Step 2: Create a Stage - Amazon IVS

Step 2: Create a Stage

A stage is a virtual space where participants can exchange video in real time. It is the foundational resource of the Real-Time Streaming API. You can create a stage using either the console or the CreateStage endpoint.

We recommend that where possible, you create a new stage for each logical session and delete it when done, rather than keeping around old stages for possible reuse. If stale resources (old stages, not to be reused) are not cleaned up, you're likely to hit the limit of the maximum number of stages faster.

Console Instructions

  1. Open the Amazon IVS console.

    (You also can access the Amazon IVS console through the AWS Management Console.)

  2. On the left navigation pane, select Stages, then select Create stage. The Create stage window appears.

    Use the Create stage window to create a new stage and a participant token for it.
  3. Optionally enter a Stage name. Select Create stage to create the stage. The stage details page appears, for the new stage.

CLI Instructions

To install the AWS CLI, see Install or update to the latest version of the AWS CLI.

Now you can use the CLI to create and manage resources. The stage API is under the ivs-realtime namespace. For example, to create a stage:

aws ivs-realtime create-stage --name "test-stage"

The response is:

{ "stage": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:376666121854:stage/VSWjvX5XOkU3", "name": "test-stage" } }