IVS Broadcast SDK: iOS Guide | Low-Latency Streaming - Amazon IVS

IVS Broadcast SDK: iOS Guide | Low-Latency Streaming

The IVS Low-Latency Streaming iOS Broadcast SDK provides the interfaces required to broadcast to Amazon IVS on iOS.

The AmazonIVSBroadcast module implements the interface described in this document. The following operations are supported:

  • Set up (initialize) a broadcast session.

  • Manage broadcasting.

  • Attach and detach input devices.

  • Manage a composition session.

  • Receive events.

  • Receive errors.

Latest version of iOS broadcast SDK: 1.25.0 (Release Notes)

Reference documentation: For information on the most important methods available in the Amazon IVS iOS broadcast SDK, see the reference documentation at https://aws.github.io/amazon-ivs-broadcast-docs/1.25.0/ios/.

Sample code: See the iOS sample repository on GitHub: https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-ivs-broadcast-ios-sample.

Platform requirements: iOS 12 or greater

How iOS Chooses Camera Resolution and Frame Rate

The camera managed by the broadcast SDK optimizes its resolution and frame rate (frames-per-second, or FPS) to minimize heat production and energy consumption. This section explains how the resolution and frame rate are selected to help host applications optimize for their use cases.

When attaching an IVSCamera to an IVSBroadcastSession, the camera is optimized for a frame rate of IVSVideoConfiguration.targetFramerate and a resolution of IVSVideoConfiguration.size. These values are provided to the IVSBroadcastSession on initialization.