The AWS::ECS::Cluster
resource creates an Amazon Elastic Container Service
(Amazon ECS) cluster.
To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:
{ "Type" : "AWS::ECS::Cluster", "Properties" : { "CapacityProviders" :
[ String, ... ]
, "ClusterName" :String
, "ClusterSettings" :[ ClusterSettings, ... ]
, "Configuration" :ClusterConfiguration
, "DefaultCapacityProviderStrategy" :[ CapacityProviderStrategyItem, ... ]
, "ServiceConnectDefaults" :ServiceConnectDefaults
, "Tags" :[ Tag, ... ]
} }
Type: AWS::ECS::Cluster Properties: CapacityProviders:
- String
ClusterSettings:- ClusterSettings
DefaultCapacityProviderStrategy:- CapacityProviderStrategyItem
Tags:- Tag
The short name of one or more capacity providers to associate with the cluster. A capacity provider must be associated with a cluster before it can be included as part of the default capacity provider strategy of the cluster or used in a capacity provider strategy when calling the CreateService or RunTask actions.
If specifying a capacity provider that uses an Auto Scaling group, the capacity provider must be created but not associated with another cluster. New Auto Scaling group capacity providers can be created with the CreateCapacityProvider API operation.
To use a AWS Fargate capacity provider, specify either the
capacity providers. The AWS Fargate capacity providers are available to all accounts and only need to be associated with a cluster to be used.The PutCapacityProvider API operation is used to update the list of available capacity providers for a cluster after the cluster is created.
Required: No
Type: Array of String
Update requires: No interruption
A user-generated string that you use to identify your cluster. If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID for the name.
Required: No
Type: String
Update requires: Replacement
The settings to use when creating a cluster. This parameter is used to turn on CloudWatch Container Insights with enhanced observability or CloudWatch Container Insights for a cluster.
Container Insights with enhanced observability provides all the Container Insights metrics, plus additional task and container metrics. This version supports enhanced observability for Amazon ECS clusters using the Amazon EC2 and Fargate launch types. After you configure Container Insights with enhanced observability on Amazon ECS, Container Insights auto-collects detailed infrastructure telemetry from the cluster level down to the container level in your environment and displays these critical performance data in curated dashboards removing the heavy lifting in observability set-up.
For more information, see Monitor Amazon ECS containers using Container Insights with enhanced observability in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.
Required: No
Type: Array of ClusterSettings
Update requires: No interruption
The execute command and managed storage configuration for the cluster.
Required: No
Type: ClusterConfiguration
Update requires: No interruption
The default capacity provider strategy for the cluster. When services or tasks are run in the cluster with no launch type or capacity provider strategy specified, the default capacity provider strategy is used.
Required: No
Type: Array of CapacityProviderStrategyItem
Update requires: No interruption
Use this parameter to set a default Service Connect namespace. After you set a default Service Connect namespace, any new services with Service Connect turned on that are created in the cluster are added as client services in the namespace. This setting only applies to new services that set the
parameter totrue
in theServiceConnectConfiguration
. You can set the namespace of each service individually in theServiceConnectConfiguration
to override this default parameter.Tasks that run in a namespace can use short names to connect to services in the namespace. Tasks can connect to services across all of the clusters in the namespace. Tasks connect through a managed proxy container that collects logs and metrics for increased visibility. Only the tasks that Amazon ECS services create are supported with Service Connect. For more information, see Service Connect in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.
Required: No
Type: ServiceConnectDefaults
Update requires: No interruption
The metadata that you apply to the cluster to help you categorize and organize them. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. You define both.
The following basic restrictions apply to tags:
Maximum number of tags per resource - 50
For each resource, each tag key must be unique, and each tag key can have only one value.
Maximum key length - 128 Unicode characters in UTF-8
Maximum value length - 256 Unicode characters in UTF-8
If your tagging schema is used across multiple services and resources, remember that other services may have restrictions on allowed characters. Generally allowed characters are: letters, numbers, and spaces representable in UTF-8, and the following characters: + - = . _ : / @.
Tag keys and values are case-sensitive.
Do not use
, or any upper or lowercase combination of such as a prefix for either keys or values as it is reserved for AWS use. You cannot edit or delete tag keys or values with this prefix. Tags with this prefix do not count against your tags per resource limit.
Required: No
Type: Array of Tag
Update requires: No interruption
Return values
When you pass the logical ID of this resource to the intrinsic Ref
function, Ref
returns the resource name.
