IVS Chat Client Messaging SDK: JavaScript Tutorial Part 1: Chat Rooms - Amazon IVS

IVS Chat Client Messaging SDK: JavaScript Tutorial Part 1: Chat Rooms

This is the first of a two-part tutorial. You will learn the essentials of working with the Amazon IVS Chat Client Messaging JavaScript SDK by building a fully functional app using JavaScript/TypeScript. We call the app Chatterbox.

The intended audience is experienced developers who are new to the Amazon IVS Chat Messaging SDK. You should be comfortable with the JavaScript/TypeScript programming language and React library.

For brevity, we’ll refer to the Amazon IVS Chat Client Messaging JavaScript SDK as the Chat JS SDK.

Note: In some cases, code examples for JavaScript and TypeScript are identical, so they are combined.

This first part of the tutorial is broken up into several sections:

For full SDK documentation, start with Amazon IVS Chat Client Messaging SDK (here in the Amazon IVS Chat User Guide) and the Chat Client Messaging: SDK for JavaScript Reference (on GitHub).


Set Up a Local Authentication/Authorization Server

Your backend application is responsible for both creating chat rooms and generating the chat tokens that are needed for the Chat JS SDK to authenticate and authorize your clients for your chat rooms. You must use your own backend since you cannot securely store AWS keys in a mobile app; sophisticated attackers could extract these and gain access to your AWS account.

See Create a Chat Token in Getting Started with Amazon IVS Chat. As shown in the flowchart there, your server-side application is responsible for creating a chat token. This means your app must provide its own means of generating a chat token by requesting one from your server-side application.

In this section, you will learn the basics of creating a token provider in your backend. We use the express framework to create a live local server that manages the creation of chat tokens using your local AWS environment.

Create an empty npm project using NPM. Create a directory to hold your application, and make that your working directory:

$ mkdir backend & cd backend

Use npm init to create a package.json file for your application:

$ npm init

This command prompts you for several things, including the name and version of your application. For now, just press RETURN to accept the defaults for most of them, with the following exception:

entry point: (index.js)

Press RETURN to accept the suggested default filename of index.js or enter whatever you want the name of the main file to be.

Now install required dependencies:

$ npm install express aws-sdk cors dotenv

aws-sdk requires configuration-environment variables, which automatically load from a file named .env located in the root directory. To configure it, create a new file named .env and fill in the missing configuration information:

# .env # The region to send service requests to. AWS_REGION=us-west-2 # Access keys use an access key ID and secret access key # that you use to sign programmatic requests to AWS. # AWS access key ID. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=... # AWS secret access key. AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=...

Now we create an entry-point file in the root directory with the name you entered above in the npm init command. In this case, we use index.js, and import all required packages:

// index.js import express from 'express'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import 'dotenv/config'; import cors from 'cors';

Now create a new instance of express:

const app = express(); const port = 3000; app.use(express.json()); app.use(cors({ origin: [''] }));

After that you can create your first endpoint POST method for the token provider. Take the required parameters from the request body (roomId, userId, capabilities and sessionDurationInMinutes):

app.post('/create_chat_token', (req, res) => { const { roomIdentifier, userId, capabilities, sessionDurationInMinutes } = req.body || {}; });

Add validation of required fields:

app.post('/create_chat_token', (req, res) => { const { roomIdentifier, userId, capabilities, sessionDurationInMinutes } = req.body || {}; if (!roomIdentifier || !userId) { res.status(400).json({ error: 'Missing parameters: `roomIdentifier`, `userId`' }); return; } });

