を使用して Device Farm でモバイルデバイスパッケージをアップロードしてテストする AWS SDK - AWS SDK コード例

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を使用して Device Farm でモバイルデバイスパッケージをアップロードしてテストする AWS SDK

次のコード例は、Device Farm でモバイルデバイスパッケージをアップロードしてテストする方法を示しています。

SDK for Python (Boto3)

については、「」を参照してください GitHub。用例一覧を検索し、AWS コード例リポジトリでの設定と実行の方法を確認してください。

コンパイルされた Android アプリケーションとテストパッケージを Device Farm にアップロードし、テストを開始し、テストの完了を待って、結果を報告します。

import boto3 import os import requests import string import random import datetime import time # Update this dict with your own values before you run the example: config = { # This is our app under test. "appFilePath": "app-debug.apk", "projectArn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:111222333444:project:581f5703-e040-4ac9-b7ae-0ba007bfb8e6", # Since we care about the most popular devices, we'll use a curated pool. "testSpecArn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::upload:20fcf771-eae3-4137-aa76-92e17fb3131b", "poolArn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::devicepool:4a869d91-6f17-491f-9a95-0a601aee2406", "namePrefix": "MyAppTest", # This is our test package. This tutorial won't go into how to make these. "testPackage": "tests.zip", } client = boto3.client("devicefarm") unique = ( config["namePrefix"] + "-" + (datetime.date.today().isoformat()) + ("".join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters, 8))) ) print( f"The unique identifier for this run is '{unique}'. All uploads will be prefixed " f"with this." ) def upload_df_file(filename, type_, mime="application/octet-stream"): upload_response = client.create_upload( projectArn=config["projectArn"], name=unique + "_" + os.path.basename(filename), type=type_, contentType=mime, ) upload_arn = upload_response["upload"]["arn"] # Extract the URL of the upload and use Requests to upload it. upload_url = upload_response["upload"]["url"] with open(filename, "rb") as file_stream: print( f"Uploading {filename} to Device Farm as " f"{upload_response['upload']['name']}... ", end="", ) put_req = requests.put( upload_url, data=file_stream, headers={"content-type": mime} ) print(" done") if not put_req.ok: raise Exception(f"Couldn't upload. Requests says: {put_req.reason}") started = datetime.datetime.now() while True: print( f"Upload of {filename} in state {upload_response['upload']['status']} " f"after " + str(datetime.datetime.now() - started) ) if upload_response["upload"]["status"] == "FAILED": raise Exception( f"The upload failed processing. Device Farm says the reason is: \n" f"{+upload_response['upload']['message']}" ) if upload_response["upload"]["status"] == "SUCCEEDED": break time.sleep(5) upload_response = client.get_upload(arn=upload_arn) print("") return upload_arn our_upload_arn = upload_df_file(config["appFilePath"], "ANDROID_APP") our_test_package_arn = upload_df_file( config["testPackage"], "APPIUM_PYTHON_TEST_PACKAGE" ) print(our_upload_arn, our_test_package_arn) response = client.schedule_run( projectArn=config["projectArn"], appArn=our_upload_arn, devicePoolArn=config["poolArn"], name=unique, test={ "type": "APPIUM_PYTHON", "testSpecArn": config["testSpecArn"], "testPackageArn": our_test_package_arn, }, ) run_arn = response["run"]["arn"] start_time = datetime.datetime.now() print(f"Run {unique} is scheduled as arn {run_arn} ") state = "UNKNOWN" try: while True: response = client.get_run(arn=run_arn) state = response["run"]["status"] if state == "COMPLETED" or state == "ERRORED": break else: print( f" Run {unique} in state {state}, total " f"time {datetime.datetime.now() - start_time}" ) time.sleep(10) except: client.stop_run(arn=run_arn) exit(1) print(f"Tests finished in state {state} after {datetime.datetime.now() - start_time}") # Pull all the logs. jobs_response = client.list_jobs(arn=run_arn) # Save the output somewhere, using the unique value. save_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "results", unique) os.mkdir(save_path) # Save the last run information. for job in jobs_response["jobs"]: job_name = job["name"] os.makedirs(os.path.join(save_path, job_name), exist_ok=True) # Get each suite within the job. suites = client.list_suites(arn=job["arn"])["suites"] for suite in suites: for test in client.list_tests(arn=suite["arn"])["tests"]: # Get the artifacts. for artifact_type in ["FILE", "SCREENSHOT", "LOG"]: artifacts = client.list_artifacts(type=artifact_type, arn=test["arn"])[ "artifacts" ] for artifact in artifacts: # Replace `:` because it has a special meaning in Windows & macOS. path_to = os.path.join( save_path, job_name, suite["name"], test["name"].replace(":", "_"), ) os.makedirs(path_to, exist_ok=True) filename = ( artifact["type"] + "_" + artifact["name"] + "." + artifact["extension"] ) artifact_save_path = os.path.join(path_to, filename) print(f"Downloading {artifact_save_path}") with open(artifact_save_path, "wb") as fn: with requests.get( artifact["url"], allow_redirects=True ) as request: fn.write(request.content) print("Finished")