IVS Broadcast SDK: Mobile Audio Modes | Real-Time Streaming - Amazon IVS

IVS Broadcast SDK: Mobile Audio Modes | Real-Time Streaming

Audio quality is an important part of any real-team media experience, and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all audio configuration that works best for every use case. To ensure that your users have the best experience when listening to an IVS real-time stream, our mobile SDKs provide several preset audio configurations, as well as more powerful customizations as needed.


The IVS mobile broadcast SDKs provide a StageAudioManager class. This class is designed to be the single point of contact for controlling the underlying audio modes on both platforms. On Android, this controls the AudioManager, including the audio mode, audio source, content type, usage, and communication devices. On iOS, it controls the application AVAudioSession, as well as whether voiceProcessing is enabled.

Important: Do not interact with AVAudioSession or AudioManager directly while the IVS real-time broadcast SDK is active. Doing so could result in the loss of audio, or audio being recorded from or played back on the wrong device.

Before you create your first DeviceDiscovery or Stage object, the StageAudioManager class must be configured.

Android (Kotlin)
StageAudioManager.getInstance(context).setPreset(StageAudioManager.UseCasePreset.VIDEO_CHAT) // The default value val deviceDiscovery = DeviceDiscovery(context) val stage = Stage(context, token, this) // Other Stage implementation code
iOS (Swift)
IVSStageAudioManager.sharedInstance().setPreset(.videoChat) // The default value let deviceDiscovery = IVSDeviceDiscovery() let stage = try? IVSStage(token: token, strategy: self) // Other Stage implementation code

If nothing is set on the StageAudioManager before initialization of a DeviceDiscovery or Stage instance, the VideoChat preset is applied automatically.

Audio Mode Presets

The real-time broadcast SDK provides three presets, each tailored to common use cases, as described below. For each preset, we cover five key categories that differentiate the presets from each other.

The Volume Rocker category refers to the type of volume (media volume or call volume) that is used or changed via the physical volume rockers on the device. Note that this impacts volume when switching audio modes. For example, suppose the device volume is set to the maximum value while using the Video Chat preset. Switching to the Subscribe Only preset causes a different volume level from the operating system, which could lead to a significant volume change on the device.

Video Chat

This is the default preset, designed for when the local device is going to have a real-time conversation with other participants.

Known issue on iOS: Using this preset and not attaching a microphone causes audio to play through the earpiece instead of the device speaker. Use this preset only in combination with a microphone.

Category Android iOS
Echo Cancellation



Volume Rocker

Call Volume

Call Volume

Microphone Selection

Limited based on the OS. USB microphones may not be available.

Limited based on the OS. USB and Bluetooth microphones may not be available.

Bluetooth headsets that handle both input and output together should work; e.g., AirPods.

Audio Output

Any output device should work.

Limited based on the OS. Wired headsets may not be available.

Audio Quality

Medium / Low. It will sound like a phone call, not like media playback.

Medium / Low. It will sound like a phone call, not like media playback.

Subscribe Only

This preset is designed for when you plan to subscribe to other publishing participants but not publish yourself. It focuses on audio quality and supporting all available output devices.

Category Android iOS
Echo Cancellation



Volume Rocker

Media Volume

Media Volume

Microphone Selection

N/A, this preset is not designed for publishing.

N/A, this preset is not designed for publishing.

Audio Output

Any output device should work.

Any output device should work.

Audio Quality

High. Any media type should come through clearly, including music.

High. Any media type should come through clearly, including music.


This preset is designed for high quality subscribing while maintaining the ability to publish. It requires the recording and playback hardware to provide echo cancellation. A use case here would be using a USB microphone and a wired headset. The SDK will maintain the highest quality audio while relying on the physical separation of those devices from causing echo.

Category Android iOS
Echo Cancellation



Volume Rocker

Media Volume in most cases. Call Volume when a Bluetooth microphone is connected.

Media Volume

Microphone Selection

Any microphone should work.

Any microphone should work.

Audio Output

Any output device should work.

Any output device should work.

Audio Quality

High. Both sides should be able to send music and hear it clearly on the other side.

When a Bluetooth headset is connected, audio quality will drop due to Bluetooth SCO mode being enabled.

