AWS::ResilienceHub::App PermissionModel - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::ResilienceHub::App PermissionModel

Defines the roles and credentials that AWS Resilience Hub would use while creating the application, importing its resources, and running an assessment.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "CrossAccountRoleArns" : [ String, ... ], "InvokerRoleName" : String, "Type" : String }


CrossAccountRoleArns: - String InvokerRoleName: String Type: String



Defines a list of role Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) to be used in other accounts. These ARNs are used for querying purposes while importing resources and assessing your application.

  • These ARNs are required only when your resources are in other accounts and you have different role name in these accounts. Else, the invoker role name will be used in the other accounts.

  • These roles must have a trust policy with iam:AssumeRole permission to the invoker role in the primary account.

Required: No

Type: Array of String

Update requires: No interruption


Existing AWS IAM role name in the primary AWS account that will be assumed by AWS Resilience Hub Service Principle to obtain a read-only access to your application resources while running an assessment.

If your IAM role includes a path, you must include the path in the invokerRoleName parameter. For example, if your IAM role's ARN is arn:aws:iam:123456789012:role/my-path/role-name, you should pass my-path/role-name.

  • You must have iam:passRole permission for this role while creating or updating the application.

  • Currently, invokerRoleName accepts only [A-Za-z0-9_+=,.@-] characters.

Required: No

Type: String

Pattern: ((\u002F[\u0021-\u007E]+\u002F){1,511})?[A-Za-z0-9+=,.@_/-]{1,64}

Update requires: No interruption


Defines how AWS Resilience Hub scans your resources. It can scan for the resources by using a pre-existing role in your AWS account, or by using the credentials of the current IAM user.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Allowed values: LegacyIAMUser | RoleBased

Update requires: No interruption