In the following example, the Ref
function returns the name of the
cluster, such as
{ "Ref": "MyECSCluster" }
For more information about using the Ref
function, see Ref
The Fn::GetAtt
intrinsic function returns a value for a specified attribute of this type. The following are the available attributes and sample return values.
For more information about using the Fn::GetAtt
intrinsic function, see Fn::GetAtt
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon ECS cluster, such as
Create a cluster with Fargate capacity providers and a default capacity provider strategy
The following example creates a cluster named MyFargateCluster
capacity providers. A default
capacity provider strategy is also created where tasks launched will be split evenly
between the FARGATE
capacity providers.
The template also enables ECS Exec using the default logging configuration. For more
information, see Monitor Amazon ECS containers
with ECS Exec in the Amazon ECS Developer
{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Resources": { "ECSCluster": { "Type": "AWS::ECS::Cluster", "Properties": { "ClusterName": "MyFargateCluster", "CapacityProviders": ["FARGATE", "FARGATE_SPOT"], "DefaultCapacityProviderStrategy": [ { "CapacityProvider": "FARGATE", "Weight": 1 }, { "CapacityProvider": "FARGATE_SPOT", "Weight": 1 } ], "Configuration": { "ExecuteCommandConfiguration": { "Logging": "DEFAULT" } } } } } }
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Resources: ECSCluster: Type: AWS::ECS::Cluster Properties: ClusterName: MyFargateCluster CapacityProviders: - FARGATE - FARGATE_SPOT DefaultCapacityProviderStrategy: - CapacityProvider: FARGATE Weight: 1 - CapacityProvider: FARGATE_SPOT Weight: 1 Configuration: ExecuteCommandConfiguration: Logging: DEFAULT
Create a cluster with the Amazon Linux 2023 ECS-Optimized-AMI
The following example creates a cluster named MyCluster
with a
capacity provider that launches Amazon Linux 2023 t2.medium instances. Replace parameters with your own information.
{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "EC2 ECS cluster that starts out empty, with no EC2 instances yet. An ECS capacity provider automatically launches more EC2 instances as required on the fly when you request ECS to launch services or standalone tasks.", "Parameters": { "InstanceType": { "Type": "String", "Description": "EC2 instance type", "Default": "t2.medium", "AllowedValues": [ "t1.micro", "t2.2xlarge", "t2.large", "t2.medium", "t2.micro", "t2.nano", "t2.small", "t2.xlarge", "t3.2xlarge", "t3.large", "t3.medium", "t3.micro", "t3.nano", "t3.small", "t3.xlarge" ] }, "DesiredCapacity": { "Type": "Number", "Default": "0", "Description": "Number of EC2 instances to launch in your ECS cluster." }, "MaxSize": { "Type": "Number", "Default": "100", "Description": "Maximum number of EC2 instances that can be launched in your ECS cluster." }, "ECSAMI": { "Description": "The Amazon Machine Image ID used for the cluster", "Type": "AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<AWS::EC2::Image::Id>", "Default": "/aws/service/ecs/optimized-ami/amazon-linux-2023/recommended/image_id" }, "VpcId": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::VPC::Id", "Description": "VPC ID where the ECS cluster is launched", "Default": "vpc-1234567890abcdef0" }, "SubnetIds": { "Type": "List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>", "Description": "List of subnet IDs where the EC2 instances will be launched", "Default": "subnet-021345abcdef67890" } }, "Resources": { "ECSCluster": { "Type": "AWS::ECS::Cluster", "Properties": { "ClusterSettings": [ { "Name": "containerInsights", "Value": "enabled" } ] } }, "ECSAutoScalingGroup": { "Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup", "DependsOn": [ "ECSCluster", "EC2Role" ], "Properties": { "VPCZoneIdentifier": { "Ref": "SubnetIds" }, "LaunchTemplate": { "LaunchTemplateId": { "Ref": "ContainerInstances" }, "Version": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ContainerInstances", "LatestVersionNumber" ] } }, "MinSize": 0, "MaxSize": { "Ref": "MaxSize" }, "DesiredCapacity": { "Ref": "DesiredCapacity" }, "NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn": true }, "UpdatePolicy": { "AutoScalingReplacingUpdate": { "WillReplace": "true" } } }, "ContainerInstances": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate", "Properties": { "LaunchTemplateName": "asg-launch-template", "LaunchTemplateData": { "ImageId": { "Ref": "ECSAMI" }, "InstanceType": { "Ref": "InstanceType" }, "IamInstanceProfile": { "Name": { "Ref": "EC2InstanceProfile" } }, "SecurityGroupIds": [ { "Ref": "ContainerHostSecurityGroup" } ], "UserData": { "Fn::Base64": { "Fn::Sub": "#!