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Listing FHIR export jobs

Listing FHIR export jobs - AWS HealthLake
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Use ListFHIRExportJobs to list FHIR export jobs for a HealthLake data store. The following menus provide a procedure for the AWS Management Console and code examples for the AWS CLI and AWS SDKs. For more information, see ListFHIRExportJobs in the AWS HealthLake API Reference.


HealthLake supports the FHIR R4 specification for health care data exchange. Therefore, all health data is exported in FHIR R4 format.

To list FHIR export jobs

Choose a menu based on your access preference to AWS HealthLake.


To list all FHIR export jobs

The following list-fhir-export-jobs example shows how to use the command to view a list of export jobs associated with an account.

aws healthlake list-fhir-export-jobs \ --datastore-id (Data store ID) \ --submitted-before (DATE like 2024-10-13T19:00:00Z)\ --submitted-after (DATE like 2020-10-13T19:00:00Z )\ --job-name "FHIR-EXPORT" \ --job-status SUBMITTED \ --max-results (Integer between 1 and 500)


{ "ExportJobPropertiesList": [ { "ExportJobProperties": { "OutputDataConfig": { "S3Uri": "s3://(Bucket Name)/(Prefix Name)/", "S3Configuration": { "S3Uri": "s3://(Bucket Name)/(Prefix Name)/", "KmsKeyId": "(KmsKey Id)" } }, "DataAccessRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::(AWS Account ID):role/(Role Name)", "JobStatus": "COMPLETED", "JobId": "c145fbb27b192af392f8ce6e7838e34f", "JobName": "FHIR-EXPORT", "SubmitTime": "2024-11-20T11:31:46.672000-05:00", "EndTime": "2024-11-20T11:34:01.636000-05:00", "DatastoreId": "(Data store ID)" } } ] }

SDK for Python (Boto3)
@classmethod def from_client(cls) -> "HealthLakeWrapper": """ Creates a HealthLakeWrapper instance with a default AWS HealthLake client. :return: An instance of HealthLakeWrapper initialized with the default HealthLake client. """ health_lake_client = boto3.client("healthlake") return cls(health_lake_client) def list_fhir_export_jobs( self, datastore_id: str, job_name: str = None, job_status: str = None, submitted_before: datetime = None, submitted_after: datetime = None, ) -> list[dict[str, any]]: """ Lists HealthLake export jobs satisfying the conditions. :param datastore_id: The data store ID. :param job_name: The export job name. :param job_status: The export job status. :param submitted_before: The export job submitted before the specified date. :param submitted_after: The export job submitted after the specified date. :return: A list of export jobs. """ try: parameters = {"DatastoreId": datastore_id} if job_name is not None: parameters["JobName"] = job_name if job_status is not None: parameters["JobStatus"] = job_status if submitted_before is not None: parameters["SubmittedBefore"] = submitted_before if submitted_after is not None: parameters["SubmittedAfter"] = submitted_after next_token = None jobs = [] # Loop through paginated results. while True: if next_token is not None: parameters["NextToken"] = next_token response = self.health_lake_client.list_fhir_export_jobs(**parameters) jobs.extend(response["ExportJobPropertiesList"]) if "NextToken" in response: next_token = response["NextToken"] else: break return jobs except ClientError as err: logger.exception( "Couldn't list export jobs. Here's why %s", err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository.

Example availability

Can't find what you need? Request a code example using the Provide feedback link on the right sidebar of this page.