High. Both sides should be able to send music and hear it clearly on the other side.

When a Bluetooth headset is connected, audio quality may drop due to Bluetooth SCO mode being enabled, depending on the headset.

Advanced Use Cases

Beyond the presets, both the iOS and Android real-time streaming broadcast SDKs allow configuring the underlying platform audio modes:

Note: When using these audio SDK methods, it is possible to incorrectly configure the underlying audio session. For example, using the .allowBluetooth option on iOS in combination with the .playback category creates an invalid audio configuration and the SDK cannot record or play back audio. These methods are designed to be used only when an application has specific audio-session requirements that have been validated.

Android (Kotlin)
// This would act similar to the Subscribe Only preset, but it uses a different ContentType. StageAudioManager.getInstance(context) .setConfiguration(StageAudioManager.Source.GENERIC, StageAudioManager.ContentType.MOVIE, StageAudioManager.Usage.MEDIA); val stage = Stage(context, token, this) // Other Stage implementation code
iOS (Swift)
// This would act similar to the Subscribe Only preset, but it uses a different mode and options. IVSStageAudioManager.sharedInstance() .setCategory(.playback, options: [.duckOthers, .mixWithOthers], mode: .default) let stage = try? IVSStage(token: token, strategy: self) // Other Stage implementation code

iOS Echo Cancellation

Echo cancellation on iOS can be independently controlled via IVSStageAudioManager as well using its echoCancellationEnabled method. This method controls whether voice processing is enabled on the input and output nodes of the underlying AVAudioEngine used by the SDK. It is important to understand the effect of changing this property manually:

  • The AVAudioEngine property is honored only if the SDK’s microphone is active; this is necessary due to the iOS requirement that voice processing be enabled on both the input and output nodes simultaneously. Normally this is done by using the microphone returned by IVSDeviceDiscovery to create an IVSLocalStageStream to publish. Alternately, the microphone can be enabled, without being used to publish, by attaching an IVSAudioDeviceStatsCallback to the microphone itself. This alternate approach is useful if echo cancellation is needed while using a custom audio-source-based microphone instead of the IVS SDK’s microphone.

  • Enabling the AVAudioEngine property requires a mode of .videoChat or .voiceChat. Requesting a different mode causes iOS’s underlying audio framework to fight the SDK, causing audio loss.

  • Enabling AVAudioEngine automatically enables the .allowBluetooth option.

Behaviors can differ depending on the device and iOS version.

iOS Custom Audio Sources

Custom audio sources can be used with the SDK by using IVSDeviceDiscovery.createAudioSource. When connecting to a Stage, the IVS real-time streaming broadcast SDK still manages an internal AVAudioEngine instance for audio playback, even if the SDK’s microphone is not used. As a result, the values provided to IVSStageAudioManager must be compatible with the audio being provided by the custom audio source.

If the custom audio source being used to publish is recording from the microphone but managed by the host application, the echo-cancellation SDK above will not work unless the SDK-managed microphone is activated. To work around that requirement, see iOS Echo Cancellation.

Publishing with Bluetooth on Android

The SDK automatically reverts to the VIDEO_CHAT preset on Android when the following conditions are met:

  • The assigned configuration does not use the VOICE_COMMUNICATION usage value.

  • A Bluetooth microphone is connected to the device.

  • The local participant is publishing to a Stage.

This is a limitation of the Android operating system in regard to how Bluetooth headsets are used for recording audio.

Integrating with Other SDKs

Because both iOS and Android support only one active audio mode per application, it is common to run into conflicts if your application uses multiple SDKs that require control of the audio mode. When you run into these conflicts, there are some common resolution strategies to try, explained below.

Match Audio Mode Values

Using either the IVS SDK’s advanced audio-configuration options or the other SDK’s functionality, have the two SDKs align on the underlying values.



On iOS, telling the Agora SDK to keep the AVAudioSession active will prevent it from deactivating while the IVS real-time streaming broadcast SDK is using it.



Avoid calling setEnableSpeakerphone on RtcEngine, and call enableLocalAudio(false) while publishing with the IVS real-time streaming broadcast SDK. You can call enableLocalAudio(true) again when the IVS SDK is not publishing.