Using the web experience to create and run Amazon Q Apps - Amazon Q Business

Using the web experience to create and run Amazon Q Apps

After you enable Amazon Q Apps in the console, web experience users can then start creating, running, and publishing their own purpose-built Q Apps.

Within the Amazon Q Business web experience, users can create an Amazon Q App from an existing conversation or prompt. Users can simply generate Q Apps in a single step from their conversation with Amazon Q Business or by describing their requirements using natural language prompts.

To use the Amazon Q Business web experience, users must be granted access using IAM Identity Center. You share the endpoint URL of your web experience page with your users, who go to the URL and are authenticated to access the web experience. This endpoint URL is in the web experience settings of your application environment in the Amazon Q Business console.

To create and run Amazon Q Apps, users go to the web experience endpoint URL and then select Apps from the navigation menu. Within Apps, users can try the example prompts by selecting the Amazon Q Apps Creator in the web experience. Users can create, edit, run, publish, and delete their apps. For users to create an Q App from a conversation; once in a conversation, they can choose the Creation button to transform it into an app for use. Users can also directly create an app by describing their requirements using natural language prompts in the Amazon Q Apps Creator.

An Amazon Q App is made up of a collection of cards. A card is a UI element in the web experience that users can combine with other cards to create an app. Cards take a users' inputs, support file uploads, connect to other cards, generate text outputs, and allow actions through Amazon Q Business built-in plugins. Users can select their Amazon Q App to add, edit, or delete a card. Text output and plugin cards contain prompt instructions that determine how Amazon Q Business is queried to generate a response. When your users use the Amazon Q Apps Creator, relevant cards are auto-generated with prefilled prompts. Your users can further refine these prompts using simple, natural language. When writing or editing a prompt for a card, users can reference other cards using an @ mention to select a card from the list of cards in the app.


For tips on using effective prompting with Amazon Q Apps, see this Community Article on AWS re:Post.

Users can also instruct the cards to reference your enterprise data in Amazon Q Business or, they can specify a data source from a list of your available data sources (requires additional IAM permissions from the admin). This allows users to focus the Q App's output on a particular subset of your data, rather than querying across the entire index. For example, an app that is built to summarize weekly sales updates by geography can have the output cards with results from the data source tied to a specific geography, rather than your company's entire data repository or the LLM's foundational knowledge.

Users can then share the Amazon Q Apps that they have created with other web experience users. To do this, they open their Amazon Q App and then choose Publish to share it with other users through your company's Amazon Q Apps library.

Published Amazon Q Apps are made available in the your Amazon Q Apps library. The creator of an app can edit their own Amazon Q App and publish changes. This updates the app in the library. Other users can copy and customize a published Amazon Q App and create a new version. However, other users cannot edit the original app, only the creator can. Users can also show their support for a useful Amazon Q App by selecting the like button for the app in the library.

To have your published Q Apps become Verified, you'll need to work with your Amazon Q Business administrators. Admins can review your published apps and update the status to Verified if they determine the app meets your organization's criteria. When users access the Q Apps Library, they will see a distinct blue checkmark icon on any apps that have been marked as Verified by administrators. Verified apps are automatically surfaced to the top of the app list within each category, making them easily discoverable. . For more information, see Understanding and managing Verified Amazon Q Apps


If you update an Amazon Q App with a verified label, it will lose its verified status until the admin re-applies the label. Maintaining an app's Verified state requires ongoing collaboration with your administrators.