How service request management works - AMS Advanced User Guide

How service request management works

Service requests are handled by the on-call AMS operations team.

After your service request is received by the AMS operations team, it's reviewed to ensure that the request is not more properly classified as an incident. If it should be classified as an incident, it's immediately reclassified, the AMS incident management team takes over, and you're notified.

If the service request can be resolved with the submission of an RFC, the reviewing operator sends you an email requesting that you submit the appropriate RFC (details are provided).

If the AMS operator can resolve the service request, steps to do so are taken immediately. For example, if the service request is for architecture advice or other information, then the operator refers you to the appropriate resources or answers the question directly.

If the analysis of your service request identifies a bug or a feature request, then AMS sends you a notification through the service request. Since there is no ETA for feature requests or bug fixes, the original service request is closed. Contact your CSDM for follow up questions related to the original service request.

If the service request is out of scope for AMS operations, the operator either sends the request to your cloud service delivery manager so they can communicate with you, or to the appropriate AWS operations team, along with an email to you, as to what steps are being taken.

The service request is not resolved until you have indicated that you're satisfied with the outcome.


We recommend providing a contact email, name, and phone number in all cases to facilitate communications.