Getting Started with the IVS Web Player SDK - Amazon IVS

Getting Started with the IVS Web Player SDK

This document takes you through the steps involved in getting started with the Amazon IVS Web player SDK.

We provide support through a script tag as well as through an npm module.


The following live demo shows how to use the Web player with a script tag from our Content Delivery Network: Amazon IVS Player Sample. The demo includes setting up event listeners.

Also see for a selection of additional Web player demos.

Setup With Script Tag

To set up the Amazon IVS player using the script tag:

  1. Include the following tag (for the latest version of the player).

    <script src=""></script>
  2. Once amazon-ivs-player.min.js is loaded, it adds an IVSPlayer variable to the global context. This is the library you will use to create a player instance. First, check isPlayerSupported to determine if the browser supports the IVS player:

    if (IVSPlayer.isPlayerSupported) { ... }

    Then, to create a player instance, call the create function on the IVSPlayer object.

    const player = IVSPlayer.create();

    The Amazon IVS Web player SDK uses web workers to optimize video playback.

  3. Load and play a stream using the load and play functions on the player instance:


    where PLAYBACK_URL is the URL returned from the Amazon IVS API when a stream key is requested.

Sample Code

In this example, replace PLAYBACK_URL with the URL of the source stream you want to load. The example uses the latest version of the Amazon IVS player.

<script src=""></script> <video id="video-player" playsinline></video> <script> if (IVSPlayer.isPlayerSupported) { const player = IVSPlayer.create(); player.attachHTMLVideoElement(document.getElementById('video-player')); player.load("PLAYBACK_URL");; } </script>

In the <video> tag, playsinline is required for inline playback on iOS Safari. See

Setup With NPM

For guidance, including an example Webpack configuration file, see the following repository:

Note: When hosting player static assets from your own domain, you must set the "Content-Type" response header for the WebAssembly binary (amazon-ivs-wasmworker.min.wasm) to "application/wasm." You also should gzip your assets to reduce bytes downloaded over the wire and improve the player’s time to start playback.


If you’re using TypeScript, the npm package includes types you may want to import and use. For information on these types, see the Amazon IVS Player SDK: Web Reference.

Set Up Service Worker

To lower latency further when playing via browsers that only support native playback (primarily iOS Safari), a service worker can be set up and configured. For more context, see Reducing Latency in Third-Party Players.

To set up the Amazon IVS player to use a service worker:

  1. Create a file to load the IVS service worker off the CDN. This is required as service workers must be hosted on the same domain as the page that pulls them in.

    Create a file named amazon-ivs-service-worker-loader.js or similar and add the following line:

  2. When creating a player instance, pass in the following serviceWorker config referencing the amazon-ivs-service-worker-loader.js file:

    const player = IVSPlayerPackage.create({ serviceWorker: { url: 'amazon-ivs-service-worker-loader.js' } });
  3. On the video element, set the crossOrigin attribute to anonymous. This is required to allow the service worker to make changes to the manifest.

Note: To test the service worker locally, the page either needs to be served off localhost or https.

For a live demo, see the service worker example in the following repository:

Audio-Only Playback

Audio-only quality must be manually selected with the setQuality() method. Note that the player does not support a true value for the second argument, adaptive, so by default, this argument is false.

To set the quality to audio-only before playback begins, call setQuality() inside the READY event:

player.addEventListener(PlayerState.READY, () => { const qualities = player.getQualities(); const audioOnly = qualities.find(q => === 'audio_only'); if (audioOnly) { player.setQuality(audioOnly); } });

Setting the quality within READY works for both autoplay and non-autoplay modes.