Monitoring Amazon IVS Real-Time Streaming - Amazon IVS

Monitoring Amazon IVS Real-Time Streaming

This document provides details about options available for monitoring your IVS real-time streaming application.

What is a Stage Session?

A stage session begins when the first participant joins a stage and ends a few minutes after the last participant stops publishing to the stage. Stage sessions help with debugging long-lived stages by separating out events and participants into short-lived sessions.

View Stage Sessions and Participants

Console Instructions

  1. Open the Amazon IVS console.

    (You also can access the Amazon IVS console through the AWS Management Console.)

  2. On the navigation pane, choose Stages. (If the nav pane is collapsed, first open it by choosing the hamburger icon.)

  3. Choose the stage to go to its details page.

  4. Scroll down the page until you see the Stage sessions section, then select a stage session to view its details page.

  5. To view participants in the session, scroll down until you see the Participants section, then select a participant to view its details page, including charts for Amazon CloudWatch metrics.

View Events for a Participant

Events are sent when a participant’s status in a stage changes, such as joining a stage or encountering an error trying to publish to a stage. Not all errors cause events; e.g., client-side network errors and token-signature errors are not sent as events. To handle these errors in your client application, use the IVS broadcast SDKs.

Console Instructions

  1. Navigate to the participant details page as instructed above.

  2. Scroll down until you see the Events section. This displays an ordered list of participant events. See Using Amazon EventBridge with Amazon IVS for details on events that are emitted for participants.

CLI Instructions

Accessing stage-session events with the AWS CLI is an advanced option and requires that you first download and configure the CLI on your machine. For details, see the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

  1. List stage sessions to find a stage session:

    aws ivs-realtime list-stage-sessions --stage-arn <arn>
  2. List participants for a stage session to find a participant:

    aws ivs-realtime list-participants --stage-arn <arn> –session-id <sessionId>
  3. List events for a stage session and participant:

    aws ivs-realtime list-participant-events --stage-arn <arn> --session-id <sessionId> –-participant-id <participantId>

Here is a sample response to the list-participant-events call:

{ "events": [ { "eventTime": "2023-04-04T22:48:41+00:00", "name": "JOINED", "participantId": "AdRezBl021t0" }, { "eventTime": "2023-04-04T22:48:41+00:00", "name": "SUBSCRIBE_STARTED", "participantId": "AdRezBl021t0", "remoteParticipantId": "Ou5b5n5XLMdC" }, { "eventTime": "2023-04-04T22:49:45+00:00", "name": "SUBSCRIBE_STOPPED", "participantId": "AdRezBl021t0", "remoteParticipantId": "Ou5b5n5XLMdC" }, { "eventTime": "2023-04-04T22:49:45+00:00", "name": "LEFT", "participantId": "AdRezBl021t0" } ] }

Access CloudWatch Metrics

For CloudWatch metrics to be available, the following IVS Broadcast SDK versions are required: Web 1.5.0 or later, Android 1.12.0 or later, or iOS 1.12.0 or later.

CloudWatch Console Instructions

  1. Open the CloudWatch console at

  2. In the side navigation, expand the Metrics dropdown, then select All metrics.

  3. On the Browse tab, using the unlabeled dropdown at the left, select your “home” region, where your channel(s) was(were) created. For more on regions, see Global Solution, Regional Control. For a list of supported regions, see the Amazon IVS page in the AWS General Reference.

  4. At the bottom of the Browse tab, select the IVSRealTime namespace.

  5. Do one of the following:

    1. In the search bar, enter your resource ID (part of the ARN, arn:::ivs:stage/<resource id>).

      Then select IVSRealTime > Stage Metrics.

    2. If IVSRealTime appears as a selectable service under AWS Namespaces, select it. It will be listed if you use Amazon IVS Real-Time Streaming and it is sending metrics to Amazon CloudWatch. (If IVSRealTime is not listed, you do not have any Amazon IVS metrics.)

      Then choose a dimension grouping as desired; available dimensions are listed in CloudWatch Metrics below.

  6. Choose metrics to add to the graph. Available metrics are listed in CloudWatch Metrics below.

You also can access your stream session’s CloudWatch chart from the stream session’s details page, by selecting the View in CloudWatch button.

