AWS::Cognito::UserPoolRiskConfigurationAttachment RiskExceptionConfigurationType - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::Cognito::UserPoolRiskConfigurationAttachment RiskExceptionConfigurationType

Exceptions to the risk evaluation configuration, including always-allow and always-block IP address ranges.

This data type is a request parameter of SetRiskConfiguration and a response parameter of DescribeRiskConfiguration.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "BlockedIPRangeList" : [ String, ... ], "SkippedIPRangeList" : [ String, ... ] }


BlockedIPRangeList: - String SkippedIPRangeList: - String



An always-block IP address list. Overrides the risk decision and always blocks authentication requests. This parameter is displayed and set in CIDR notation.

Required: No

Type: Array of String

Maximum: 200

Update requires: No interruption


An always-allow IP address list. Risk detection isn't performed on the IP addresses in this range list. This parameter is displayed and set in CIDR notation.

Required: No

Type: Array of String

Maximum: 200

Update requires: No interruption