/bin/bash -xe\n echo ECS_CLUSTER=${ECSCluster} >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config\n yum install -y aws-cfn-bootstrap\n /opt/aws/bin/cfn-init -v --stack ${AWS::StackId} --resource ContainerInstances --configsets full_install --region ${AWS::Region} &\n" } }, "MetadataOptions": { "HttpEndpoint": "enabled", "HttpTokens": "required" } } } }, "EC2InstanceProfile": { "Type": "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile", "Properties": { "Path": "/", "Roles": [ { "Ref": "EC2Role" } ] } }, "CapacityProvider": { "Type": "AWS::ECS::CapacityProvider", "Properties": { "AutoScalingGroupProvider": { "AutoScalingGroupArn": { "Ref": "ECSAutoScalingGroup" }, "ManagedScaling": { "InstanceWarmupPeriod": 60, "MinimumScalingStepSize": 1, "MaximumScalingStepSize": 100, "Status": "ENABLED", "TargetCapacity": 100 }, "ManagedTerminationProtection": "ENABLED" } } }, "CapacityProviderAssociation": { "Type": "AWS::ECS::ClusterCapacityProviderAssociations", "Properties": { "CapacityProviders": [ { "Ref": "CapacityProvider" } ], "Cluster": { "Ref": "ECSCluster" }, "DefaultCapacityProviderStrategy": [ { "Base": 0, "CapacityProvider": { "Ref": "CapacityProvider" }, "Weight": 1 } ] } }, "ContainerHostSecurityGroup": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup", "Properties": { "GroupDescription": "Access to the EC2 hosts that run containers", "VpcId": { "Ref": "VpcId" } } }, "EC2Role": { "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role", "Properties": { "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "" ] }, "Action": [ "sts:AssumeRole" ] } ] }, "Path": "/", "ManagedPolicyArns": [ "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role", "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore" ] } }, "ECSTaskExecutionRole": { "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role", "Properties": { "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "" ] }, "Action": [ "sts:AssumeRole" ], "Condition": { "ArnLike": { "aws:SourceArn": { "Fn::Sub": "arn:${AWS::Partition}:ecs:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:*" } }, "StringEquals": { "aws:SourceAccount": { "Fn::Sub": "${AWS::AccountId}" } } } } ] }, "Path": "/", "ManagedPolicyArns": [ "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy" ] } } }, "Outputs": { "ClusterName": { "Description": "The ECS cluster into which to launch resources", "Value": "ECSCluster" }, "ECSTaskExecutionRole": { "Description": "The role used to start up a task", "Value": "ECSTaskExecutionRole" }, "CapacityProvider": { "Description": "The cluster capacity provider that the service should use to request capacity when it wants to start up a task", "Value": "CapacityProvider" } } }
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: EC2 ECS cluster that starts out empty, with no EC2 instances yet. An ECS capacity provider automatically launches more EC2 instances as required on the fly when you request ECS to launch services or standalone tasks. Parameters: InstanceType: Type: String Description: EC2 instance type Default: "t2.medium" AllowedValues: - t1.micro - t2.2xlarge - t2.large - t2.medium - t2.micro - t2.nano - t2.small - t2.xlarge - t3.2xlarge - t3.large - t3.medium - t3.micro - t3.nano - t3.small - t3.xlarge DesiredCapacity: Type: Number Default: "0" Description: Number of EC2 instances to launch in your ECS cluster. MaxSize: Type: Number Default: "100" Description: Maximum number of EC2 instances that can be launched in your ECS cluster. ECSAMI: Description: The Amazon Machine Image ID used for the cluster Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<AWS::EC2::Image::Id> Default: /aws/service/ecs/optimized-ami/amazon-linux-2023/recommended/image_id VpcId: Type: AWS::EC2::VPC::Id Description: VPC ID where the ECS cluster is launched Default: vpc-1234567890abcdef0 SubnetIds: Type: List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id> Description: List of subnet IDs where the EC2 instances will be launched Default: "subnet-021345abcdef67890" Resources: # This is authorizes ECS to manage resources on your # account on your behalf. This role is likely already created on your account # ECSRole: # Type: AWS::IAM::ServiceLinkedRole # Properties: # AWSServiceName: '' # ECS Resources ECSCluster: Type: AWS::ECS::Cluster Properties: ClusterSettings: - Name: containerInsights Value: enabled # Autoscaling group. This launches the actual EC2 instances that will register # themselves as members of the cluster, and run the docker containers. ECSAutoScalingGroup: Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup DependsOn: # This is to ensure that the ASG gets deleted first before these # resources, when it comes to stack teardown. - ECSCluster - EC2Role