Container image manifest formats in Amazon ECR public - Amazon ECR Public

Container image manifest formats in Amazon ECR public

Amazon ECR Public supports the following container image manifest formats:

  • Docker Image Manifest V2 Schema 1 (used with Docker version 1.9 and older)

  • Docker Image Manifest V2 Schema 2 (used with Docker version 1.10 and newer)

  • Open Container Initiative (OCI) Specifications (v1.0 and up)

Support for Docker Image Manifest V2 Schema 2 provides the following functionality:

  • The ability to use multiple tags per image.

  • Support for storing Windows container images. For more information, see Pushing Windows Images to Amazon ECR in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.

Amazon ECR image manifest conversion

When you push and pull images to and from Amazon ECR Public, your container engine client (for example, Docker) communicates with the public registry to agree on a manifest format that is understood by the client and the registry to use for the image.

When you push an image to Amazon ECR Public with Docker version 1.9 or older, the image manifest format is stored as Docker Image Manifest V2 Schema 1. When you push an image to Amazon ECR Public with Docker version 1.10 or newer, the image manifest format is stored as Docker Image Manifest V2 Schema 2.

When you pull an image from Amazon ECR Public by tag, Amazon ECR Public returns the image manifest format that is stored in the repository. The format is returned only if that format is understood by the client. If the stored image manifest format is not understood by the client, Amazon ECR Public converts the image manifest into a format that is understood by the client. For example, if a Docker 1.9 client requests an image manifest that is stored as Docker Image Manifest V2 Schema 2, Amazon ECR Public returns the manifest in the Docker Image Manifest V2 Schema 1 format. The table below describes the available conversions supported by Amazon ECR Public when an image is pulled by tag:

Schema requested by client Pushed to ECR as V2, schema 1 Pushed to ECR as V2, schema 2 Pushed to ECR as OCI
V2, schema 1 No translation required Translated to V2, schema 1 Translated to V2, schema 1
V2, schema 2 No translation available, client falls back to V2, schema 1 No translation required Translated to V2, schema 2
OCI No translation available Translated to OCI No translation required

If you pull an image by digest, there is no translation available; your client must understand the image manifest format that is stored in Amazon ECR. If you request a Docker Image Manifest V2 Schema 2 image by digest on a Docker 1.9 or older client, the image pull fails. For more information, see Registry compatibility in the Docker documentation.

In this example, if you request the same image by tag, Amazon ECR Public translates the image manifest into a format that the client can understand. The image pull succeeds.