Getting Started with Multiple Hosts in IVS
This document takes you through the steps involved in getting started using multiple hosts in Amazon IVS.
Console Instructions
To create a new stage and a participant token for it, follow these steps:
Open the Amazon IVS console
. (You can also access the Amazon IVS console through the AWS Management Console
.) -
On the left navigation pane, select Stages, then select Create stage. The Create stage window appears.
Optionally enter a Stage name. Select Create stage to create the stage. The stage details page appears, for the new stage.
Select Create a participant token.
In the Create a participant token dialog, enter a User ID and select Create a participant token. The token appears at the top of the Participant tokens table. Click the "Copy token" icon (to the left of the participant token) to copy the token.
CLI Instructions
Using the AWS CLI is an advanced option and requires that you first download and configure the CLI on your machine. For details, see the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
Now you can use the CLI to create and manage resources. The stage API is under the ivs-realtime namespace. For example, to create a stage:
aws ivs-realtime create-stage --name "test-stage"
The response is:
{ "stage": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:376666121854:stage/VSWjvX5XOkU3", "name": "test-stage" } }
To create a participant token for that stage:
aws ivs-realtime create-participant-token --stage-arn arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:376666121854:stage/VSWjvX5XOkU3
The response is:
{ "participant": { "participantId": "jFpWmveENolS", "expirationTime": "2022-08-26T19:17:00+00:00", "token": "eyJhbGciOiJLTVMiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJleHAiOjE2NjE1NDE0MjAsImp0aSI6ImpGcFdtdmVFTm9sUyIsInJlc291cmNlIjoiYXJuOmF3czppdnM6dXMtd2VzdC0yOjM3NjY2NjEyMTg1NDpzdGFnZS9NbzhPUWJ0RGpS123JldmVudHNfdXJsIjoid3NzOi8vdXMtd2VzdC0yLmV2ZW50cy5saXZlLXZpZGVvLm5ldCIsIndoaXBfdXJsIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly82NmY3NjVhYzgzNzcuZ2xvYmFsLndoaXAubGl2ZS12aWRlby5uZXQiLCJjYXBhYmlsaXRpZXMiOnsiYWxsb3dfcHVibGlzaCI6dHJ1ZSwiYWxsb3dfc3Vic2NyaWJlIjp0cnVlfX0.MGQCMGm9affqE3B2MAb_DSpEm0XEv25hfNNhYn5Um4U37FTpmdc3QzQKTKGF90swHqVrDgIwcHHHIDY3c9eanHyQmcKskR1hobD0Q9QK_GQETMQS54S-TaKjllW9Qac6c5xBrdAk" } }