Data Protection - Amazon IVS

Data Protection

For data sent to Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS), the following data protections are in place:

  • Amazon IVS encrypts data in transit via HTTPS API endpoints, RTMPS ingest, and HTTPS playback. No configuration is required for the API endpoints.

    • For ingest, streamers can secure their content by using RTMPS. This is available by default. See Getting Started with IVS Low-Latency Streaming.

    • IVS channels can be configured to allow insecure RTMP ingest, though we recommend using RTMPS unless you have specific and verified use cases that require RTMP.

    • For transcoding/transmuxing, data may be transmitted unencrypted on internal Amazon networks.

    • For playback, data is served over HTTPS.

  • Live-video content is not stored and is ephemeral. It simply travels through the system and is cached (on internal systems) while being viewed.

  • For the auto-record-to-S3 feature, video content is written to Amazon S3. For more information, see data protection in Amazon S3.

  • All stored, customer-input metadata is in AWS-managed services using server-side encryption.

  • To improve quality of service, Amazon IVS stores customer (end user) metadata (for example, buffer rates for a particular region). This metadata cannot be used to personally identify your end users.

  • Public encryption keys (which you manage) can be used with the ImportPlaybackKeyPair API endpoint. See the IVS Low-Latency Streaming API Reference. Do not share these encryption keys.

Amazon IVS does not require that you supply any customer (end user) data. There are no fields in channels, inputs, or input security groups where there is an expectation that you will provide customer (end user) data.

Do not put sensitive identifying information such as your customer (end user) account numbers into free-form fields such as a Name field. This includes when you work with the Amazon IVS console or API, AWS CLI, or AWS SDKs. Any piece of data that you enter into Amazon IVS might be included in diagnostic logs.

Streams are not end-to-end encrypted; a stream may be transmitted unencrypted internally in the IVS network, for processing.