AWS::S3::StorageLensGroup Filter - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::S3::StorageLensGroup Filter

This resource sets the criteria for the Storage Lens group data that is displayed. For multiple filter conditions, the AND or OR logical operator is used.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "And" : And, "MatchAnyPrefix" : [ String, ... ], "MatchAnySuffix" : [ String, ... ], "MatchAnyTag" : [ Tag, ... ], "MatchObjectAge" : MatchObjectAge, "MatchObjectSize" : MatchObjectSize, "Or" : Or }



This property contains the And logical operator, which allows multiple filter conditions to be joined for more complex comparisons of Storage Lens group data. Objects must match all of the listed filter conditions that are joined by the And logical operator. Only one of each filter condition is allowed.

Required: No

Type: And

Update requires: No interruption


This property contains a list of prefixes. At least one prefix must be specified. Up to 10 prefixes are allowed.

Required: No

Type: Array of String

Maximum: 1024

Update requires: No interruption


This property contains a list of suffixes. At least one suffix must be specified. Up to 10 suffixes are allowed.

Required: No

Type: Array of String

Maximum: 1024

Update requires: No interruption


This property contains the list of S3 object tags. At least one object tag must be specified. Up to 10 object tags are allowed.

Required: No

Type: Array of Tag

Update requires: No interruption


This property contains DaysGreaterThan and DaysLessThan to define the object age range (minimum and maximum number of days).

Required: No

Type: MatchObjectAge

Update requires: No interruption


This property contains BytesGreaterThan and BytesLessThan to define the object size range (minimum and maximum number of Bytes).

Required: No

Type: MatchObjectSize

Update requires: No interruption


This property contains the Or logical operator, which allows multiple filter conditions to be joined. Objects can match any of the listed filter conditions, which are joined by the Or logical operator. Only one of each filter condition is allowed.

Required: No

Type: Or

Update requires: No interruption