CLI Instructions

You also can access the metrics using the AWS CLI. This requires that you first download and configure the CLI on your machine. For details, see the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

Then, to access Amazon IVS real-time streaming metrics using the AWS CLI:

  • At a command prompt, run:

    aws cloudwatch list-metrics --namespace AWS/IVSRealTime

For more information, see Using Amazon CloudWatch Metrics in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

CloudWatch Metrics: IVS Real-Time Streaming

Amazon IVS provides the following metrics in the AWS/IVSRealTime namespace.

For CloudWatch metrics to be available, Web Broadcast SDK 1.5.2 or later must be used.

The dimension can have the following valid values:

  • The Stage dimension is a resource ID (part of the ARN, arn:::stage/<resource id>).

  • The Participant dimension is a participantID.

  • The SimulcastLayer is "hi", "mid", "low", or "no-rid" for a MediaType of "video" or "disabled" for a MediaType of "audio." This value also can be empty.

  • The MediaType dimension is "video" or "audio" (string).

Metric Dimension Description



Each sample represents the percentage of packets that were lost by a given subscriber while downloading from the IVS server.

Unit: Percent

Valid statistics: Average, Maximum, Minimum — Average number, largest number, or smallest number (respectively) of packet loss over the configured interval



Filters DownloadPacketLoss by participant, for subscribers who are also publishers. Samples represent the percentage of packets that were lost by the subscriber while downloading from the IVS server. Samples are emitted only when the participant is also a publisher.

Unit: Percent

Valid statistics: Average, Maximum, Minimum — Average number, largest number, or smallest number (respectively) of dropped frames over the configured interval



Each sample represents the percentage of frames that were dropped by a given subscriber.

Unit: Percent

Valid statistics: Average, Maximum, Minimum — Average number, largest number, or smallest number (respectively) of dropped frames over the configured interval



Filters DroppedFrames by participant, for subscribers who are also publishers. Samples represent the percentage of frames that were dropped between the subscribing participant and all publishers in the stage. Samples are emitted only when the participant is also a publisher.

Unit: Percent

Valid statistics: Average, Maximum, Minimum — Average number, largest number, or smallest number (respectively) of dropped frames over the configured interval



Samples emitted represent the total rate at which a given publisher is sending both video and audio data (summed across all simulcast layers).

Unit: Bits/second

Valid statistics: Average, Maximum, Minimum — Average number, largest number, or smallest number (respectively) of bitrate over the configured interval


Stage, Participant, SimulcastLayer, MediaType

Filters PublishBitrate by participant, simulcast layer, and media type. The simulcast layer ID is set by the broadcast SDK. When simulcast is disabled, this layer ID will be set to "disabled". The media type is either video or audio.

Unit: Bits/second

Valid statistics: Average, Maximum, Minimum — Average number, largest number, or smallest number (respectively) of bitrate over the configured interval


Stage, Participant

How often video frames are received from a given publisher. This metric is available only for participants publishing over RTMP.

Unit: Count/second

Valid statistics: Average, Maximum, Minimum — Average number, largest number, or smallest number (respectively) of framerate over the configured interval



Number of participants publishing to the stage.

Unit: Count

Valid statistics: Average, Maximum, Minimum


Stage, Participant, SimulcastLayer, MediaType

Number of pixels across the smaller of the width or height of the frame. For example, for a landscape frame of size 1920x1080, the PublishResolution is 1080. For a portrait frame of size 720x1280, the PublishResolution is 720.

Unit: Count

Valid statistics: Average, Maximum, Minimum



Samples emitted represent the total rate at which a given subscriber is receiving both video and audio data.

Unit: Bits/second

Valid statistics: Average, Maximum, Minimum — Average number, largest number, or smallest number (respectively) of bitrate over the configured interval



Filters SubscribeBitrate by participant, for subscribers who are also publishers. Samples represent the bitrate at which a given subscriber is receiving the given MediaType. Samples are only emitted while the subscribing participant is publishing.

Unit: Bits/second

Valid statistics: Average, Maximum, Minimum — Average number, largest number, or smallest number (respectively) of bitrate over the configured interval



Number of participants subscribed to the stage. Note that participants that are actively publishing and subscribing are counted as both publishers and subscribers.

Unit: Count

Valid statistics: Average, Maximum, Minimum