KMU AWS CloudHSM のヘルプ情報を表示する - AWS CloudHSM


KMU AWS CloudHSM のヘルプ情報を表示する

AWS CloudHSM key_mgmt_util の help コマンドを使用して、使用可能なすべての key_mgmt_util コマンドに関する情報を表示します。

help を実行する前に、key_mgmt_util を起動する必要があります。



次の例は、help コマンドの出力を示します。

Command: help Help Commands Available: Syntax: <command> -h Command Description ======= =========== exit Exits this application help Displays this information Configuration and Admin Commands getHSMInfo Gets the HSM Information getPartitionInfo Gets the Partition Information listUsers Lists all users of a partition loginStatus Gets the Login Information loginHSM Login to the HSM logoutHSM Logout from the HSM M of N commands getToken Initiate an MxN service and get Token delToken delete Token(s) approveToken Approves an MxN service listTokens List all Tokens in the current partition Key Generation Commands Asymmetric Keys: genRSAKeyPair Generates an RSA Key Pair genDSAKeyPair Generates a DSA Key Pair genECCKeyPair Generates an ECC Key Pair Symmetric Keys: genPBEKey Generates a PBE DES3 key genSymKey Generates a Symmetric keys Key Import/Export Commands createPublicKey Creates an RSA public key importPubKey Imports RSA/DSA/EC Public key exportPubKey Exports RSA/DSA/EC Public key importPrivateKey Imports RSA/DSA/EC private key exportPrivateKey Exports RSA/DSA/EC private key imSymKey Imports a Symmetric key exSymKey Exports a Symmetric key wrapKey Wraps a key from from HSM using the specified handle unWrapKey UnWraps a key into HSM using the specified handle Key Management Commands deleteKey Delete Key setAttribute Sets an attribute of an object getKeyInfo Get Key Info about shared users/sessions findKey Find Key findSingleKey Find single Key getAttribute Reads an attribute from an object Certificate Setup Commands getCert Gets Partition Certificates stored on HSM Key Transfer Commands insertMaskedObject Inserts a masked object extractMaskedObject Extracts a masked object Management Crypto Commands sign Generates a signature verify Verifies a signature aesWrapUnwrap Does NIST AES Wrap/Unwrap Helper Commands Error2String Converts Error codes to Strings save key handle in fake PEM format getCaviumPrivKey Saves an RSA private key handle in fake PEM format IsValidKeyHandlefile Checks if private key file has an HSM key handle or a real key listAttributes List all attributes for getAttributes listECCCurveIds List HSM supported ECC CurveIds