After preparing the POST method, we integrate createChatToken with aws-sdk for the core functionality of authentication/authorization:

app.post('/create_chat_token', (req, res) => { const { roomIdentifier, userId, capabilities, sessionDurationInMinutes } = req.body || {}; if (!roomIdentifier || !userId || !capabilities) { res.status(400).json({ error: 'Missing parameters: `roomIdentifier`, `userId`, `capabilities`' }); return; } ivsChat.createChatToken({ roomIdentifier, userId, capabilities, sessionDurationInMinutes }, (error, data) => { if (error) { console.log(error); res.status(500).send(error.code); } else if (data.token) { const { token, sessionExpirationTime, tokenExpirationTime } = data; console.log(`Retrieved Chat Token: ${JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}`); res.json({ token, sessionExpirationTime, tokenExpirationTime }); } }); });

At the end of the file, add a port listener for your express app:

app.listen(port, () => { console.log(`Backend listening on port ${port}`); });

Now you can run the server with the following command from the project's root:

$ node index.js

Tip: This server accepts URL requests at https://localhost:3000.

Create a Chatterbox Project

First you create the React project called chatterbox. Run this command:

npx create-react-app chatterbox

You can integrate the Chat Client Messaging JS SDK via Node Package Manager or Yarn Package Manager:

  • Npm: npm install amazon-ivs-chat-messaging

  • Yarn: yarn add amazon-ivs-chat-messaging

Connect to a Chat Room

Here you create a ChatRoom and connect to it using asynchronous methods. The ChatRoom class manages your user's connection to the Chat JS SDK. To successfully connect to a chat room, you must provide an instance of ChatToken within your React application.

Navigate to the App file that’s created in the default chatterbox project and delete everything between the two <div> tags. None of the pre-populated code is needed. At this point, our App is pretty empty.

// App.jsx / App.tsx import * as React from 'react'; export default function App() { return <div>Hello!</div>; }

Create a new ChatRoom instance and pass it to state using the useState hook. It requires passing regionOrUrl (the AWS region in which your chat room is hosted) and tokenProvider (used for the backend authentication/authorization flow that is created in subsequent steps).

Important: You must use the same AWS region as the one in which you created the room in Getting Started with Amazon IVS Chat . The API is an AWS regional service. For a list of supported regions and Amazon IVS Chat HTTPS service endpoints, see the Amazon IVS Chat regions page.

// App.jsx / App.tsx import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { ChatRoom } from 'amazon-ivs-chat-messaging'; export default function App() { const [room] = useState(() => new ChatRoom({ regionOrUrl: process.env.REGION as string, tokenProvider: () => {}, }), ); return <div>Hello!</div>; }

Build a Token Provider

As the next step, we need to build a parameterless tokenProvider function that is required by the ChatRoom constructor. First, we will create a fetchChatToken function that will make a POST request to the backend application that you set up in Set Up a Local Authentication/Authorization Server. Chat tokens contain the information needed for the SDK to successfully establish a chat-room connection. The Chat API uses these tokens as a secure way of validating a user's identity, capabilities within a chat room, and session duration.

In the Project navigator, create a new TypeScript/JavaScript file named fetchChatToken. Build a fetch request to the backend application and return the ChatToken object from the response. Add the request body properties needed for creating a chat token. Use the rules defined for Amazon Resource Names (ARNs). These properties are documented in the CreateChatToken operation.

Note: The URL you're using here is the same URL that your local server created when you ran the backend application.

// fetchChatToken.ts import { ChatToken } from 'amazon-ivs-chat-messaging'; type UserCapability = 'DELETE_MESSAGE' | 'DISCONNECT_USER' | 'SEND_MESSAGE'; export async function fetchChatToken( userId: string, capabilities: UserCapability[] = [], attributes?: Record<string, string>, sessionDurationInMinutes?: number, ): Promise<ChatToken> { const response = await fetch(`${process.env.BACKEND_BASE_URL}/create_chat_token`, { method: 'POST', headers: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ userId, roomIdentifier: process.env.ROOM_ID, capabilities, sessionDurationInMinutes, attributes }), }); const token = await response.json(); return { ...token, sessionExpirationTime: new Date(token.sessionExpirationTime), tokenExpirationTime: new Date(token.tokenExpirationTime), }; }
// fetchChatToken.js export async function fetchChatToken( userId, capabilities = [], attributes, sessionDurationInMinutes) { const response = await fetch(`${process.env.BACKEND_BASE_URL}/create_chat_token`, { method: 'POST', headers: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ userId, roomIdentifier: process.env.ROOM_ID, capabilities, sessionDurationInMinutes, attributes }), }); const token = await response.json(); return { ...token, sessionExpirationTime: new Date(token.sessionExpirationTime), tokenExpirationTime: new Date(token.tokenExpirationTime), }; }