Properties: VPCZoneIdentifier: Ref: SubnetIds LaunchTemplate: LaunchTemplateId: !Ref ContainerInstances Version: !GetAtt ContainerInstances.LatestVersionNumber MinSize: 0 MaxSize: Ref: MaxSize DesiredCapacity: Ref: DesiredCapacity NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn: true UpdatePolicy: AutoScalingReplacingUpdate: WillReplace: "true" # The config for each instance that is added to the cluster ContainerInstances: Type: AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate Properties: LaunchTemplateName: "asg-launch-template" LaunchTemplateData: ImageId: Ref: ECSAMI InstanceType: Ref: InstanceType IamInstanceProfile: Name: !Ref EC2InstanceProfile SecurityGroupIds: - !Ref ContainerHostSecurityGroup # This injected configuration file is how the EC2 instance # knows which ECS cluster on your AWS account it should be joining UserData: Fn::Base64: !Sub | #!/bin/bash -xe echo ECS_CLUSTER=${ECSCluster} >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config yum install -y aws-cfn-bootstrap /opt/aws/bin/cfn-init -v --stack ${AWS::StackId} --resource ContainerInstances --configsets full_install --region ${AWS::Region} & # Disable IMDSv1, and require IMDSv2 MetadataOptions: HttpEndpoint: enabled HttpTokens: required EC2InstanceProfile: Type: AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile Properties: Path: / Roles: - !Ref EC2Role # Create an ECS capacity provider to attach the ASG to the ECS cluster # so that it autoscales as we launch more containers CapacityProvider: Type: AWS::ECS::CapacityProvider Properties: AutoScalingGroupProvider: AutoScalingGroupArn: !Ref ECSAutoScalingGroup ManagedScaling: InstanceWarmupPeriod: 60 MinimumScalingStepSize: 1 MaximumScalingStepSize: 100 Status: ENABLED # Percentage of cluster reservation to try to maintain TargetCapacity: 100 ManagedTerminationProtection: ENABLED # Create a cluster capacity provider assocation so that the cluster # will use the capacity provider CapacityProviderAssociation: Type: AWS::ECS::ClusterCapacityProviderAssociations Properties: CapacityProviders: - !Ref CapacityProvider Cluster: !Ref ECSCluster DefaultCapacityProviderStrategy: - Base: 0 CapacityProvider: !Ref CapacityProvider Weight: 1 # A security group for the EC2 hosts that will run the containers. # This can be used to limit incoming traffic to or outgoing traffic # from the container's host EC2 instance. ContainerHostSecurityGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: GroupDescription: Access to the EC2 hosts that run containers VpcId: Ref: VpcId # Role for the EC2 hosts. This allows the ECS agent on the EC2 hosts # to communciate with the ECS control plane, as well as download the docker # images from ECR to run on your host. EC2Role: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Action: - sts:AssumeRole Path: / ManagedPolicyArns: # See reference: - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role # This managed policy allows us to connect to the instance using SSM - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore # This is a role which is used within Fargate to allow the Fargate agent # to download images, and upload logs. ECSTaskExecutionRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Action: - sts:AssumeRole Condition: ArnLike: aws:SourceArn: !Sub arn:${AWS::Partition}:ecs:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:* StringEquals: aws:SourceAccount: !Sub ${AWS::AccountId} Path: / # This role enables all features of ECS. See reference: # ManagedPolicyArns: - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy Outputs: ClusterName: Description: The ECS cluster into which to launch resources Value: ECSCluster ECSTaskExecutionRole: Description: The role used to start up a task Value: ECSTaskExecutionRole CapacityProvider: Description: The cluster capacity provider that the service should use to request capacity when it wants to start up a task Value: CapacityProvider
Create an empty cluster with CloudWatch Container Insights enabled and defined tags
The following example creates an empty cluster named MyCluster
has CloudWatch Container Insights enabled and is tagged with the key
and the value production
{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Resources": { "ECSCluster": { "Type": "AWS::ECS::Cluster", "Properties": { "ClusterName": "MyCluster", "ClusterSettings": [ { "Name": "containerInsights", "Value": "enabled" } ], "Tags": [ { "Key": "environment", "Value": "production" } ] } } } }
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Resources: ECSCluster: Type: AWS::ECS::Cluster Properties: ClusterName: MyCluster ClusterSettings: - Name: containerInsights Value: enabled Tags: - Key: environment Value: production