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Update RFCs

Update RFCs - AMS Advanced User Guide
このページはお客様の言語に翻訳されていません。 翻訳のリクエスト

You can resubmit an RFC that has been rejected or that has not yet been submitted, by updating the RFC and then submitting it, or re-submitting it. Note that most RFCs are rejected because the specified RequestedStartTime has passed before submission or the specified TimeoutInMinutes is inadequate to run the RFC (since TimeoutInMinutes does not prolong a successful RFC, we recommend always setting this to at least "60" and up to "360" for an Amazon EC2 or an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group with long-running UserData). This section describes how to use the CLI version of the UpdateRfc command to update an RFC with a new RFC parameter, or new parameters using either stringified JSON or an updated parameters file.

This example describes using the CLI version of the AMS UpdateRfc API (see Update RFC). While there are change types for updating some resources (DNS private and public, load balancer stacks, and stack patching configuration), there is no CT to update an RFC.

We recommend that you submit one UpdateRfc operation at a time. If you submit multiple updates, for example on a DNS stack, the updates might fail attempting to update the DNS at the same time.

REQUIRED DATA: RfcId: The RFC you're updating.

OPTIONAL DATA: ExecutionParameters: Unless you're updating a non-required field, like Description, you would submit modified execution parameters to address the issues that caused the RFC to be rejected or canceled. All submitted non-null values overwrite those values in the original RFC.

  1. Find the relevant rejected or canceled RFC, you can use this command (you can substitute the value with Canceled):

    aws amscm list-rfc-summaries --filter Attribute=RfcStatusId,Value=Rejected
  2. You can modify any of the following RFC parameters :

    { "Description": "string", "ExecutionParameters": "string", "ExpectedOutcome": "string", "ImplementationPlan": "string", "RequestedEndTime": "string", "RequestedStartTime": "string", "RfcId": "string", "RollbackPlan": "string", "Title": "string", "WorstCaseScenario": "string"}

    Example command updating the Description field:

    aws amscm update-rfc --description "AMSTestNoOpsActionRequired" --rfc-id "RFC_ID" --region us-east-1

    Example command updating the ExecutionParameters VpcId field:

    aws amscm update-rfc --execution-parameters "{\"VpcId\":\"VPC_ID\"}" --rfc-id "RFC_ID" --region us-east-1

    Example command updating the RFC with an execution parameters file that contains the updates; see example execution parameters file in step 2 of: EC2 stack | Create:

    aws amscm update-rfc --execution-parameters file://CreateEc2ParamsUpdate.json --rfc-id "RFC_ID" --region us-east-1
  3. Resubmit the RFC using submit-rfc and the same RFC ID that you have from when the RFC was first created:

    aws amscm submit-rfc --rfc-id RFC_ID

    If the RFC succeeds, you receive no confirmation or error messages at the command line.

  4. To monitor the status of the request and to view Execution Output, run the following command.

    aws amscm get-rfc --rfc-id RFC_ID
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