Observe Connection Updates

Reacting to changes in a chat room's connection state are essential parts of making a chat app. Let’s start with subscribing to relevant events:

// App.jsx / App.tsx import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { ChatRoom } from 'amazon-ivs-chat-messaging'; import { fetchChatToken } from './fetchChatToken'; export default function App() { const [room] = useState( () => new ChatRoom({ regionOrUrl: process.env.REGION as string, tokenProvider: () => fetchChatToken('Mike', ['SEND_MESSAGE']), }), ); useEffect(() => { const unsubscribeOnConnecting = room.addListener('connecting', () => {}); const unsubscribeOnConnected = room.addListener('connect', () => {}); const unsubscribeOnDisconnected = room.addListener('disconnect', () => {}); return () => { // Clean up subscriptions. unsubscribeOnConnecting(); unsubscribeOnConnected(); unsubscribeOnDisconnected(); }; }, [room]); return <div>Hello!</div>; }

Next, we need to provide the ability to read the connection state. We use our useState hook to create some local state in App and set the connection state inside each listener.

// App.tsx import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { ChatRoom, ConnectionState } from 'amazon-ivs-chat-messaging'; import { fetchChatToken } from './fetchChatToken'; export default function App() { const [room] = useState( () => new ChatRoom({ regionOrUrl: process.env.REGION as string, tokenProvider: () => fetchChatToken('Mike', ['SEND_MESSAGE']), }), ); const [connectionState, setConnectionState] = useState<ConnectionState>('disconnected'); useEffect(() => { const unsubscribeOnConnecting = room.addListener('connecting', () => { setConnectionState('connecting'); }); const unsubscribeOnConnected = room.addListener('connect', () => { setConnectionState('connected'); }); const unsubscribeOnDisconnected = room.addListener('disconnect', () => { setConnectionState('disconnected'); }); return () => { unsubscribeOnConnecting(); unsubscribeOnConnected(); unsubscribeOnDisconnected(); }; }, [room]); return <div>Hello!</div>; }
// App.jsx import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { ChatRoom } from 'amazon-ivs-chat-messaging'; import { fetchChatToken } from './fetchChatToken'; export default function App() { const [room] = useState( () => new ChatRoom({ regionOrUrl: process.env.REGION, tokenProvider: () => fetchChatToken('Mike', ['SEND_MESSAGE']), }), ); const [connectionState, setConnectionState] = useState('disconnected'); useEffect(() => { const unsubscribeOnConnecting = room.addListener('connecting', () => { setConnectionState('connecting'); }); const unsubscribeOnConnected = room.addListener('connect', () => { setConnectionState('connected'); }); const unsubscribeOnDisconnected = room.addListener('disconnect', () => { setConnectionState('disconnected'); }); return () => { unsubscribeOnConnecting(); unsubscribeOnConnected(); unsubscribeOnDisconnected(); }; }, [room]); return <div>Hello!</div>; }

After subscribing to the connection state, display the connection state and connect to the chat room using the room.connect method inside the useEffect hook:

// App.jsx / App.tsx // ... useEffect(() => { const unsubscribeOnConnecting = room.addListener('connecting', () => { setConnectionState('connecting'); }); const unsubscribeOnConnected = room.addListener('connect', () => { setConnectionState('connected'); }); const unsubscribeOnDisconnected = room.addListener('disconnect', () => { setConnectionState('disconnected'); }); room.connect(); return () => { unsubscribeOnConnecting(); unsubscribeOnConnected(); unsubscribeOnDisconnected(); }; }, [room]); // ... return ( <div> <h4>Connection State: {connectionState}</h4> </div> ); // ...