To list all FHIR export jobs

The following list-fhir-export-jobs example shows how to use the command to view a list of export jobs associated with an account.

aws healthlake list-fhir-export-jobs \ --datastore-id (Data store ID) \ --submitted-before (DATE like 2024-10-13T19:00:00Z)\ --submitted-after (DATE like 2020-10-13T19:00:00Z )\ --job-name "FHIR-EXPORT" \ --job-status SUBMITTED \ --max-results (Integer between 1 and 500)


{ "ExportJobPropertiesList": [ { "ExportJobProperties": { "OutputDataConfig": { "S3Uri": "s3://(Bucket Name)/(Prefix Name)/", "S3Configuration": { "S3Uri": "s3://(Bucket Name)/(Prefix Name)/", "KmsKeyId": "(KmsKey Id)" } }, "DataAccessRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::(AWS Account ID):role/(Role Name)", "JobStatus": "COMPLETED", "JobId": "c145fbb27b192af392f8ce6e7838e34f", "JobName": "FHIR-EXPORT", "SubmitTime": "2024-11-20T11:31:46.672000-05:00", "EndTime": "2024-11-20T11:34:01.636000-05:00", "DatastoreId": "(Data store ID)" } } ] }

SDK for Python (Boto3)
@classmethod def from_client(cls) -> "HealthLakeWrapper": """ Creates a HealthLakeWrapper instance with a default AWS HealthLake client. :return: An instance of HealthLakeWrapper initialized with the default HealthLake client. """ health_lake_client = boto3.client("healthlake") return cls(health_lake_client) def list_fhir_export_jobs( self, datastore_id: str, job_name: str = None, job_status: str = None, submitted_before: datetime = None, submitted_after: datetime = None, ) -> list[dict[str, any]]: """ Lists HealthLake export jobs satisfying the conditions. :param datastore_id: The data store ID. :param job_name: The export job name. :param job_status: The export job status. :param submitted_before: The export job submitted before the specified date. :param submitted_after: The export job submitted after the specified date. :return: A list of export jobs. """ try: parameters = {"DatastoreId": datastore_id} if job_name is not None: parameters["JobName"] = job_name if job_status is not None: parameters["JobStatus"] = job_status if submitted_before is not None: parameters["SubmittedBefore"] = submitted_before if submitted_after is not None: parameters["SubmittedAfter"] = submitted_after next_token = None jobs = [] # Loop through paginated results. while True: if next_token is not None: parameters["NextToken"] = next_token response = self.health_lake_client.list_fhir_export_jobs(**parameters) jobs.extend(response["ExportJobPropertiesList"]) if "NextToken" in response: next_token = response["NextToken"] else: break return jobs except ClientError as err: logger.exception( "Couldn't list export jobs. Here's why %s", err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository.


To list all FHIR export jobs

The following list-fhir-export-jobs example shows how to use the command to view a list of export jobs associated with an account.

aws healthlake list-fhir-export-jobs \ --datastore-id (Data store ID) \ --submitted-before (DATE like 2024-10-13T19:00:00Z)\ --submitted-after (DATE like 2020-10-13T19:00:00Z )\ --job-name "FHIR-EXPORT" \ --job-status SUBMITTED \ --max-results (Integer between 1 and 500)


{ "ExportJobPropertiesList": [ { "ExportJobProperties": { "OutputDataConfig": { "S3Uri": "s3://(Bucket Name)/(Prefix Name)/", "S3Configuration": { "S3Uri": "s3://(Bucket Name)/(Prefix Name)/", "KmsKeyId": "(KmsKey Id)" } }, "DataAccessRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::(AWS Account ID):role/(Role Name)", "JobStatus": "COMPLETED", "JobId": "c145fbb27b192af392f8ce6e7838e34f", "JobName": "FHIR-EXPORT", "SubmitTime": "2024-11-20T11:31:46.672000-05:00", "EndTime": "2024-11-20T11:34:01.636000-05:00", "DatastoreId": "(Data store ID)" } } ] }

Example availability

Can't find what you need? Request a code example using the Provide feedback link on the right sidebar of this page.


FHIR export job information is not available on the HealthLake Console. Instead, use the AWS CLI with ListFHIRExportJobs to list all FHIR export jobs. For more information, refer to the AWS CLI example on this page.


FHIR export job information is not available on the HealthLake Console. Instead, use the AWS CLI with ListFHIRExportJobs to list all FHIR export jobs. For more information, refer to the AWS CLI example on this page.

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