-id> ` -DeviceTypeLinux_LoginMessage @{en_US="Hello!!"} ` -DeviceTypeLinux_Logo $imageByte ` -DeviceTypeLinux_ForgotPasswordLink "" ` -DeviceTypeLinux_SupportLink ""

To preview the login page, launch the WorkSpaces application or web login page.


Changes may take up to 1 minute to appear.

Describe custom branding

To see the details of the client branding customization you currently have, use the action DescribeCustomBranding. The following is the sample script for using DescribeClientBranding. See DescribeClientBranding API reference for more information.

aws workspaces describe-client-branding \ --resource-id <directory-id> \ --region us-west-2

Delete custom branding

To delete your client branding customization, use the action DeleteCustomBranding. The following is the sample script for using DeleteClientBranding. See DeleteClientBranding API reference for more information.

aws workspaces delete-client-branding \ --resource-id <directory-id> \ --platforms DeviceTypeAndroid DeviceTypeIos \ --region us-west-2

Changes may take up to 1 minute to appear.