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Available only for administrators, and only at the Professional tier, the CodeWhisperer dashboard summarizes useful data about how your developers use the service. Among the useful metrics is the acceptance rate, which indicates how often you take CodeWhisperer's suggestions.
You can filter the data in the dashboard by date range. The minimum range is two weeks and the maximum is one year. You can also filter by programming language.
To view metrics on the dashboard, you must have the cloudwatch:GetMetricData
permissions. This permission is granted to administrators as
part of Assigning CodeWhisperer administration
User activity
The User activity section indicates how many CodeWhisperer seats you are paying for, and how many of those seats are being used on a daily basis. The difference between the two is the number of subscriptions you are paying for that are not being used.
Code impact
The Lines of code generated by CodeWhisperer simply indicates how many lines of code were suggested by CodeWhisperer and accepted by your developers.
Accepted recommendations with references indicates the number of suggestions from CodeWhisperer that are based on open-source projects, the references to which CodeWhisperer makes available to you.
If you use CodeWhisperer very little over a two-week period, the Code impact section will be affected as follows:
If no recommendations are invoked for two weeks, then no data will appear in the Code impact section.
If recommendations are invoked, but none are accepted or rejected, then no data will appear in the Code impact section.
If recommendations are invoked, and none are accepted, but some are rejected, then the Acceptance rate (0%) will be displayed, but no data will appear for Lines of code generated by CodeWhisperer or Accepted recommendations with references.
Security scans
CodeWhisperer security scan is a tool that helps identify security vulnerabilities in your developers’ code.
The data shown indicates how many scans your developers have successfully run in their IDEs.