Connecting Confluence (Server/Data Center) to Amazon Q Business
Atlassian Confluence is a collaborative work-management tool designed for sharing, storing, and working on project planning, software development, and product management. You can connect Confluence (Server/Data Center) instance to Amazon Q Business—using either the AWS Management Console or the CreateDataSource API—and create an Amazon Q web experience.
- Known limitations for the Amazon Q BusinessConfluence (Server/Data Center) connector
- Confluence (Server/Data Center) connector overview
- Prerequisites for connecting Amazon Q to Confluence (Server/Data Center)
- Checking Confluence (Server/Data Center) connectivity
- Connecting Amazon Q Business to Confluence (Server/Data Center) using the console
- Connecting Amazon Q Business to Confluence (Server/Data Center) using APIs
- Connecting Amazon Q Business to Confluence (Server/Data Center) using AWS CloudFormation
- How Amazon Q Business connector crawls Confluence (Server/Data Center) ACLs
- Amazon Q BusinessConfluence (Server/Data Center) data source connector field mappings
- IAM role for Amazon QConfluence (Server/Data Center) connector
- Troubleshooting your Amazon Q BusinessConfluence (Server/Data Center) connector
Learn more
For an overview of the Amazon Q web experience creation process using IAM Identity Center, see Configuring an application using IAM Identity Center.
For an overview of the Amazon Q web experience creation process using AWS Identity and Access Management, see Configuring an application using IAM.
For an overview of connector features, see Data source connector concepts.
For information about connector configuration best practices, see Connector configuration best practices.
Known limitations for the Amazon Q BusinessConfluence (Server/Data Center) connector
The Amazon Q Confluence (Server/Data Center) connector has the following known limitation:
Because Amazon Q Business uses email address as unique identifiers, each user must have a unique email address.