IVS Chat Client Messaging SDK: Android Guide - Amazon IVS

IVS Chat Client Messaging SDK: Android Guide

The Amazon Interactive Video (IVS) Chat Client Messaging Android SDK provides interfaces that allow you to easily incorporate our IVS Chat Messaging API on platforms using Android.

The com.amazonaws:ivs-chat-messaging package implements the interface described in this document.

Latest version of IVS Chat Client Messaging Android SDK: 1.1.0 (Release Notes)

Reference documentation: For information on the most important methods available in the Amazon IVS Chat Client Messaging Android SDK, see the reference documentation at: https://aws.github.io/amazon-ivs-chat-messaging-sdk-android/1.1.0/

Sample code: See the Android sample repository on GitHub: https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-ivs-chat-for-android-demo

Platform requirements: Android 5.0 (API level 21) or greater is required for development.