Passthrough or removal of SCTE messages
SCTE-35 messages from the input can be passed through (included) in the data stream for the following outputs.
Archive outputs with MPEG-2 as the container: You specify whether to pass through at the output level.
HLS: You specify whether to pass through at the output group level: passthrough or removal applies globally to all outputs in the output group.
UDP/TS: You specify whether to pass through at the output level: for each individual output in the output group.
SCTE-104 messages are handled for each output as follows:
If you choose to pass through the SCTE-35, then all SCTE-104 messages are converted to SCTE-35 messages (of the same message type) and included in the data stream.
If you choose to remove the SCTE-35 messages, the SCTE-104 messages are also removed.