Create a flow using CloudFormation resources - Amazon AppFlow

Create a flow using CloudFormation resources

You may also use CloudFormation to create a connector profile and configure a flow using the AWS::AppFlow::ConnectorProfile and AWS::AppFlow::Flow resources. The following example creates a new Amazon AppFlow connection to Salesforce. Note that this leverages a Salesforce Connected App, which itself requires several steps to configure across AWS and Salesforce. See Salesforce global connected app for details.

Declare the AWS::AppFlow::ConnectorProfile entity in your CloudFormation template with the following JSON syntax:

{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion":"2010-09-09", "Resources": { "MySalesforceConnection": { "Type" : "AWS::AppFlow::ConnectorProfile", "Properties": { "ConnectorProfileName": "MySalesforceConnection", "ConnectorType": "Salesforce", "ConnectionMode": "Public", "ConnectorProfileConfig": { "ConnectorProfileProperties": { "Salesforce": { "InstanceUrl": "https://<instance-name>", "IsSandboxEnvironment": false } }, "ConnectorProfileCredentials": { "Salesforce": { "AccessToken": "<access-token-value>", "RefreshToken": "<refresh-token-value>", "ConnectorOAuthRequest": { "AuthCode": "<auth-code-value>", "RedirectUri": "" }, "ClientCredentialsArn": "<secret-arn-value>" } } } } } } }

Following is an example of YAML syntax:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Resources: MySalesforceConnection: Type: AWS::AppFlow::ConnectorProfile Properties: ConnectorProfileName: MySalesforceConnection ConnectorType: Salesforce ConnectionMode: Public ConnectorProfileConfig: ConnectorProfileProperties: Salesforce: InstanceUrl: https://<instance-name> IsSandboxEnvironment: false ConnectorProfileCredentials: Salesforce: AccessToken: <access-token-value> RefreshToken: <refresh-token-value> ConnectorOAuthRequest: AuthCode: <auth-code-value> RedirectUri: ClientCredentialsArn: <secret-arn-value>

The following examples creates a new Amazon AppFlow connection to ServiceNow.

Create ServiceNow connection - JSON

{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion":"2010-09-09", "Resources": { "MyServiceNowConnection": { "Type" : "AWS::AppFlow::ConnectorProfile", "Properties": { "ConnectorProfileName": "MyServiceNowConnection", "ConnectorType": "Servicenow", "ConnectionMode": "Public", "ConnectorProfileConfig": { "ConnectorProfileProperties": { "ServiceNow": { "InstanceUrl": "https://<instance-name>", } }, "ConnectorProfileCredentials": { "ServiceNow": { "Username": "<username-value>", "Password": "<password-value>" } } } } } } }

The following is an example of YAML syntax that creates a new Amazon AppFlow connection to ServiceNow.

Create ServiceNow connection - YAML:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Resources: MyServiceNowConnection: Type: AWS::AppFlow::ConnectorProfile Properties: ConnectorProfileName: MyServiceNowConnection ConnectorType: Servicenow ConnectionMode: Public ConnectorProfileConfig: ConnectorProfileProperties: ServiceNow: InstanceUrl: https://<instance-name> ConnectorProfileCredentials: ServiceNow: Username: <username-value> Password: <password-value>

The following implements a flow from Salesforce to S3 using a previously created Salesforce connection and S3 bucket, delivering the data in CSV format with all Salesforce source fields mapped directly.

Create Salesforce to S3 flow - JSON:

{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion":"2010-09-09", "Resources": { "MySalesforceToS3Flow": { "Type" : "AWS::AppFlow::Flow", "Properties": { "FlowName": "MySalesforceToS3Flow", "TriggerConfig": { "TriggerType": "OnDemand" }, "SourceFlowConfig": { "ConnectorType": "Salesforce", "ConnectorProfileName": "MySalesforceConnection", "SourceConnectorProperties": { "Salesforce": { "Object": "Account" } } }, "DestinationFlowConfigList" : [{ "ConnectorType": "S3", "DestinationConnectorProperties": { "S3": { "BucketName": "<s3-bucket-name>", "S3OutputFormatConfig": { "FileType": "CSV" } } } }], "Tasks": [ { "TaskType": "Map_all", "SourceFields": [], "TaskProperties": [{ "Key": "EXCLUDE_SOURCE_FIELDS_LIST", "Value": "[]" }], "ConnectorOperator": { "Salesforce": "NO_OP" } } ] } } } }

The following implements a flow from Salesforce to S3 using a previously created Salesforce connection and S3 bucket, delivering the data in CSV format with all Salesforce source fields mapped directly.

Create Salesforce to S3 flow - YAML:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Resources: MySalesforceToS3Flow: Type: AWS::AppFlow::Flow Properties: FlowName: MySalesforceToS3Flow TriggerConfig: TriggerType: OnDemand SourceFlowConfig: ConnectorType: Salesforce ConnectorProfileName: MySalesforceConnection SourceConnectorProperties: Salesforce: Object: Account DestinationFlowConfigList: - ConnectorType: S3 DestinationConnectorProperties: S3: BucketName: <s3-bucket-name> S3OutputFormatConfig: FileType: CSV Tasks: - TaskType: Map_all SourceFields: [] TaskProperties: - Key: EXCLUDE_SOURCE_FIELDS_LIST Value: '[]' ConnectorOperator: Salesforce: NO_OP

Refer to the AWS CloudFormation User Guide Amazon AppFlow chapter for details about the complete set of resource options for all sources and destinations.