You have successfully implemented a chat-room connection.

Create a Send Button Component

In this section you create a send button that has a different design for each connection state. The send button facilitates the sending of messages in a chat room. It also serves as a visual indicator of whether/when messages can be sent; e.g., in the face of dropped connections or expired chat sessions.

First, create a new file in the src directory of your Chatterbox project and name it SendButton. Then, create a component that will display a button for your chat application. Export your SendButton and import it to App. In the empty <div></div>, add <SendButton />.

// SendButton.tsx import React from 'react'; interface Props { onPress?: () => void; disabled?: boolean; } export const SendButton = ({ onPress, disabled }: Props) => { return ( <button disabled={disabled} onClick={onPress}> Send </button> ); }; // App.tsx import { SendButton } from './SendButton'; // ... return ( <div> <div>Connection State: {connectionState}</div> <SendButton /> </div> );
// SendButton.jsx import React from 'react'; export const SendButton = ({ onPress, disabled }) => { return ( <button disabled={disabled} onClick={onPress}> Send </button> ); }; // App.jsx import { SendButton } from './SendButton'; // ... return ( <div> <div>Connection State: {connectionState}</div> <SendButton /> </div> );

Next, in App define a function named onMessageSend and pass it to the SendButton onPress property. Define another variable named isSendDisabled (which prevents sending messages when the room is not connected) and pass it to the SendButton disabled property.

// App.jsx / App.tsx // ... const onMessageSend = () => {}; const isSendDisabled = connectionState !== 'connected'; return ( <div> <div>Connection State: {connectionState}</div> <SendButton disabled={isSendDisabled} onPress={onMessageSend} /> </div> ); // ...

Create a Message Input

The Chatterbox message bar is the component that you will interact with to send messages to a chat room. Typically it contains a text input for composing your message and a button to send your message.

To create a MessageInput component, first create a new file in the src directory and name it MessageInput. Then, create a controlled input component that will display an input for your chat application. Export your MessageInput and import it to App (above the <SendButton />).

Create a new state named messageToSend using the useState hook, with an empty string as its default value. In the body of your app, pass messageToSend to the value of MessageInput and pass the setMessageToSend to the onMessageChange property:

// MessageInput.tsx import * as React from 'react'; interface Props { value?: string; onValueChange?: (value: string) => void; } export const MessageInput = ({ value, onValueChange }: Props) => { return ( <input type="text" value={value} onChange={(e) => onValueChange?.(e.target.value)} placeholder="Send a message" /> ); }; // App.tsx // ... import { MessageInput } from './MessageInput'; // ... export default function App() { const [messageToSend, setMessageToSend] = useState(''); // ... return ( <div> <h4>Connection State: {connectionState}</h4> <MessageInput value={messageToSend} onMessageChange={setMessageToSend} /> <SendButton disabled={isSendDisabled} onPress={onMessageSend} /> </div> );
// MessageInput.jsx import * as React from 'react'; export const MessageInput = ({ value, onValueChange }) => { return ( <input type="text" value={value} onChange={(e) => onValueChange?.(e.target.value)} placeholder="Send a message" /> ); }; // App.jsx // ... import { MessageInput } from './MessageInput'; // ... export default function App() { const [messageToSend, setMessageToSend] = useState(''); // ... return ( <div> <h4>Connection State: {connectionState}</h4> <MessageInput value={messageToSend} onMessageChange={setMessageToSend} /> <SendButton disabled={isSendDisabled} onPress={onMessageSend} /> </div> );

Next Steps

Now that you finished building a message bar for Chatterbox, proceed to Part 2 of this JavaScript tutorial, Messages and Events.